Thursday, May 14, 2020

Social Aspect Of An Adolescent - 1087 Words

The interviewee is a 56-year-old African-American woman. She is married, but she is separated from her husband. Currently, she lives with her daughter, who is a young adult. Also, she is a non-denominational Christian. Overall, she is well groomed and seems to take value in her appearance, and she seems happy. During most of interview, she was very open and passionate about each of the questions. However, she was not as interested in other questions. To begin, we first discussed her cognitive development, starting in adolescence. We talked about how and why she thought as an adolescent, and how her ways of thinking have changed. Next, we talked about how her physical capabilities and activities have changed over the years, and what lead her to these decisions. Third we discussed her personality as a teenager and what led her to act the way she did. In addition we talked about the experiences that led her personality change significantly. Lastly, we talked about the social aspect of her life, and how this affected other areas of her life such as, how she decided to parent her daughter, and what decisions she decided to make in life. To continue, when my interviewee started to drive, she would speed and drive recklessly. As a teenager, she believed she would not get injured and did take into consideration the consequences of dangerous driving. Also, she sped in order to gain social acceptance. At this stage, adolescents are extremely concerned with social rejection, andShow MoreRelatedSocial Aspect Of An Adolescent1105 Words   |  5 PagesWe talked about how and why she thought as an adolescent, and how her ways of thinking have changed. Next, we talked about how her physical capabilities and activities have changed over the years, and what lead her to these decisions. Third, we discussed her personality as a teenager and what led her to act the way she did. 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