Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Reincarnation - Buddhism vs. Hinduism free essay sample
While the general idea is available in various religions, there are likewise noteworthy contrasts between the different conviction frameworks, to be specific Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, it is accepted that a suffering soul makes due after death, invests a variable measure of energy in another domain, and afterward becomes related with another body. Resurrection into the other gender or, in specific situations, into a nonhuman creature structure is viewed as conceivable. Hinduism incorporates the idea of karma, the possibility that the conditions into which one is conceived are controlled by one’s direct in different past lives. The law of karma works impartially and it inflexibly dispenses the aftereffects of one’s activities, a great many resurrections, known as samsara. There are incalculable living creatures and innumerable degrees of resurrection from those in the hells to plants, creatures, people, and divine beings. It is accepted that abhorrent karma may bring resurrection at lower levels, and great karma may bring resurrection at higher human levels or even as a divine being or goddess. We will compose a custom article test on Rebirth Buddhism versus Hinduism or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page After much otherworldly practice, and an individual at last understands their own perfect nature, all longing for the joys of the world will disappear, and the individual will stop to be renewed. The individual is said to have accomplished moksha, or salvation from samsara. It is basically when they â€Å"wake up†to the idea of the real world. The Buddhist idea of resurrection, all the more regularly called resurrection, contrasts altogether from the Hindu confidence in that there is no constant soul, soul, or everlasting self to resurrect; there is no suffering element that perseveres starting with one life then onto the next. The Buddha depicted rebirth as lighting progressive candles utilizing the fire of the former flame. Albeit each fire is coolly associated with the one that preceded it, it isn't a similar fire. At the point when one character passes on, another one appears. Buddhism encourages that what is reawakened isn't the individual however that one second offers ascend to another and that this energy proceeds significantly in the afterlife. Rather than a fixed substance, what is reawakened is a â€Å"stream of consciousness,†whose quality has been adapted by karma. It is like Hinduism in that karma decides the conditions of ensuing lives, so there is congruity between characters however not tirelessness of personality. Conditions of resurrection are not seen as remunerations or disciplines from a controlling God yet are the characteristic aftereffects of different great deeds and wrongdoings. The pattern of resurrections includes enduring and proceeds until all yearnings are lost and nirvana is accomplished. The fundamental contrast among Hinduism and Buddhism is this. Hindus have confidence in an outside presence of self which can inevitably converge into a more prominent self, and Buddhists accept that oneself is eventually transient, and its end is opportunity from material presence which is languishing. They are very various methodologies, yet the practices, for example, reflection, reciting, and self-restraint, and impacts, for example, joy and tranquility, are fundamentally the same as. Both understand that life seen through the real faculties isn't a definitive reality which is extraordinary to the material world. Both likewise have a faith in karma. Being a Christian, the possibility of resurrection is really remote and a touch of terrifying. I have gotten so used to having one life that I can't envision what it resembles to realize you will be renewed, and conceivably as a creature. As it were, I feel like Hindus and Buddhists pay attention to their religion more since there principle objective is to accomplish moksha/nirvana, and to do so they need to live a few unwanted lives. I am certain I would be behaving as well as possible as well on the off chance that I realized I could be renewed as something dreadful. It appears as though they adore significantly more frequently and endure until the finish of their resurrections, where as Christians typically simply revere once every week and appear to appreciate life more; they do no emphasis on enduring as much as they probably am aware they just have one life. I regard the thought and the two religions, however I simply make some hard memories getting a handle on the idea. In Christianity, rebirth is commonly dismissed and there is just a single life. In view of Jesus’s lessons, Christians accept that God made individuals to live endlessly in association with him. The future incorporates the revival surprisingly, a judgment, and interminable life in either paradise or damnation. Christians accept there will be where everyone’s life will be assessed. The individuals who rely upon Christ for salvation can be guaranteed that they will pass this judgment. The Bible expresses that there are two distinct results for interminable life: paradise and damnation. They are portrayed utilizing terms that appear to be allegorical: a city worked of gold in paradise, a pool of fire for damnation. While Hindus and Buddhists put stock in rebirth, karma, and freedom, Christian’s have faith in death, restoration, and judgment. Man just has one natural life and passing, and when he bites the dust his soul will be brought together with his body. Men frequently don't get reasonable or just prizes for their lives. Rather, when Jesus returns, He will pass judgment on all men and pronounce our everlasting awards based on our lives, fortunate or unfortunate. The idea of rebirth appears to offer one of the most alluring clarifications of humanity’s birthplace and predetermination. The possibility of numerous passings and resurrections is a fascinating one, however a solid faith in numerous religions, for example, Hinduism and Buddhism.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Wallace Stevens Essays - American People Of German Descent
Wallace Stevens Samantha Erck Research Paper Wallace Stevens: Inside the Gray Flannel Suit Realists, wearing square hets, Think, in square rooms, Taking a gander at the floor, Taking a gander at the roof, They bind themselves To right-calculated triangles. On the off chance that they attempted rhomboids, Cones, waving lines, circles As, the circle of the half moon- Pragmatists would wear sombreros. Six Significant Landscapes (Collected Poems p.73-75) Wallace Stevens is considerd one of the most significant writers of this century. His style was extraordinary and diffrent. The manner in which he utilized words to optain the truth of something that can't be contacted, is an astonishing and brilant ability. Stevens was an extremely fruitful lawer and agent just as an extraordinary peot. We ordinarily consider peots and specialists as starving craftsmen. Stevens was a very accommplished lawer was as yet ready to compose beautifull peotry. His peoms useually contadicted his lifestile, however that may be were he got his insperation. He had a spouse, family, and profession, he had a very queit way of life. In any case, his peotry is uproarious and unique. Wallace Stevens was conceived in 1879, in Reading, Pennsylvania. As a kid, he began at parochial schools, and later joined up with state funded schools. Wallace's folks urge him to peruse, which helped him become a superior writter. In school, Wallace was a great understudy. After secondary school, he proceeded with his instruction at Harvard University, where he got associated with two Harvard papers, first the Advocate and afterward the Harvard Monthly. In the wake of leaving school, he moved to New York City. He functioned as a columnist, and thought about a scholarly vocation. Be that as it may, his dad urged Stevens to turn into an increasingly commonsense profession in the law business. He functioned as a legal advisor for a couple of years in New York. He worked at various firms and afterward at the Fidelity and Deposit Company. He at long last settled at the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, where he turned into the VP for a mind-blowing remainder. It resembled Stevens drove two separate lives, one of a specialist and one as an artist. Stevens himself once said in a New York Times talk with, I like to believe I'm only a man, not an artist low maintenance, specialist the rest. This is a blessed thing, taking into account how rude the ravens are. I don't separate my life, simply continue living. A significant number of Stevens' fans are regularly astounded when they learn of Stevens' life as an agent. As referenced before, Wallace Stevens' work mirrored his life in numerous ways. His girl, Holly, and his significant other, Elsie were the two motivations for his sonnets. The individuals, spots, and things in Stevens' private life all affected his verse. He expounded on Florida, the Orient, his family, life, passing, religion, nature, and numerous different subjects. His verse had numerous extraordinary subjects too. He expounded on agnosticism, transcendentalism, creative mind, dreams, God, and reality. In the course of his life, Stevens distributed huge numbers of his sonnets, his most notable are Harmonium, The Man With the Blue Guitar, Transport to Summer, and The Auroras of Autumn. He additionally composed exposition, papers, and plays. Stevens peoms are unpredictable. So as to peruse the majority of his verse, it's nessassary to have a word reference close by. Stevens has a tremendous jargon and he effectively utilizes it in his verse. Many have called his work profound becauses of the philosophical parts of his sonnets. One sonnet that I like, Contrary Thesis (II) was hard for me to peruse from the start. An extract from it is a genuine case of Stevens' diffrent utilization of language: ...He strolled with his year-old kid on his shoulder. The sun shone and the pooch yapped and the child dozed. The leaves, even the grasshopper, the green insect. He needed and searched for a last shelter, From the ranting suggestions of winter What's more, the saints ? la mode. He strolled toward A theoretical, of which the sun, the canine, the kid Were forms. Cold was cooling the wide-moving swans. The leaves were falling like notes from a piano... - Contrary Thesis (II)(Collected Poems p.207) This peom is discussing a man searching for a shelter before winter comes. It is by all accounts looking at getting old, the manner in which the seasons change from fall to winter. The man who is searching for asylum is by all accounts attempting to discover where his life is taking
Psychology undefined, Darvin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Brain research indistinct, Darvin - Essay Example His Theory varies from Lamarckism in that Lamarck maintained a strategic distance from advancement, while Darwin's hypothesis remains substantial whether obtained attributes are transmitted or not, Lamarck's hypothesis becomes out of commission whenever procured characteristics can't be transmitted. Darwin's hypothesis is essentially scrutinized for nonappearance of any solid experimental logical proof on the side of the hypothesis, in regards to the unconstrained age of life or legacy starting with one then onto the next . Q2. Portray Galton's utilization of the hypothesis of development by regular determination to singular contrasts in human mental attributes. For example, what were Galton's suppositions about the idea of human mental qualities What sorts of proof did Galton acquire To what degree did the proof gathered by Galton offer solid logical help for his perspectives on singular contrasts and development of brain Answer: Galtons accepts that no creatures have ever been reproduced for general knowledge, as people we are having the high broad keenness that other living things haven't. Since no trials had been made for this, yet we can completely perceive how discerning creatures are people. We are the most elevated type of living things. Galton made an examination having a true to life work that was an assortment of savvy people.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Loot Context Essays
