Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Small Business Interview Analysis - 2565 Words

Schumpter (1934) saw the definition of an entrepreneur as not only individuals who bears the risk of buying and selling at uncertain prices , but more of process by which an economy moves forward through the act of creative disruption or innovation. There are many different avenues on what defines a person as an entrepreneur, the definition itself is evolving based on the society we are in today. The entrepreneur in this report when asked what he thinks is an entrepreneur in a small business, his opinion was â€Å"a person who takes control of his or her own destiny to become self employed either by setting up a business or taking over from someone else.† The purpose of this report is to investigate the nature of small business-owner-managers†¦show more content†¦Hardware zone caters to predominantly 80% to businesses and 20% to walk in customers. Personal motivation – Andrew was motivated by his wants and realising that working after graduating in Information Technology would not satisfy his wants in the near term. He was also driven from his desire to be his own boss and have a strong internal local of control. His background did not have any influence being an entrepreneur as his mum was a nurse and father an Engineer. Business founding methodology – Andrew started the business himself during the period of low barriers of entry, but spent a year working in the industry before going into it. He believes his strength in the business venture is through hard work, his technical know-how and his ability to delegate task. His weakness that he fails have let him down is his lack of administration and financial skills as well as taking on more than he can handle. His methodology believes in having strong financial support and starting off small with a plan. Operational Management – Company currently turns over just over one million dollars per annum, been in operation for 15 years and employs 4 full time and one part time administrative staff that he plans to employ full time. His marketing strategy is predominantly successful on word of mouth however allocates 5% of turnover to advertising or promotion material. He bench mark himself against other companies of similarShow MoreRelatedChapter Three : Research Methodology1634 Words   |  7 Pagesinterpretivist research philosophy has been adopted throughout this study, as the challenges of small business remain a subjective matter, which differ from one person to another. Interpretivism draws on the importance of understanding and interpreting the participants’ actions and social world from their point of view (Bryman Bell, 2007). 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