Sunday, May 24, 2020

Evaluation Of An Officer Of Public Safety, Interactive...

Module 5.8 Interview Analysis Assignment As an officer in public safety, interactive communication is a vital skill when interviewing witnesses, victims, and suspects; because they need to be able to obtain information. When questioning individuals, it is crucial not to suggest, or force an answer since officers want the interviewee to explain their story without any contamination. Some interviewers naturally develop skills which make them a good interviewer; however, many need to practice and develop these skills over time. By critically analyzing other officer’s interviews, it can enhance ones’ own skill due to being conscious of mistakes. The video produced by ESB Trust an overview of investigative interviewing (1998) observes an investigator interviewing a woman, Mrs. Hobbs, about a crime which has been committed. It is seen in the video that the interviewer uses different techniques to obtain information from the victim. At the beginning of the interview the interv iewer first offered Mrs. Hobbs a coffee which aids in building rapport by ensuring she is comfortable. The first technique used in the interview was to get Mrs. Hobbs to describe the whole story in her words. She also was asked to answer the questions in present tense. This allows fluidity to occur because the interviewer is not constantly interrupting her, allowing her to remember details which could be important later. The second technique used was for Mrs. Hobbs to draw out what had transpired. ByShow MoreRelatedSports Event Management Of The Participation Of People At An Organized Time Limited Event930 Words   |  4 PagesSports event management is the management of the participation of people to an organized time limited event. Events showcase to the public the image of a given sport and its teams hence it is crucial that a favorable image during major events be portrayed. 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