Plunder Context Essays Plunder Context Essay Plunder Context Essay Joe Orton was the child of a nursery worker and a mechanist, he had a conventional tutoring in Leicester, where he was conceived, and began working at 16 years old. For a long time he got frequently sacked from his managers since what he did didnt intrigue him. Around evening time he was individual from a wide range of beginner emotional social orders, what enlivened him to turn into an expert on-screen character. With the assistance of private tutition, he figured out how to get into R.A.D.A. He asserts not to have picked up anything for the main year, yet he says that he had lost his certainty. At the point when he went into Rep he got hitched to one of different understudies he got hitched to one of different understudies, obviously, this hurried relationship before long reached a conclusion. Before long enough from that point onward, Orton began to communicate his homosexuality, engaging in a relationship with another of his cohorts, this time, his name was Kenneth. This individu al experience thinks about his composition of the play Loot, where he demonstrates disregard to marriage and connections, (in actuality, Orton regularly undermined Kenneth, by cottaging). His can be plainly found in the primary scene, where Fay asks McLeavy, directly after Mrs Mc Leavys demise, in the event that he has thought about a subsequent marriage yet? Kenneth and Orton have encountered 3 months of prison during their relationship, after they had been condemned for vandalizing the fronts of open library books. During this 3-month time frame, he has been overwhelmed with this sentiment of insolence for the police power and in the play Loot, particularly; he shows this inclination and utilizations Trustcott to sabotage the police specialists. Joe Orton was affected by different plays, before he presented his contemporary works. One of these plays may be Look back in Anger by John Osborne. This play denoted the beginning of another kind on the British stage in the late 1950s. It was the principal play where a few perspectives and assessments, which before had been viewed as wrong, had now been communicated to an enormous open. Its lines are just because fundamentally the same as the consistently communicated in language, and the obtuseness of the addresses would have been very stunning for the general public at that point. For instance, Jimmy, one of the principle characters, says to Alison (his significant other) If just something-something could happen to you, and wake you out of your excellence rest! On the off chance that you could have a kid, and it would kick the bucket. This play was written in the sixties, a timeframe where individuals needed to free society from the post-war serenity disposition that had settled in the UK after WW2. The sixties were a period of progress. New music groups were affecting the new period, yet not just that: the main man on the moon, new brave famous actors such of marilyn monroe, and the womens freedom development beginning to extend, with the distributing of The ladylike Mystique by Betty Friedan.
Career Services Newsletter Highlights COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Career Services Newsletter Highlights COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Our Office of Career Services (OCS) is very active in the lives of our students. The job of OCS is to help our current students prepare for immediate engagement in the policy world upon graduation and to assist alumni with continued career development. The following are some of the highlights of the most recent OCS Newsletter that was sent to our students. This list should give you a peek into the wonderful service afforded to our students and alumni. _____________________ Economic and Political Development, Human Rights and Urban and Social Policy Alumni/Student Networking Reception On Thursday, February 17, 2011, from 6:00-8:00pm, the New York City Career Series will host the Economic and Political Development, Human Rights and Urban and Social Policy Alumni/Student Networking Reception at the Scandinavia House, 58 Park Avenue (near East 38th Street). Hundreds of alumni from the New York City area and series panelists are invited to attend. The reception will provide an exciting opportunity to network with alumni in your field of interest. Japan Travel Program for U.S. Future Leaders â€" Application Deadline: Friday, February 18, 2011 The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP), in collaboration with the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA), will implement the Japan Travel Program for U.S. Future Leaders for the third time. The goal of the program is to foster a new generation of future leaders in the United States who are interested in achieving a greater understanding of Japan and its roles in global affairs, and in engaging in dialogue and interchange with their counterparts in Japan. The Program will invite approximately twelve (12) first-year graduate students no more than two from each U.S.-based APSIA school with full membership to Japan as a group for a period of approximately ten (10) days in August, 2011. The group will consist of students who currently are or previously have been engaged in Japan studies as well as those who successfully demonstrate a serious interest in Japan but may not have previous exposure to the country. To see a sample itinerary, visit SIPAlink’s Career Resource Library section and click on “Japan Travel Program 2010 Itinerary Reference Only.†This itinerary is for illustrative purposes only. CGP will organize all aspects of official programs and bear all program-related costs of the group, including travel and per diem (accommodations and meals). Costs not covered by CGP include but are not limited to the following: passport application fees, U.S. domestic travel to and from the nearest airport, personal incidentals during the program such as gift purchases, personal time excursions, etc. F-1 Student Optional Practical Training (OPT) Information Session The International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) staff will outline your employment options for off-campus work following completion of an academic program. We will discuss eligibility requirements, time limitations, and application deadlines and procedures for off-campus employment (Practical Training) after your program of study. The New York City Career Series The New York City Career Series was established in 2005 by the Office of Career Services and is designed to provide a forum for students to discuss career trends with professionals in their fields of interest. It is comprised of approximately 20 career panels that take place throughout the school year, including topics such as Human Rights, Urban Policy, Gender Policy, the United Nations, Public and Private Consulting, Finance and Media. Panelists include a mixture of SIPA alumni and other professionals working in New York City. The Career Series allows SIPA students to make important connections for jobs, internships and informational interviews. Many of the private sector career panels were held during the fall semester, while those with a more public sector focus will be held in the spring. Here is a list of the upcoming career panels for the Spring semester: Monday, February 28, 2011: Gender Policy Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB Monday, February 28, 2011: Urban Policy and New York City Government Career Panel 6:15-7:45pm, Room 1501 IAB Tuesday, March 1, 2011: Foundations Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB Wednesday, March 2, 2011: Security and Political Risk Analysis Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB Monday, March 7, 2011: Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1510 IAB Tuesday, March 8, 2011: Social Enterprise Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB Wednesday, March 9, 2011: Non Profits/NGOs Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1501 IAB Monday, March 28, 2011: Public Sector Consulting Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB Tuesday, March 29, 2011: Environmental Policy Career Panel 6:00-7:30pm, Room 1512 IAB India Employer Outreach Trip: Report by Irene Coffman, Director of Employer Outreach In my new role as Director of Employer Outreach, I took my first overseas trip to India in November 2010, along with representatives from three other Association of Professional Schools in International Affairs (APSIA) schools. During the course of the trip we met with 28 organizations located in Mumbai and Delhi, as well as alumni. We met with a spectrum of organizations that included private sector firms, think tanks, NGOs and multilaterals that included: Monitor Inclusive Markets, Yes Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Infrastructure Development Finance Company, Azure Power, TERI (The Energy Research Institute), Oxfam India, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, Centre for Social Research, UN Development Programme, Aga Kahn Foundation, and American India Foundation. Several of the organizations we met with have already posted internships for the summer and we are in the process of following up with the rest. Peer Perspectives Series Would you enjoy the opportunity to share with your classmates your professional experiences prior to or during SIPA? Give back to the current student body by sharing your expertise in a structured setting. If you have full-time professional work experience in a specific field, sign up to be a speaker as part of the OCS Peer Perspective Series that will showcase one of SIPAs greatest resources, its student body! Alumni Career Advisory Program (ACAP) Attention students! Please note that you have access to the Alumni Career Advisory Program (ACAP), which is part of the SIPA Global Connection alumni website. ACAP is an online directory of SIPA alumni who have volunteered to serve as career mentors to current SIPA students and fellow alumni. ACAP is an excellent source for networking. Online Job Search Resources Current students have access to Vault Online Career Library. Vault is the worlds leading source of career information. It will make your efforts at researching employers, industries, and career subjects infinitely easier and more efficient. In addition, students have access to Wet Feet Library. Since 1994, WetFeet has been a trusted third party for job seekers, helping students and young professionals make smarter career decisions. The Wetfeet Career Resource Site gives you access to the complete Insider Guide library and the inside scoop on more than 1,000 companies, careers, and industries, along with videos and tips to help find and score your ideal job. Also, please check out our new subscription to the Going Global database! Packed with country-specific career information, this research tool provides expert advice and insider tips for finding employment opportunities domestically and abroad. Explore career and employment opportunities in countries around the world. Listings are updated daily. Resources include: business and networking groups, job search resources, cost of living data and more. H-1B employer listings are included in each City Guide, as well as a state-by-state roster. Access more than 400,000+ country-specific company profiles. (Available to students and alumni, UNI authentication required.)
