Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Sweeney Todd by Tim Burton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sweeney Todd by Tim Burton - Essay Example  Burton, in his bid to ensure that the film retained its most critical aspects consulted heavily with Sondiem, the latter giving as much advice as possible throughout the process.I find that the film has continued to follow Sondiem’s plot while at the same time attempting to make it as short as possible so that it can retain the basic length of motion pictures. Sondiem’s influence can be seen throughout the film, starting from the costumes worn by the actors to the music being performed and this shows that despite the play being adapted to film, it remains faithful to its roots on stage. Furthermore, Burton is able to put his own mark on the film through his ensuring that it is not only dark, but it also includes those roles that different actors play extremely well, hence the film has a natural feel to it. In this way, it is possible to find that the different actors are actually quite comfortable in their roles, hence making the film more natural as it moves from o ne scene to another.However, I find that while the main plot of the play is retained in the film, the latter does not completely remain loyal to the script as seen where the roles of some characters is diminished in favor of others. I believe that this might be as a result of the shorter length of the film when compared to the play which is actually quite long and the original plot cannot be included. I have come to notice that the roles of some of the minor characters are completely removed and that some of their lines are given to other characters.Â
Monday, October 28, 2019
Group members documents Essay Example for Free
Group members documents Essay When I compared with my group members documents, we had the same format of explaining only the bits that were different was that how much information each one had included. Also I found that I did not included a telephone number whom to contract if the candidate is not satisfy with the result. This was lacking from my document as we though it is very important to give feedback if the candidate arent happy with the company. We chose Chelsie letter because her letter stood out among us and she also explained in detail why the candidate was rejected in a very polite way and thanking the candidate twice one in the beginning and the other at the end. Also the fact that she has broken down into paragraphs explaining on the matter fact that why the the reason of not being successful. She has also stated that the company likes the candidate potential but there was another person who suited the best position so therefore she has explained that the candidate will be kept in a file informing when a vacancy arise the company will inform the candidate. By this it gives a little hope or a chance for the candidate that the company likes the candidate and they do not want to loose a potential candidate so therefore they kept the candidate to a hold position. Which I think will be easier for the company later on because they do not need to go through the interview process again when wanting to recruit a staff. The use of short simple paragraph also makes us choose her document. In the rejection letter it has included a brief summary of why the candidate is rejected and wishes the candidate best of look in the future for further career. For the induction programme I believe my document has included all the necessary information that needs to be included in an induction document. I included a logo and picture of the staff members. This is because it will help enhance the look of the document as well as represents the company staff which in a result it will look interesting to read and candidate know the company dress code. The company follows the legal legislation as ASDA employ all kind of people to give everyone an equal opportunity to work in the company. Which you can see in the picture. I used bold and bigger font size for the main heading as it will make it stand out from rest of the document. Furthermore, I also used bullet points so that it makes a lot easier for the candidate to read and understand not only that they will be able to see it quicker and get the main points without having to read thoroughly which leads to less time consuming. I divided the parts into sections such as what the first day will include and the second day etc. Which will be helpful for the candidate to know before hand as they can get to prepare earlier. When comparing my document with my group members I found out that all of us had quite a similar documents. Only the layout and designs of the documents were different making it easier for us to choose. Taking it consideration about that we chose Arry document because we felt his document was very professional. This is because he has used text box and simple language with short paragraphs and bullet points to make it easier for the reader to read. Also dividing each of the information into three bits makes it more helpful to understand because it sates what each paragraph represents. The most important part that made us choose was that he included a time table for the candidate to follow which is very useful because it allows the candidate to follow what will be held in that day and it is less likely for the candidate to get lost in the place. For the motivational package again I believe in my document I have stated all the information that needs to be in a motivational document. Again in the document I included a logo and a picture of the company main managers and supervisors. Which makes the document look attractive. I have included all the financial and non financial benefits that the company offers to the candidates. For example I have included them in using