Friday, November 8, 2019

Anthrax essays

Anthrax essays As our country stands in the aftermath of the September 11 terriostist attacks the fear of biological warfare worsens as each day passes. During these trying times the word "Anthrax" strikes fear to the heart of many people. All americans need to learn some knowdglegde of Anthrax, what it is, uses of it, how it spreads, and what are the symptoms, and treatment for them. Most americans have heard very little about Anthrax before the events of Sept 11. Virulence of Cacillus Anthracis, Anthrax, is dependent on a 3-component exotoxin and an antiphagocytic poly-d-glutamic acid capsule.() It is formed in plant eating animals such as pigs, cows, and sheep. It occurs naturally in nature, and is caused by the bacteria Bacillus Anthracis. Anthrax is a very old i''ness. It is greatly common were livestock is raised. The occurence has been decreased in both animals and humans since the implement of immense immunization.() Although Anthrax is mostly found in plant eating animals and occurs naturally it can be use many ways for different reasons. On April 2, 1979 in the small Soviet city of Sverdlousk there was an unusal outbreak of Anthras whick affected 94 people and killed at least 64. Livestock in the area also died. The goverment claimed the deaths on intestial Anthrax from tainted meat. It was not until years later that american scientist found that the outbreak was caused by an accidental release of Anthrax spores from an aerosol of Anthras pathogen at a Societ biological weapons base in the city. All the victims and livestock were infected in a straight line downwind from the base when the release happened. If the wind had blown towards Sverdlousk that day the death rate could had have been hundreds or thousands() As shown in the deadly outbreak of 1979 Anthrax can be a very effective Biological warfare agent. Anthra ...

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