Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Research Essay- Living Life to the Fullest Essay

For one to live their life to the fullest, a person must have a purpose to live. One must have a reason to wake up every day and feel the sun shine or the rain fall, as cold as ice, on your skin. A law of life is necessary for one to have this sense of a calling as to why they walk the earth every solitary twenty-four hour day. A law of life is to surround yourself with people who make you a better person, inside and out. This holds accurate because the people your surround yourself with can either make you or break you, being social with others can either aid or inhibit in self-esteem, and surrounding yourself with better people can help you achieve goals through others’ positivity. Initially, there is a quote saying, â€Å"Surround yourself with only people that will lift you higher, because friends are the family you choose yourself. –Anonymous† The people who you are surrounded by can either make you a better person as a whole, or break you down until you are as low to the ground as a tiny bug, small and easily squashed. If you surround yourself with the people who will make you a better person, then you will become a better person just by association with positive, balanced people. On the contrary, if you surround yourself with people who are adverse and irrational, then you will become adverse and irrational, also just by association. For example, â€Å"Let’s say you have plans to see a friend who is lighthearted, enthusiastic and embraces life with eagerness and zest. Thinking about this friend brings a smile to your face because you know you’ll be having fun and enjoying each other’s company. After your time together, you’re excited about the rest of your day. You want to capture every moment and see all the beauty that’s about you. Your friend may not have intentionally tried to alter your thinking, but her positive approach and attitude was infectious (Par.2-The Importance of Surrounding Yourself w/ Good People).† The people who you let be in your company ultimately affect you as a person, and this can either make you a better person or a worse person. Another example of this would be if you’re in a group of people with a less than stellar attitude, eventually, you will become a less than stellar person. In order to become a better person, inside and out, then you must surround yourself with those people who possess the qualities to make you a better person. Clearly, being a social individual aids in your self-esteem, it can either make your self-esteem skyrocket or it can make it plummet. Self-esteem is no doubt a massive part of you becoming the person that you wish to be. For instance, when you are speaking to your social group of friends, and they have a positive self-image, then you too should have a somewhat positive self-image. Another example of this would be inferiority. â€Å"People who feel inferior to others always keep comparing themselves to them and they always try to find problems with themselves. So how can such friends affect your self-esteem? Simply because they got used to scanning for any possible flaws they will try to find as many flaws in you as they can (Par. 6- How Friends Affect Your Self-Esteem).† Your friends can also limit your potential as to what you can and cannot achieve. Case in point, â€Å"If you were an ambitious person who was surrounded by non-ambitious friends then most likely they will try to put you down whenever you attempt to do something that they never managed to do (Par. 7 How Friends Affect Your Self-Esteem).† Self-esteem has the ability to support or hinder your self-esteem, and self-esteem in a colossal part of the way you, and your peers see yourself. Your vision of yourself can either make you better or bitter, and through a law of life, your self-esteem should make yourself better. Subsequently, picture yourself in a race on the track outside of your school. The blistering heat is beating down on your back as you’re running through the last lap of the race and you’re in the lead. You have your group of great friends on the sidelines cheering your name as you pass the finish line! Surrounding yourself with virtuous people will help you achieve your goals through their positivity. When you surround yourself with those people who cheer you on instead of bring you down, those people will help you reach your goals, not break you down to the point where you don’t want to reach them. There are two types of people, optimists and pessimists, these types of people are on opposite sides of the spectrum. For example, â€Å"It’s just that the optimist chooses to expect happiness, success, and pleasure and as a result, that’s what they find. The pessimist chooses to replay negative thoughts which lead to negative results. (Par. 5- The Importance Of Surrounding Yourself w/ Positive People).† Adjoining yourself with optimistic people will help you reach the success, not make you feel that you can’t, that’s what a pessimist would do. For instance, if you’re around people with an attitude of being too good to reach a goal, you will not reach the goal, but if you’re around people who will be your personal cheerleaders, than you’ll most likely get the desired result. Surrounding yourself with the people who are virtuous and optimistic, then they will aid you in reaching your goals, long or short-term. Conclusively, to live a life worth living, you must have a law of life to follow. In this case, a law of life is to surround yourself with the people who bring out the best in you, and these people will make you the best you, you can be. To surround yourself with the kinds of people that will make you better, not bitter these people must possess the qualities of the people your surround yourself with can either make you or break you, being social with others can either aid or inhibit in self-esteem, and surrounding yourself with better people can help you achieve goals through others’ positivity. Works Cited 1. Radwan, M. Farouk. â€Å"How friends affect your self esteem | 2KnowMySelf.† 2KnowMySelf | The Ultimate Source for Understanding Yourself and others. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2013. . 2. Silber, Debi. â€Å"The Importance of Surrounding Yourself w/ Positive People.† All About Nurses, Nurse Communication, Nurse Community | NurseTogether. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2013. .

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