Friday, October 18, 2019

Cybercrime Prevention Guide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cybercrime Prevention Guide - Essay Example Thus, any unlawful activity where a computer is used as a tool or a target or both comes under the definition of the cyber crime. Cyber Crimes can be categorized in the followings, according to Potts (2002): A crime where a computer or different computers are targeted over the network, for example, spreading of viruses etc. The computer may also be used to commit the traditional crimes, as widely used and easy access; for example, illegal gambling, money frauds etc. The computer may also be used as a file cabinet to store illegal information. For instance, drug trafficker using the computer to store the data of his sources, inventory etc. There seems to be not much between conventional crimes and the cyber crimes, but still if we dig deep then as per the above mentioned definitions a cyber crime is any crime where the computer is used. Laws are introduced and enforced in most of the countries to counter the cyber crime because there used to be a time when this was not unlawful as per the laws of most the countries and provisions are being made in order to cater this. With the growth in computer technology, new ways are being devised by the criminals in order to perform the illegal activities; the same is being done in order to cater against these (Brenner, 2010). ... code induced into the software of an application or the operating system of an organization that is triggered on a specific time period or by some triggering action of it. The nature of Logic Bombs is basically malicious, and they act same as a virus or a Trojan horse when activated by the triggering action. All those viruses that are to be released at some triggering action also fall into the category of a logic bomb (Parsons, Oja and Low, 1999). An organization applications and database are always vulnerable to such attacks. As the data represent the most critical factor for any organization, most of the applications that are being used are there to perform the operations and keep the data in an organized manner (Venkatraman, 2003). When such an attack is planted on data, nobody knows to what extent it may damage the organization because such an attack may not only destroy the data on the hard disks of the individual user, but may be planted to destroy the data kept in the servers. It may be planted to cover some financial frauds by some individual or a group of individuals, because when records are destroyed, they cannot be held responsible for anything. It may be planted on the application program by some cranky that runs the production unit. That may change the recipe, and the mixing of the raw materials to generate the final project; that is also financially not suitable for the organization. It will clearly mean that the end product made by this is a waste and it will hit the company badly because it will increase the wasted products amount (Brenner, 2010). Signs of Logic Bomb Attack Parsons, Oja and Low (1999) mentioned in their book that sometimes it is very easy to detect a logic bomb attack, especially if it is a virus attack on the network of an

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