Friday, June 26, 2020
Nationalism and Colonialism Essay - 1650 Words
Nationalism and Colonialism (Essay Sample) Content: Commonality between Nationalism and ColonialismName:Instructor:Date:Nationalism is a socio political philosophy whereby the nationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s or stateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s welfare as an entity is regarded paramount. It is essentially a collective consciousness or mind state in which people have the belief that their primary loyalty and duty is to the state. In most cases, nationalism glorifies different virtues of the nation as well as implying superiority of the nation. In nationalism, the love for the nation is likely to be overemphasized. Though a recent move that probably started during the French Revolution, nationalism has been instrumental in the formation of the bonds that keep modern states intact. Nowadays, the ideology of nationalism operates along legal structures and adds up to the formal institutions in the society, thus, providing order and cohesiveness required for a modern state to exist. On the other hand, colonialism is an ideological, economic and politica l subjugation of nations that are poorly developed either economically or socially, by the rulers of the exploiter nations. As such, there exists a similarity between nationalism and colonialism. This similarity is therefore thoroughly investigated in this paper. Additionally, an account for the commonality is also given.To begin with both ideologies are intrinsically different and therefore the difference lies in the end. In justification for this claim, nationalism portrays positivity, the love of oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s country until the individual is ready to sacrifice for the welfare of the country. On the other hand, colonialism refers to a situation where the country is under the control of external rulers. Either way, there is the overall ruler to whom all the other parties are answerable CITATION Loo05 \l 1033 (Loomba 2005). In both cases, the will of the ruler is accomplished. While the people in a country where nationalism is adopted do the will of their ruler willingly out of l ove, the colonized people still do the will of the ruler though they are coerced. To understand this better a comprehensive review of each ideology is resourceful.[Loomba, Ania. 2005. Colonialism/Postcolonialism. London: Routledge.] Starting with nationalism, the creation and spread of the ideology throughout the land is very essential in explaining the similarity. Firstly, the origins of nationalism were found in the activities of bilingual intelligentsias. Having access to the modern culture of the west in a broader sense particularly with nationalism, nation-state and nation-ness which were produced in other places during the nineteenth century. In Africa for instance, nationalism figures such as Julius Nyerere of Tanzania and Nkrumah of Ghana spoke their colonial mastersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ language, having lived in North America and Europe CITATION Ire01 \l 1033 (Irele 2001). The indigenous intelligentsia forged a consciousness of nationalist drawn from experiences and knowledge gained . They were denied positions of authority by the colonial masters and ended up becoming spokesmen for nationalism, which was anti-colonial. From this example it would not be in any contradiction to conclude that both nationalism and colonialism were made, shaped and propagated by the intellectual and political history of the Europeans. In this case, nationalism is reduced into a derivative discourse that is essentially dependent upon the language and models that were obtained from colonial masters. Partha Chatterjee, while challenging the conception of nationalism as a derivative discourse seeks to know if the nationalists in other parts of the world have to select their imaginary community from some modular forms given by the Americans and Europeans, what is then left for them to imagineCITATION Who04 \l 1033 (Chatterjee 2004). From this illustration it is noticeable that both nationalism and colonialism propagated by the Europeans are both oppressive and cause misery to the subje cts directly and indirectly. As Chatterjee continues to denote, when either nationalism or colonialism are in use even the imaginations of the subjects remain colonized forever.[Chatterjee, Partha. 2004. "Whose Imagined Community?" In Internationalising Cultural Studies:an Anthology,Internationalising Cultural Studies:an Antholog, by Ackbar Abbas, John Nguyet Erni and Wimal Dissanayke, 19-23. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.] So far it can be observed that nationalism is more or less the same as colonialism, the only difference is the fact that it is modern and the colonial masters are not present on the grounds like the colonialism of the past. However, the systems, ideologies, imaginations and forms of government applied in the countries that have upheld nationalism resemble the ones used in the colonial times. This is not nationalism as it is meant to be, but colonialism disguised in the name of nationalism CITATION Loo05 \l 1033 (Loomba 2005). In actual fact, some of the people in the countries once colonized, deny the fact that they have anti-colonial nationalism, since it focuses on a given identity and not derivation, rather on the disparities between African/Asian and western identities. Therefore, to understand nationalism, there is need to look at the ways in which colonial difference was challenged and maintained instead of only focusing on the concepts borrowed from colonial powers.[Irele, Abiola. 2001. The African Imagination: Literature in Africa the Black Diaspora. Oxford: Oxford University Press.] Drawing a difference between nationalism mirrored as a cultural concept and the same as a political drive, is critical to achieve the desired understanding. While nationalism in the view of political movement pursues to challenge the state of colonialism, nationalism in cultural concept enables the subjects who are colonized to create a personal space that is autonomous. In the second process, nationalism functions in a manner that fashions a modern de velopment that is not Western. In this case, nationalism declared sovereignty over some issues like popular culture, schooling, art, novels, religion and language CITATION Who04 \l 1033 (Chatterjee 2004). On the other hand nationalism in the reflection of a political drive fights relentlessly to remove the marks of the differences of colonialism. Colonial state powers, were premised on the idea of preservation of the separation of the group that was ruling. By affirming superiority, colonial masters could legitimize their deeds. This was followed by a couple of forms that race marked a palpable selection in many of the nations. It was also used to draw the difference of the people who could take part in forming the government and those who could join the civil society. In the same way, language was at times used as a tool to help make decisions on who were allowed the freedom to speak. Nationalism also sought to under look colonial difference by illustrating the inherent impractica lity of reconciling modern regimes of authority which were constructed by colonialists and the conditions of the colonial rule. The regimes of modern power were grounded on the justification that power would be made more humane, more effective and productive by making the social regulations a self-disciplinary aspect of normalized persons. Accepting the notion, nationalists argued that colonial rule was not in the operation of imposing new state institutions upon the indigenous society, rather it was violating and restricting the actual principles of a modern form of government.[BIBLIOGRAPHY Thomas , Martin. 2005. The French Empire Between the Wars: Imperialism, Politics and Society. Manchester: Manchester University Press.] The relationship between colonial difference and nationalism, is very resourceful even to date. It helps in the understanding and recognition of the key similarities between post-colonial nationalist states and the colonial ones, in relation to the techniques of rule, as well as the centrality of gender and rule. Gender is central in both nationalism and colonialism ideologies in the sense that women were often used as the vehicles to maintain spiritual and cultural purity. The centrality of rule is evident in both ideologies in the sense that the systems of rule used in both were similar. In actual fact, nationalism had borrowed a good number of its techniques from colonial rule.The commonality between nationalism and colonialism can be accounted for by a number of reasons. First, the two ideologies were propagated by the Europeans. This implies that the systems of rule applied in colo...
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Evaluation Of An Officer Of Public Safety, Interactive...
