Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Zimmerman Telegram - 1099 Words

On April 2, 1917 the United States entered WWI declaring war against Germany and its allies. The deciding factor for the U.S. to enter the war is due to one document, the Zimmerman Telegram. The document was sole proof to many Americans that Germany’s intentions were not only causing harm on European soil but bringing it across the seas to American soil. It stated that Germany had no intentions on slowing down its submarine warfare to which they hoped to keep the Americans neutral, but if they failed in doing so they offered an alliance among themselves and Mexico. The understanding was that Mexico would declare war on the United States and help the Germans and in return they would receive their land they had lost to America in years past,†¦show more content†¦This was the biggest incentive that was offered to Mexico for helping Germany if the United States declared war. It also was a enough to cause uneasiness for the U.S. because it did not know if Mexico could refu se such an offer, knowing that they had bamboozled Mexico out of more than half of its land. But this was difficult for Mexico to believe because it was such an immense promise that they believed Germany would not follow through even if they did agree to an Alliance. Shortly after the Zimmerman Telegram was made public, a political cartoon titled, â€Å"Some Promise† was released in the United States. The cartoon depicted two men standing next to each other, one leaning over the other’s shoulder with his hand over his mouth indicating that he was whispering something secretive to the other. As one man is wearing a German helmet and the other a sombrero, it is clear that this was in relation to Germany trying to tell Mexico that it wanted to make an alliance that was a â€Å"secret† from the rest of the world. The title also alludes to the desperation in the Telegram, offering such a vast amount of land, that Germany had promised Mexico in order to receive its alliance. The title in itself was a message as well to Mexico portraying that Germany was incapable of defeating the United States even with theShow MoreRelatedThe United States and World War I Essay1703 Words   |  7 Pageseventually became involved in the war e fforts. This investigation aims to evaluate the reasons the United States violated their neutrality in order to join the war. In inquiring into the reasons of the United States’ entry into the war, the Zimmermann telegram will be assessed. Primary sources, Message to Congress., 2d Sess., Senate Doc and War Messages, 65th Cong., 1st Sess. Senate Doc. No. 5 by Woodrow Wilson will also be assessed. Online sources, for example http://wwi.libRead MoreThe Legacy Of World War I962 Words   |  4 Pagesfinal lightning strike came in the form of the Zimmerman Telegram. 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However, as time went by, America’s view slowly started to change because of the fear of a possible economic collapse, unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman telegram which all led to the United States entrance into the Fist World War. A Possible Economic Collapse One reason America entered the First World War was because many feared an economic collapse. In the initially months of the First World War manyRead MoreEssay On Why Did The Us Join The Neutral Policy707 Words   |  3 PagesThe United States was prompted to abandon their neutral policy due to a number of things and events. Most recall the sinking of the Lusitania, the propaganda, and the Zimmerman telegram to be the events that triggered the U.S. the most. Of course, there are most definitely more reasons that the U.S. decided to enter the war but these are most significant events that led up to the U.S. entering the war. The U.S. had tolerated a lot from Germany, but these events were the deal breakers. The government

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