Friday, November 1, 2019

You need to choose 2 questions and answer it and each question should Essay

You need to choose 2 questions and answer it and each question should have 2 pages answer - Essay Example This represents a difficult position for the change leader in the fact that the shareholders that they will be integrating with will likely to view an understand the way that the company or firm should proceed in a much different way than the new change leader. Although a difference in perspective is not necessarily a bad thing, it will doubtless be difficult for a new change leader if he/she is faced with a situation in which seniority within the firm becomes a central issue. This of represents a situation in which the â€Å"momentum of the organization† is aligned against that of the change leader. Although this is not an impossible situation to engage with, it puts the change leader in a distinct disadvantage. As a means of drawing such a situation to his/her ultimate benefit, the change leader must first seek to integrate a further and more complete understanding and appreciation for the way in which the firm has operated for the past several years. This is of vital due to the fact that many change leaders are tempted to merely dismiss the way in which shareholders have become accustomed to performing certain tasks out of rather egoistic motives. Whereas the change leader is oftentimes tempted to approach a given situation with the understanding that the old ways are inherently flawed, this is ultimately something that must be guarded against. Though it is oftentimes the case that the old ways are inade34quate for leading with certain eventualities, they are not always all bad and require a thorough review from the change leader prior to outright deciding which particular approach is best for furthering the goals and ends of the given organization. As a function of this level of understanding, one of the primary activities that the change leader should engage upon is a thorough and complete review of all of the ways in which business has been previously conducted. Rather than coming into an organization and demanding that all former culture must be d one away with in order to usher in an era of new dynamics, the change leader should be mindful of whether these former cultures contribute to or take away from the unique motives and activities which he/she wish to promote. All too often the change leader is so focused uon instituting his/her own level of procedures and organization that they lose sight of the fact that some of the prior organizational structure can actually work to achieve a degree of synergy with their own designs. As such, seeking to utilize these means rather than forcibly demanding that the participants outright deny the past means which they both are comfortable with and have grown accustomed to can oftentimes lead to a greater degree of net benefit than demanding otherwise. Question 2) The first issue that must be engaged with regards to question 2 is an appreciation and heartfelt discussion with the employee. As Pat believes that his grievance is of merit, it is incumbent upon the change leader to take his c harge seriously as well as integrate his concern into the change process and consider its overall merit. Regardless of whether or not Pat’s particular point of view is useful in furthering the goals of management, the fact that such a central shareholder in the process believes that the project itself is starting off on the wrong foot and going in the wrong direction is worthy of consideration by the change leader. Likewise, as his point of view represents the fact that the team is in conflict it is the responsibility of the manager to seek to identify with and understand his unique concerns before proceeding on with a particular point of view. Although it is impossible to include each and every point of view

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