Module 5.8 Interview Analysis Assignment As an officer in public safety, interactive communication is a vital skill when interviewing witnesses, victims, and suspects; because they need to be able to obtain information. When questioning individuals, it is crucial not to suggest, or force an answer since officers want the interviewee to explain their story without any contamination. Some interviewers naturally develop skills which make them a good interviewer; however, many need to practice and develop these skills over time. By critically analyzing other officer’s interviews, it can enhance ones’ own skill due to being conscious of mistakes. The video produced by ESB Trust an overview of investigative interviewing (1998) observes an investigator interviewing a woman, Mrs. Hobbs, about a crime which has been committed. It is seen in the video that the interviewer uses different techniques to obtain information from the victim. At the beginning of the interview the interv iewer first offered Mrs. Hobbs a coffee which aids in building rapport by ensuring she is comfortable. The first technique used in the interview was to get Mrs. Hobbs to describe the whole story in her words. She also was asked to answer the questions in present tense. This allows fluidity to occur because the interviewer is not constantly interrupting her, allowing her to remember details which could be important later. The second technique used was for Mrs. Hobbs to draw out what had transpired. ByShow MoreRelatedSports Event Management Of The Participation Of People At An Organized Time Limited Event930 Words  | 4 PagesSports event management is the management of the participation of people to an organized time limited event. Events showcase to the public the image of a given sport and its teams hence it is crucial that a favorable image during major events be portrayed. 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The common concept inRead MoreDTTLS Assignments5208 Words  | 21 Pagesessential elements of English, mathematics and ICT that individuals need to enable them to engage successfully as citizens and progress to further learning or employment. Functional English, mathematics and ICT help learners reinforce skills in communication, problem solving, listening, time management and team working. This means that: Someone with Functional English at Level 2 should be able to write effectively, structure sentences and punctuate appropriately – for example to write a logical and
Monday, May 18, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Social Aspect Of An Adolescent - 1087 Words
The interviewee is a 56-year-old African-American woman. She is married, but she is separated from her husband. Currently, she lives with her daughter, who is a young adult. Also, she is a non-denominational Christian. Overall, she is well groomed and seems to take value in her appearance, and she seems happy. During most of interview, she was very open and passionate about each of the questions. However, she was not as interested in other questions. To begin, we first discussed her cognitive development, starting in adolescence. We talked about how and why she thought as an adolescent, and how her ways of thinking have changed. Next, we talked about how her physical capabilities and activities have changed over the years, and what lead her to these decisions. Third we discussed her personality as a teenager and what led her to act the way she did. In addition we talked about the experiences that led her personality change significantly. Lastly, we talked about the social aspect of her life, and how this affected other areas of her life such as, how she decided to parent her daughter, and what decisions she decided to make in life. To continue, when my interviewee started to drive, she would speed and drive recklessly. As a teenager, she believed she would not get injured and did take into consideration the consequences of dangerous driving. Also, she sped in order to gain social acceptance. At this stage, adolescents are extremely concerned with social rejection, andShow MoreRelatedSocial Aspect Of An Adolescent1105 Words  | 5 PagesWe talked about how and why she thought as an adolescent, and how her ways of thinking have changed. Next, we talked about how her physical capabilities and activities have changed over the years, and what lead her to these decisions. Third, we discussed her personality as a teenager and what led her to act the way she did. In addition, we talked about the experiences that led to some changes in her personality. Lastly, we talked about the social aspect of her life, and how this affected other areasRead MoreUnderstanding Human Behavior Is Filled With Information Based On Socia l Development776 Words  | 4 PagesChapter Eight of our textbook, Understanding Human Behavior was filled with information based on â€Å"Social Development in Adolescence†. In this chapter I found it entirely fascinating, in addition to being full of multiple fragments of the social transformations and obstacles that an adolescent faces. Adolescences go through a lot of changes, not only physically, but also psychologically, and socially. These changes are never experienced the same from one person to another, but there can be commonRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Society1648 Words  | 7 Pagesback over the past few decades, social media has started to evolve more quickly while pulling in people from all different age groups. 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First and Foremost in order to know what motivates identity developmentRead MoreAdolescence : Literature Review1463 Words  | 6 Pagesthey age. Adolescents are going through puberty, hormonal changes and experimenting with different social groups within their society. The culture and the social aspects of a society can shape an adolescent into an adult, whether it is to set the adolescent up to succeed or fail. Everyone has their own life path and changes can occur that affect the biological, cognitive, developmental and social aspects of a person. Keywords: adolescence, biological, cognitive, developmental, social aspects Read MoreAlcohol And Drug Addiction Among People Of Different Ages861 Words  | 4 Pagesregarding the main points, roots and underlying reasons of alcohol and drug addiction mostly in adolescents, and it also provides prevention, solutions, and recommendations to these issues in the society. Many different researches approve the fact that psychological, sociological, and biological factors are related to each other in many different ways. All these aspects are very sensitive to environmental and social factors; they also affect one another directly or indirectly. Perceptual concepts, thoughtRead MoreThe Impact of Social Media on Children Essay917 Words  | 4 PagesSocial media is quickly evolving in front of our eyes and it is almost impossible to reject and hide from this new form of media. Not only is it an important part of socialization within peer groups but now it is used to market and motivate people to become a part of a larger community. It is undeniably changing the way one communicates and how one finds and shares information. Most websites offer communication through the use of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and many various blog formatsRead MoreSocial Development And Piaget s Theory Of Cognitive Development1519 Words  | 7 Pagesintellectual, social and psychological changes occur. This essay will discuss about some transition on socio-cultural and cognitive aspects as well as two normative and a non-normative events occurring during this stage. Erikson’s theory of social development and Piaget’s theory of cognitive development has been used in this essay to discuss the transitional aspects of the adolescence. This essay further discusses about self identity and self esteem and their impact and various aspects contributingRead MoreResilience1499 Words  | 6 PagesQuestion: Discuss the impact of chronic medical conditions on adolescents and identify ways of promoting resilience or positive development. Chronic medical conditions can have significant consequences in various aspects among adolescents. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), chronic conditions are diseases that progress over a slow period of time and remain for a long duration of an individual’s life. Adolescence, as defined by WHO, is the period of life from 10-19 years of age.Read MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Society1359 Words  | 6 PagesIn a broad sense, Social media refers to elements such as websites, television, blogs, IM, and other applications that enable users to create and share various forms of content such as messages, pictures, and information, or to be able to participate in social networking. Social media depends on web-based applications, which allow a high level of virtual interaction on various levels such as social, professional, and educational levels. Social media has had various contributions to the development
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Zimmerman Telegram - 1099 Words
On April 2, 1917 the United States entered WWI declaring war against Germany and its allies. The deciding factor for the U.S. to enter the war is due to one document, the Zimmerman Telegram. The document was sole proof to many Americans that Germany’s intentions were not only causing harm on European soil but bringing it across the seas to American soil. It stated that Germany had no intentions on slowing down its submarine warfare to which they hoped to keep the Americans neutral, but if they failed in doing so they offered an alliance among themselves and Mexico. The understanding was that Mexico would declare war on the United States and help the Germans and in return they would receive their land they had lost to America in years past,†¦show more content†¦This was the biggest incentive that was offered to Mexico for helping Germany if the United States declared war. It also was a enough to cause uneasiness for the U.S. because it did not know if Mexico could refu se such an offer, knowing that they had bamboozled Mexico out of more than half of its land. But this was difficult for Mexico to believe because it was such an immense promise that they believed Germany would not follow through even if they did agree to an Alliance. Shortly after the Zimmerman Telegram was made public, a political cartoon titled, â€Å"Some Promise†was released in the United States. The cartoon depicted two men standing next to each other, one leaning over the other’s shoulder with his hand over his mouth indicating that he was whispering something secretive to the other. As one man is wearing a German helmet and the other a sombrero, it is clear that this was in relation to Germany trying to tell Mexico that it wanted to make an alliance that was a â€Å"secret†from the rest of the world. The title also alludes to the desperation in the Telegram, offering such a vast amount of land, that Germany had promised Mexico in order to receive its alliance. The title in itself was a message as well to Mexico portraying that Germany was incapable of defeating the United States even with theShow MoreRelatedThe United States and World War I Essay1703 Words  | 7 Pageseventually became involved in the war e fforts. This investigation aims to evaluate the reasons the United States violated their neutrality in order to join the war. In inquiring into the reasons of the United States’ entry into the war, the Zimmermann telegram will be assessed. Primary sources, Message to Congress., 2d Sess., Senate Doc and War Messages, 65th Cong., 1st Sess. Senate Doc. No. 5 by Woodrow Wilson will also be assessed. Online sources, for example http://wwi.libRead MoreThe Legacy Of World War I962 Words  | 4 Pagesfinal lightning strike came in the form of the Zimmerman Telegram. 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It is said that this was the most important event that pushedRead MoreWorld War 1 Summary881 Words  | 4 PagesOn January 19, 1917, a secret telegram from Germany’s foreign secretary was intercepted by British intelligence. The telegram contained information on Germany’s plans to ally with Mexico and although the plans never came into action, it backfired on the Germans, eventually leading their demise. Because of this, World War 1 was won by the Allied forces, thus, helping the United States develop as a new world power. In the telegram Zimmerman sent, he begins by stating the German’s intentions of unleashingRead MoreThe War Was Going On America1606 Words  | 7 Pagespeople. For example, the Germans who were a large immigrant group during that time. However, as time went by, America’s view slowly started to change because of the fear of a possible economic collapse, unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman telegram which all led to the United States entrance into the Fist World War. A Possible Economic Collapse One reason America entered the First World War was because many feared an economic collapse. In the initially months of the First World War manyRead MoreEssay On Why Did The Us Join The Neutral Policy707 Words  | 3 PagesThe United States was prompted to abandon their neutral policy due to a number of things and events. Most recall the sinking of the Lusitania, the propaganda, and the Zimmerman telegram to be the events that triggered the U.S. the most. Of course, there are most definitely more reasons that the U.S. decided to enter the war but these are most significant events that led up to the U.S. entering the war. The U.S. had tolerated a lot from Germany, but these events were the deal breakers. The government
Small Business Interview Analysis - 2565 Words
Schumpter (1934) saw the definition of an entrepreneur as not only individuals who bears the risk of buying and selling at uncertain prices , but more of process by which an economy moves forward through the act of creative disruption or innovation. There are many different avenues on what defines a person as an entrepreneur, the definition itself is evolving based on the society we are in today. The entrepreneur in this report when asked what he thinks is an entrepreneur in a small business, his opinion was â€Å"a person who takes control of his or her own destiny to become self employed either by setting up a business or taking over from someone else.†The purpose of this report is to investigate the nature of small business-owner-managers†¦show more content†¦Hardware zone caters to predominantly 80% to businesses and 20% to walk in customers. Personal motivation – Andrew was motivated by his wants and realising that working after graduating in Information Technology would not satisfy his wants in the near term. He was also driven from his desire to be his own boss and have a strong internal local of control. His background did not have any influence being an entrepreneur as his mum was a nurse and father an Engineer. Business founding methodology – Andrew started the business himself during the period of low barriers of entry, but spent a year working in the industry before going into it. He believes his strength in the business venture is through hard work, his technical know-how and his ability to delegate task. His weakness that he fails have let him down is his lack of administration and financial skills as well as taking on more than he can handle. His methodology believes in having strong financial support and starting off small with a plan. Operational Management – Company currently turns over just over one million dollars per annum, been in operation for 15 years and employs 4 full time and one part time administrative staff that he plans to employ full time. His marketing strategy is predominantly successful on word of mouth however allocates 5% of turnover to advertising or promotion material. He bench mark himself against other companies of similarShow MoreRelatedChapter Three : Research Methodology1634 Words  | 7 Pagesinterpretivist research philosophy has been adopted throughout this study, as the challenges of small business remain a subjective matter, which differ from one person to another. Interpretivism draws on the importance of understanding and interpreting the participants’ actions and social world from their point of view (Bryman Bell, 2007). This study emphasis on understanding the challenges in small business in contrast to predicting the challenges which would otherwise require a positivist stance,Read MoreThe Role Of Effective Qualitative Research Methods And Approaches1422 Words  | 6 Pagesof the Business Degree at UWS, the report request comes from the module of business research skills. The first part of this report will focus on the role of effective qualitative research methods and approaches. This will include the features of data, design and analysis, it will also discuss the strengths and limitations of qualitative research. The report will then look at how to apply a qualitative analysis technique in relation to the provided transcript of an interview, the interview is betweenRead MoreHow Relationship Marketing Impacts Consumer Buying Decisions Essay1059 Words  | 5 Pages The paper will consist and analyse methods and data including interviews, observation, journals and marketing material. The paper will then focus on three different aspects in consideration towards the paper title ‘How does relationship marketing impact consumer buying decisions’, drawing on relationship marketing, customer retention and the impact on direct selling. 2. Methods and Data The data collected consisted of interviews with individuals from the top to the bottom of the hierarchy inRead MoreThe Importance Of Market Research. Market Research Is Important1396 Words  | 6 PagesThe Importance of Market Research Market research is important because it is essential for â€Å"business insights, measurement, knowledge, and tools that are used for achieving higher levels of market performance and stakeholder value†(Bont Hamersveld, 2007, p. 102). Business insight means that the data has to be combined into information which is converted into insights. Measurement means that the reports should not be subjective opinion and has to be solely based on measurements. Knowledge isRead MoreAnswers to Questions and Exercises1114 Words  | 5 PagesWhy are small businesses important to the U.S. economy? Small businesses create new jobs, foster entrepreneurship and innovation, and supply goods and services needed by larger businesses. What is the difference between a small-business owner and an entrepreneur? A person may be a small-business owner only, an entrepreneur only, or both. For example, a person who opens a small pizza parlor with no plans to grow and expand is not really an entrepreneur. The basic distinction between small-businessRead MoreA Research Study On Online Interviews1480 Words  | 6 PagesMethodology Online interviews: a list of questions relevant to the research topic shall be prepared by the research team. The questions will revolve around the strategies that small businesses can employ to gain a large customer base. Online interviews can be done through computer systems like Skype, IMO and also through telephone calls (McMunn 23). This method is very efficient because the research team can deal with a big number of people at the convenience of one’s location without the participantsRead MoreSampling And Non Random Sampling1344 Words  | 6 Pagesselected (Marchevsky, 2000). The response rate of the questionnaire was low as expected at 26. 08 %. Of the 46 companies which were sent, only 12 completed questionnaires could be collected. A request for interview was also sent to these companies of which only three gave permission and with whom interviews were conducted. Research Ethics Research ethics specifies the way the researchers’ ought to conduct themselves while conducting scientific research (Shrader-Frechette, 1994). As this research involvedRead MoreMain Disadvantage. Participants’ Opinions And Feelings1640 Words  | 7 PagesMain Disadvantage Participants’ opinions and feelings aren’t considered. The analysis is therefore less in-depth and tends to give only a superficial understanding of the emotions or reasons associated with the answers given, although it can be used to measure the extent or degree of participants’ attitudes. If only a small sample can be obtained, and because each answer is unique, the information won’t necessarily represent the entire population. Results Results tend to be conclusive and come withRead MoreIndividual: Service Request Sr-Rm-022, Part 11192 Words  | 5 Pagesintegrate and change the HR applications with a new state-of-the-art information system. The company wants to have the HR department to have the ability to assesses resources and tools all in one application. Who are stakeholders? In the IT and business field, the stakeholders can be many different people. Talks of tech have a great definition of stakeholders stating that: Any person who has interests in an existing or proposed information system. Stakeholders may include both technical and non-technicalRead MoreRecommending a Marketing Mix for a Product or Service1604 Words  | 7 Pagesthis report, the purpose was compared and contrasted which 4Ps is better to the Pepsi and wanted more people to buy it. The thesis was compare and contrasts the Pepsi with the competitor - Coca Cola. So the report needed find some information and interview some people. The key finding was that SWOT and 4Ps is very important to the product. And the key conclusion and recommendation was the first 4Ps is better than the second one. 1.0 Introduction 2.1 State the objectives of the research
Impace of AASB on Australian Firms-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.You are to report on the Processes used to make changes to Australian Accounting Standards. 2.Write a report as if you were responding to the Call for Comment. Answers: Introduction An accounting standard is a basis of accounting that applies to various transactions and events of accounting. All the organisations are expected to prepare their financial statements on the basis of these standards. If there is any change in the methods, then proper disclosure must be given by the company. The framing body that frames these standards has to apply a lot of rational thinking before framing them. The standards must be easy to understand, price and clear. It is important that the members of the board of AASB, that is part of the framing comity, takes into consideration all the people who depend on these standards and policies to show the true state of business affairs. While in the process of formulation of the accounting standards the Australian stakeholder can also suggest the board regarding some technical issue that they face and the board can comment on the same. After the issue is identified, a project proposal will be designed which will cover all the important p oints relating to the project. The overall benefits, the total cost consideration and what affect it will have on the organisations. (Abbott Kantor, 2017). 1.One of the most important functions of the AASB is the preparation and presentation of the accounting standards. This standard setting process is a technical process and a lot has to be considered before the formation of particular standard. The process starts with identification of technical issue that may be there in the accounting process. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) or the IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) identifies it. Since January 1, 2005, the Australian government has adopted IFRS, therefore all the issues that were part of the IASB or the IFRIC committee were also a part of the AASB. The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) also identified the issues. The main work of the AASB is to monitor the work of the (IPSASB), and take its decision based on the same. It undertakes works on particular topics and then comment on the same(Chariri, 2017). The Australian stakeholder can also suggest the board regarding some technical issue that they face and the board can comment on the same. After the issue is identified, a project proposal will be designed which will cover all the important points relating to the project. The overall benefits, the total cost considerati on and what affect it will have on the organisations. After considering all the factors, it will be decided whether to carry forward the project. If the project is considered it will be added to the agenda, once the agenda is considered the AASB will look into the specific details of the matter based on the reports submitted by the members of the board. Relevant materials may be taken from the other standard setting board like the IASB, the IPSASB and the New Zealand Accounting Standards Board, or from other organisations. After the research is completed, proper consultation is taken from the stakeholders. All the necessary public documents related to the project like the exposure draft that is a draft on the proposed standard, invitation to comment, draft interpretations and discussion papers are made available to the public and the stakeholders to give their comment on the same. The AASB may choose to issue international document in Australia in line with the standards that they are considering for framework. The other ways to getting proper opinion for the proposed standards is by Roundtable discussions, Project Advisory Panels, Interpretation Advisory Panels etc(Abbott Kantor, 2017). After considering all the opinions, the board may decide to issue the pronouncement either in the form of document, or an announcement. When it comes to standards for the profitable organisations, they must be in line with the international standards that are issued by the international bodies like the IFRS. It is to make sure that the standards that are issued by the AASB must be in line with the IFRS. In case of AASB, it follows a neutrality policy, where transaction whether it belong to a public company or private company, it must follow the same basis of accounting. It does not matter whether it is a profit oriented industry or a non-profit industry. After the formation of the draft, it is submitted to the international organisations after taking into considerations all the inputs and feedbacks that it received from various sources. After finalisation, the board looks after the proper implementation of the proposed standards and makes sure that all the companies on which it is ap plicable follows the same to the best of their ability, with proper disclosure(Guragai, Hunt, Neri, Taylor, 2017). While making changes to the existing standards, the board considers any kind of technical issues that the companies or the stakeholders are facing. After doing proper research into the matter and taking knowledge about the same in conformity with the other international standards, the board will follow the e same method of preparation and presentation of the draft, and then implement the same and monitor the results. This is the standards procedure for formation of the standards and for making any changes to the exsisting standards. The main point is that all the standards that the AASB develops are in line with the international standards that are framed by the international organisations. All the changes that the board proposes in the relevant standards are given out in the media news with all the necessary details. Details about the same can be ascertained on the of ficial site of the company(Drew Grant, 2017). While developing these standards it is important that the board must consider the local domestic issues that the companies in Australia faces because of any technical issues. It is important that the same must be considered while formation of the standards. The boards ask for feedbacks from various stakeholders and corporate on the proposed draft that is related to any standard in various ways. It releases exposure draft on which the public can give their feedback; it also arranges panel discussions, in house discussions, to get the opinion of the people who might be affected by the decision of the standard(Maynard, 2017). After taking all the feedback that is necessary the board incorporates the same, that is feel is relevant in the proposes draft and then finalises the same. The companies have the option to make proposals to the board in cases where they might find any technical issues and ask the board to provide a solution on the same. While formation of the standard the board co nsiders all these recommendations that are given by the companies in its board report. The domestic body prepares the standard that is in line the international financial reporting standards but are not copied. They are amended to suit the needs of the local companies so that the essence of accounting is maintained. The only changes are there that is present is in the execution of the method, the method always remains the same. Like in the case of AASB 136, the board has issued specific rules for non-profit and profit organisations to suit the needs of the local companies(Bond, Govendir, Wells, 2016). Thus, there are many ways by which the Australian board can consider the demands and the needs of the local bodies to suit their compliances with the accounting standards. The demands of the domestic companies must be taken into consideration. These standards are based on the international standards but are amended as per the domestic companies. This is the main basis of formation of the domestic standards on basis of the international counterparts and how they affect the domestic companies is in the hands of the forming bodies that are responsible for setting up these standards as per the needs of the company(Birt, Muthusamy, Bir, 2017). 2.Introduction The ED 116 is issued for the recognition of the property plant and equipment of the company. It gives basis to the relevance of fir value in accounting and measurement. As per the AASB consideration, if the companies adopt this method for valuation of their plant property and equipment, they will have more benefits and the overall cost will reduce. After considering all the points that the board laid down in the matter of adoption of these policies, it can be stated that adoption of fair value analysis is better because it is more financially viable then recognition based on historical data. The rules have been set out for the profit and the non-profit organisation. It is said that the in case of revaluation of any class of asset, the net revaluation shall be recognised under the heading of revaluation surplus. It has also been laid down that if the companies are acquiring any asset at cost the company shall recognise less than the fair value, then the extra amount as surplus. The ma in point to be considered is that the company should recognise all the fixed assets at the fair value so that the accounting transactions and records are more viable. As a critic, if a comment is to be given on the proposed draft of the board, it can be said that the change is very effective and will help in improving transparency in the business, if fair value approach is followed. Previously while recognising fixed assets and calculating depreciation, historical costs were considered which often led to under or over valuation of the assets of the company. Moreover the propend exposure is in line with the international standards that have been framed in this regard this lends a uniformity to the overall transaction and the business of the company much more viable when it comes to international terms. The disclosure policies under this standard are also very simple, with importance given to recognition of the cost-carrying model along with the fair value recognition. However, the sa me does not apply to the non-profit companies. The board can made specific changes in the proposed standard for non-profit and profit generating organisations of the country(Minnis Sutherland, 2017). Analysis If we see closely the main points that have been stated by the board for the adoption and modification of the new standard is that previously the revenue-based models that were used by the companies for calculation of the net depreciation is not correct. This is because when the revenue-based model is used, the depreciation calculated does not show reduction in the economic benefit of the asset, because many other points are also taken into consideration. Hence, it does not provide a very clear picture. It is thus considered that fair value approach must be followed for recognition of the assets and the calculation of depreciation. It is a very good step that the board has proposed specific changes, that are applicable to the profit and the non-profit generation companies, based on their functioning(Drew Grant, 2017). With changes in the method of calculation and recognition of the asset, the large number of companies over the world will also be affected. The industries like minning and petroleum and mostly that are based on manufacturing, will be affected. As previously there were many different methods to calculate the total csost of manufacture and record the same, so companies who were not in this field found it difficult to analyse.These standards are proposed keeping in view establishing uniformity between the various accounting policies and assumptions of the countries around the world. The manufacturing sector is the biggest sector that uses these plants and equipments for manufacture of products. Changes in the method of depreciation and to recognise them at their fair value will affect the overall financials of the company. Now since recognition will be at fair value, it will help in improving the overall profitability of the company, as it will help in improving the overall transparency . Correct value of depreciation without considering the various other factors just on the basis of the economic value of the asset, will help in improving the overall profitability of the company, as les depreciation will mean more profit but the companies will have to pay more taxes, this is a drawback for the company. However, for the government it will be beneficial to adopt such methods. Conclusion The need of a "one size fits all" approach in relation to the various other international standards framing body is more or less important and in the long run much more viable. If the independent board forms their won standard that is different from the international bodies, it will not lead to uniformity between the accounting standards within different countries. If the basis is the same, with some modification as per the requirements, it will help in inter firm and intra firm comparison between the countries and help the companies to judge the effectiveness and their standing in the international world. In case the need arises that, the domestic companies are facing many issues because of the international standards or the technicalities are too much, then the domestic board can make changes but that should be in line with the international standards. There are many advantages of uniformity, as it will help in maintaining the same accounting language all over. In the end, when the domestic companies will start expanding their business it will be helpful. The preparation and presentations of the books of accounts become much easier. It will help them to be in par with their foreign counterparts in different parts of the world. It also helps in making international comparisons, and the foreign investors find it easy to invest in such companies that prepare their books in line with the international standards.Thus the major recommendatiosn will be that all the domestic bodies should thus take proper advice from all the stakeholders and prepare their standards keeping in mind the need of the hour and in order to provide the best solution to any proposed problem. They might modify when the need arises but the base should be the same. It must not deviate from the essence of accounting that is proposed by these international standards(Abbott Kantor, 2017). After the entire analysis, we can say that formation of accounting standards should be such that it helps in reflecting the true state of affair of the company and reflects the overall financial viability of the company. It is a long process that the board undertakes to form the standards that must comply with the international rules and be in favour of the domestic companies. However, adoption of the IFRS is very important because in the end it will help in improving the standard of comparison between the various international companies. Companies will have a basis that will help them in analysing their work in relation to their international counterparts. Overall, the adoption of the international standards for formation of domestic standards is a very good approach and will be very helpful in the end. It will help in establishing a single accounting language all over the world(Malone, Tarca, Wee, 2016). References Abbott, M., Kantor, A. (2017). Fair Value Measurement and Mandated Accounting Changes: The Case of the Victorian Rail Track Corporation. Australian accounting Review . Birt, J., Muthusamy, K., Bir, P. (2017). "XBRL and the qualitative characteristics of useful financial information". Accounting Research Journal , 30 (1), 107-126. Bond, D., Govendir, B., Wells, P. (2016). An evaluation of asset impairments by Australian firms and whether they were impacted by AASB 136. Accounting and Finance , 56 (1), 259-288. Chariri, A. (2017). FINANCIAL REPORTING PRACTICE AS A RITUAL: UNDERSTANDING ACCOUNTING WITHIN INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK. Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy , 14 (1). Drew, J., Grant, B. (2017). Introduction to Australian Local Government Economics and Finance. Australia: Local Government in Australia. Guragai, B., Hunt, N., Neri, M., Taylor, E. (2017). Accounting Information Systems and Ethics Research: Review, Synthesis, and the Future. Journal of Information Systems: Summer 2017 , 31 (2), 65-81. Malone, L., Tarca, A., Wee, M. (2016). IFRS non-GAAP earnings disclosures and fair value measurement. Accounting and Finance/ , 56 (1), 59-97. Maynard, J. (2017). Financial accounting reporting and analysis (second ed.). United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Minnis, M., Sutherland, A. (2017). Financial Statements as Monitoring Mechanism: Evidence from small Commercial loans. Journal Of Accounting Research , 55 (1), 197-233. Smith, M. (2017). Research Methods in Accounting (FOURTH ed.). London: SAGE PUBLICATIONS
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Sonnet 72 Shakespeare Essay Research Paper William free essay sample
Sonnet 72 Shakespeare Essay, Research Paper William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer s twenty-four hours? a Thou art more lovely and more temperate: B Rough air currents do agitate the darling buds of May, a And summer s rental hath all excessively short a day of the month: B Sometime excessively hot the oculus of heaven radiances degree Celsiuss And frequently is his gilded skin color dimmed, vitamin D And every carnival from just sometimes declines, c By opportunity, or nature s altering class, untrimmed ; d But thy ageless summer shall non melt, e Nor lose ownership of that just 1000 ow st ; degree Fahrenheit Nor shall decease crow 1000 wander st in his shadiness, vitamin E When in ageless lines to clip thou grow st: degree Fahrenheit So long as adult male can take a breath, or eyes can see, g So long lives this and this gives life to thee g 3 Sentences: 1st sentence: line 1 2nd sentence: lines 2 # 8211 ; 8 3rd sentence: lines 9 # 8211 ; 14 This is a Shakespearian sonnet with no features of a Petrarchan sonnet. Glossary Temperate centrist Darling really beloved Rent the term during which ownership is guaranteed Date the clip during which something stopping points Complexion coloring material, seeable facet, visual aspect To worsen to decrease, lessening, deteriorate Untrimmed non carefully or neatly arranged or attired Fair beauty, equity, good expressions Eternal space in past and future continuance, without get downing or stop To boast to declare or asseverate vauntingly SHALL I COMPARE THEE TO A SUMMER S DAY Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare is one of the sonnets that describe the outstanding beauty of an unspecified lover and clip as a relentless violator with no clemency for anyone or anything. The lone manner to withstand clip is to go immortal in poetry. The character is the I in line 1 and he ( Shakespeare himself? ) is turn toing a individual ( a him or a her ) whom he adores. The description of the beauty of the unknown lover is the cardinal idae throughout the sonnet and the component of clip makes its first visual aspect in line 4 where it says And summer s rental hath all excessively short a day of the month. This signifies the limited clip during which the positive qualities of summer are at their best. The beauty is described in the form of an reply to the inquiry posed in the first line: Shall I compare thee to a summer s twenty-four hours? This inquiry is merely intended to present the topic, which is the beauty of the lover. It is non relevant if the poet does or does non compare him or her to a summer s twenty-four hours. Of more importance is the consequence of this comparing. What so is the consequence of the comparing? Already in line 2 it becomes clear that the object of esteem is preferred to the summer s twenty-four hours. The undermentioned lines ( lines 3 to 8 ) nowadays a figure of negative qualities of summer. These can be reduced to two BASICs thoughts which are joined in line 4: And summer s rental hath excessively abruptly a digital audiotape vitamin E. The first thought presented is the thought that the beauty of summer is non stable. Sometimes there are Rough air currents ( line 3 ) , the Sun may be excessively hot ( line 5 ) or non bright plenty ( line 6 ) . The lover is described as more temperate in line 2 and hence less prone to change between extremes. The 2nd basic thought is the thought that clip ends everything. The impression of clip is already present in line 1 in which the summer s twenty-four hours is mentioned, the twenty-four hours being one of the steps of clip. Then in line 7 it says that every beauty at one clip or another is affected either by opportunity or by the alteration of season ( nature s altering class line 8 ) , in this instance the terminal of summer. The object of the character s worship does non endure from this finitude. His ageless summer s twenty-four hours shall non melt, or, as described in line 10, his beauty will stay his forever and the personification of decease in line 11 shall non be able to do him follow him into the kingdom of the dead. This unsusceptibility from devouring clip is accomplished by immortalisation in lines of poetry. These lines will even do stronger and more beautiful as clip returns, as line 12 points out. The usage of the word eternal in this line every bit good as in line 9 ( ageless summer ) contrasts aggressively with the thought of finitude attached to a summer s twenty-four hours ( line 1 ) and every carnival ( line 7 ) . The immortalisation is continued in the concluding lines: life will be preserved by the readers of these poetries in old ages and old ages to come. The sentence structure and signifier in general work together. Most lines constitute a grammatical integrity, there is no enjambement. The first words of the lines frequently indicate the beginning of a new grammatical unit. The word and, for illustration, is used as the gap word in three lines. A Shakespearian sonnet consists of three quatrains and a pair. This besides applies to sonnet 18. The first quatrain introduces the topic. The 2nd quatrain presents a generalization of the thought that no beauty lasts everlastingly. The 3rd quatrain, competently introduced by but ( a clear bend ) , states that the beauty of the individual this verse form is addressed to is something that can non be touched by clip. The concluding pair, in really consistent iambic pentameter, encapsulates the thought of ageless life through versification. The metre is iambic pentameter and the beat is reasonably regular throughout the sonnet. However, in a figure of lines there are spondaic pess, used to underscore menaces to the beauty and the thought of infinity. Clear illustrations of this are the Rough air currents in line 3 and the decease that will non boast in line 11. In the latter illustration the menace of decease is reinforced by the vowel rhyme between the words decease and crow. Line 9 is an interesting line as respects the beat. For the last two pess reinforce the bend, introduced by the But. A regular beat would hold a emphasis on shall, followed by an unstressed non. However, the opposite is true. This clearly adds to the contrasting quality of this line: after two regular iambic pentameters the emphasis on the non following the introductory But leaves no uncertainty about the bend the reader witnesses in this line. A genuinely beautiful illustration of a Shakespearian bend.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
GMAT Essay - Sample toefl Essay
GMAT Essay - Sample toefl EssayA good sample toefl essay is important to test for GMAT as well as GMAT practice. It will also help you to learn from the mistakes that you made in writing your own sample essay. Remember to keep it short and concise. It is a sample essay and should not be more than 300 words.Sample can be obtained from any of the sites that are out there. You can also ask the tutors, counselors or professors of your colleges to provide you sample essays. Sometimes you may even get it from your professors. It is good if you are able to ask them before writing your own essay. It will help you to see if you are capable to write the sample.Sample toefl essay should have all the rules of the GMAT. It is necessary to check for all the questions in your sample and write down all the details about them. The guide to essay writing has information about sample tests that will help you answer all the questions. Then write down what you have learned in your sample so that you will be able to write another one in the future.If you have not seen the sample in writing yet, now is the time to do so. Study it so that you will be able to write it. If you have doubts about whether you are capable to write it, do some research. Talk to your tutor or someone that will help you write it. They can be a professor, advisor or a tutor. Also, don't forget to put in the list of questions that you would like to ask.It will help you if you are able to study it from the internet. Search for websites that provide sample GMAT. They offer essays in PDF format so that you can download them easily. You can print them out. Read through it and if you find any grammatical errors, correct them immediately. Write the sample to the guide.Finally, write your sample essay on paper so that you will be able to see it in writing. There are a lot of factors that you need to consider while writing the essay. You need to use descriptive words, simple sentences and a logical pattern. As long as y ou are following these rules, you will be able to write the sample so that you will be able to test for GMAT.Sample toefl essay is one of the important tools that you will need to get prepared for GMAT. It will also help you to learn from the mistakes that you made in writing your own sample essay. Remember to keep it short and concise. It is a sample essay and should not be more than 300 words. Prepare for GMAT now.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
August Wilsons Fences Essays - Fences, The Pittsburgh Cycle, Tragedy
August Wilsons Fences It is easy to make the case that August Wilson's play Fences is a tragedy and that Troy Maxson is its tragic protagonist. Few comedies end with a funeral, and there is no denying that Troy's character and life are the stuff of tragedy. But Wilson's vision is much larger than Troy's heroic side, his deeds and omissions. Troy, for all his strengths, is flawed humanity in need of grace and forgiveness. Such grace and forgiveness are the spirit of true comedy, and a case can be made for viewing Fences as a comedy or, perhaps, a metacomedy. The term is taken from Christopher Isherwood, who took it from Gerald Heard: I think the full horror of life must be depicted, but in the end there should be a comedy which is beyond both comedy and tragedy. The thing Gerald Heard calls 'metacomedy' [...] (421). Metacomedy, then, is a vision that transcends the immediately comic or tragic. It is not evasive and it has room for pain, for heartache, for alienation, even for death, because it affirms the values of mercy, forgiveness, and sacrifice, which adversity calls forth. For a religious person, metacomedy is what Christopher Fry called a narrow escape into faith and a belief in a universal cause for delight (17). Fry's metaphor for life is a book of alternating pages of tragedy and comedy. As we read (that is, live) the book, we are anxious about what the last page will be. The comic vision holds that on the last page all will be resolved in laughter (17). The essence, therefore, of metacomedy is hope, and Fences is a lesson in hope. First there is hope for a better future for African Americans and by extension, for all humankind. If we view Troy's earthly life as an autonomous whole, we are looking at an ultimately tragic book of life. But if we view Troy's life as a page in an ongoing saga, perhaps we can see it not only as a prelude to a happier time but as a success story of itself. George Meredith advises us that to love comedy we must know human beings well enough not to expect too much of them though you may still hope for good (325). What should a realist expect of Troy Maxson, who was abandoned by his mother at age eight, fled a brutal, lustful father at age fourteen, began to steal for a living, and served fifteen years on a murder charge? One can only hope for some measure of good, and Troy exceeds a realist's expectations. He holds a steady but disagreeable job as a garbage collector, supports a wife and son, stays sober six days a week, wins his own private civil-rights battle to become a driver, and remains faithful to Rose for eighteen years before he falls. Moreover, August Wilson presents us with a multigenerational vision in which our sense of waste is more than balanced by an infusion of hope. Fences is about the always imperfect quest for true manhood. Troy's father was less of a true man than Troy, but he was a worker and a provider. Troy, even as a runaway, carried with him his father's virtues along with a considerable lessening of the father's harshness and promiscuity. To Troy's credit he can appreciate his father's legacy and forgive his evil side: But I'll say this for him [...] he felt a responsibility toward us. [...] he could have walked off and left us [...] made his own way (716). It is Troy's capacity for gratitude and forgiveness that his son Cory must internalize on the morning of Troy's funeral. After a seven-year absence, the young man has returned in his marine uniform, proudly wearing his corporal's stripes. There is an aura of maturity about him but also a lingering bitterness--he refuses to attend his father's funeral. Troy's mother, Rose, articulates the deep truth that Cory does not want to face. Rose. You just like him. You got him in you good. Cory. Don't tell me that, Mama. Rose. You Troy Maxson all over again. Cory. I don't want to be Troy Maxson. I want to be me. Rose. You can't be nobody
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Understanding Scaled Scores on Standardized Tests
Understanding Scaled Scores on Standardized Tests Scaled scores are a type of exam score. They are commonly used by testing companies that administer high stakes exams, such as admissions, certification and licensure exams. Scaled scores are also used for K-12 Common Core testing and other exams that assess student skills and evaluate learning progress. Raw Scores vs. Scaled Scores The first step to understanding scaled scores is to learn how they differ from raw scores. A raw score represents the number of exam questions you answer correctly. For example, if an exam has 100 questions, and you get 80 of them correct, your raw score is 80. Your percent-correct score, which is a type of raw score, is 80%, and your grade is a B-. A scaled score is a raw score that has been adjusted and converted to a standardized scale. If your raw score is 80 (because you got 80 out of 100 questions correct), that score is adjusted and converted into a scaled score. Raw scores can be converted linearly or nonlinearly. Scaled Score Example The ACT is an example of an exam that uses linear transformation to convert raw scores to scaled scores. The following conversation chart shows how raw scores from each section of the ACT are transformed into scaled scores. Raw Score English Raw Score Math Raw Score Reading Raw Score Science Scaled Score 75 60 40 40 36 72-74 58-59 39 39 35 71 57 38 38 34 70 55-56 37 37 33 68-69 54 35-36 - 32 67 52-53 34 36 31 66 50-51 33 35 30 65 48-49 32 34 29 63-64 45-47 31 33 28 62 43-44 30 32 27 60-61 40-42 29 30-31 26 58-59 38-39 28 28-29 25 56-57 36-37 27 26-27 24 53-55 34-35 25-26 24-25 23 51-52 32-33 24 22-23 22 48-50 30-31 22-23 21 21 45-47 29 21 19-20 20 43-44 27-28 19-20 17-18 19 41-42 24-26 18 16 18 39-40 21-23 17 14-15 17 36-38 17-20 15-16 13 16 32-35 13-16 14 12 15 29-31 11-12 12-13 11 14 27-28 8-10 11 10 13 25-26 7 9-10 9 12 23-24 5-6 8 8 11 20-22 4 6-7 7 10 18-19 - - 5-6 9 15-17 3 5 - 8 12-14 - 4 4 7 10-11 2 3 3 6 8-9 - - 2 5 6-7 1 2 - 4 4-5 - - 1 3 2-3 - 1 - 2 0-1 0 0 0 1 Source: The Equating Process The scaling process creates a base scale that serves as a reference for another process known as equating. The equating process is necessary to account for differences between multiple versions of the same test. Although test makers try to keep the difficulty level of a test the same from one version to the next, differences are inevitable. Equating allows the test maker to statistically adjust scores so that the average performance on version one of the test is equal to average performance on version two of the test, version three of the test and so on. After undergoing both scaling and equating, scaled scores should be interchangeable and easily comparable no matter which version of the test was taken. Equating Example Lets look at an example to see how the equating process can impact scaled scores on standardized tests. Imagine that say you and a friend are taking the SAT. You will both be taking the exam at the same test center, but you will be taking the test in January, and your friend will be taking the test in February. You have different testing dates, and there is no guarantee that you will both take the same version of the SAT. You may see one form of the test, while your friend sees another. Although both tests have similar content, the questions are not exactly the same. After taking the SAT, you and your friend get together and compare your results. You both got a raw score of 50 on the math section, but your scaled score is 710 and your friends scaled score is 700. Your pal wonders what happened since both of you got the same number of questions correct. But the explanation is pretty simple; you each took a different version of the test, and your version was more difficult than his. To get the same scaled score on the SAT, he would have needed to answer more questions correctly than you. Test makers that use an equating process use a different formula to create a unique scale for each version of the exam. This means that there is no one raw-to-scale-score conversion chart that can be used for every version of the exam. That is why, in our previous example, a raw score of 50 was converted into 710 on one day and 700 on another day. Keep this in mind as you are taking practice tests and using conversion charts to transform your raw score into a scaled score. Purpose of Scaled Scores Raw scores are definitely easier to calculate than scaled scores. But testing companies want to make sure that test scores can be fairly and accurately compared even if test takers take different versions, or forms, of the test on different dates. Scaled scores allow for accurate comparisons and ensure that people who took a more difficult test are not penalized, and people who took a less difficult test are not given an unfair advantage.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Conflict Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Conflict Management - Essay Example Individual conflict can also occur because of his different positions and roles with the organization. The individual can also create conflict within himself if there are too many ambiguities contained in his position. Therefore there are a number of reasons for conflicts, which an individual experiences within the confinement of his job duties. All conflicts are basically inter-personnel conflicts because most of the conflicts involve conflict between a person in one organization or a group and another person in other organization or a group. Inter-personnel conflict can be presented in terms of different levels of obstruction. Inter-personnel conflict may lead to delay in decision-making or may arise either due to distortion in the structure form or because of the complexity of individual needs. Inter-personnel conflict has the tendency to resolve itself because of the conflicting parties are not able to continue in a tense situation for a very long time. Time is the healing factor for interpersonal conflicts. It is the time factor, which normally helps to resolve interpersonal conflicts. In inter-organizational conflicts, the external environment like social institutions, group dynamism, and culture of the group and government policies plays an important role. Cont1icts are not evil but the art of the natural order. Conflicts are because of the generational gap. Managers must try to live with the conflict. If the conflict is properly handled, it can be constructive in achieving the results. It can act as a stimulus; it may be a challenge and motivational force to
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