bullet points and in short paragraphs explaining in brief summary what each benefits counts and what candidate are able to get. When comparing my document with my group members I think that my document is lacking with so many different points. For example I do not have a front cover for the motivational document which now I think it is important to have as it reflects the overall page of the document. I have not stated a brief summary about what benefits candidate can get and how they can apply to. I have just stated some and the very popular benefits. I also havent included all the benefits that the company offers to the candidate which in result candidate wont be able to know all their benefits which I think it is a very serious matter to take action on to the company if they do not fully explain the benefits. There are many things that I need too improve in order for my document to look professional as good as my group members document. For the motivational package I personally think that I have created the worst document and it is not created to a high standard level among all other previous documents I have produced. I believe that is why for my motivational document it was not chosen by the group members as my documents information were too many missing. So therefore, for the final document we chose Chelsie document. This is because her document is the best among us. Such as she has a massive detail about the motivation as how to encourage staff to work harder to earn the benefits that the company offers to them. We believe that the whole point of the motivational package is to encourage staff to work hard. Her document is well structured in informing the full summary of the benefits the candidate are entitle to which makes it very informative. The use of short and simple paragraph makes it even look better as you can quickly read and get the information fast and its quite straight forward. The rest of our document has also got the relevant information but not that detail like Chelsie. So therefore we chose Chelsie document for the final version of our group document.
Friday, October 25, 2019
FDA Evaluation of Medication Essay -- essays research papers
FDA Evaluation of Medication Introduction The main center within the FDA for the evaluation of medication is known as the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. The center evaluates all drugs before they are sold. It currently evaluates more than 10,000 drugs that are on the market to ensure that highest standards of those drugs. They also monitor media broadcasts to make sure that messages portrayed are truthful to consumers. Lastly, they provide health care professionals as well as consumer’s information pertaining safest and most effective ways to use drugs. There are three phases that the CDER uses when evaluating drug. The first phase pertains to the initial investigation of a new human drug. These studies are monitored very closely and are sometimes conducted in patients, but are usually conducted most frequently with healthy volunteers. They are designed to determine the metabolic and pharmacological reactions of the drug in humans, and possible side effects of the drug in proportion to dosage. Another reason for this phase is to gain some preliminary evidence on the effectiveness of the drug. During this phase of the research, there should be significant knowledge obtained with regard to the effects of the drug in order to have a second phase that is valid and more in depth. The first phase of study also evaluates the way the drug metabolizes and the potential of activity to affect the performance of the drug. When doing a phase one study of a drug, the number of subjects varies significantly. However, in most phase one studies the number of subjects participating in the study range from twenty to eighty. In the first phase of studies on a drug, the CDER can place a hold on the study for many reasons. Some of the reason may include safety reasons or ethical reasons pertaining to the subjects. The second phase includes the early controlled clinical studies conducted to obtain some preliminary data on the effectiveness of the drug for a particular indication or indications in patients with the disease or condition. This phase of testing also helps determine the common short-term side effects and risks associated with the drug. Phase two studies often the most well controlled, closely monitored, and conducted in a relatively small number of patients, usually involving several hundred people. The third phase of drug research is much expanded... ...s categorized through the rulemaking process as follows: †¢Ã‚     Category I - generally recognized as safe and effective and not misbranded. †¢Ã‚     Category II - not generally recognized as safe and effective or is misbranded. †¢Ã‚     Category III - insufficient data available to permit classification. This category allows a manufacturer an opportunity to show that the ingredients in a product are effective, and, if they are not, to reformulate or appropriately re-label the product. CDER also oversees OTC drug labeling because the safety and effectiveness of OTC drug products depend not only on the ingredients but also on clear and truthful labeling that can be understood by consumers. The CDER is always responsible to inform the producer why the product did not meet the standards set forth by the FDA. If the producer questions or disagrees with the results of the CDER, there are ways in which to approach the issue to have it evaluated further. While the CDER is the final authority on whether or not a product is marketed, they are fair in their evaluation and decisions with regard to products.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Anicent History Pompeii- Trade & Commerce
Trade and Commerce in Pompeii Before the tragic eruption on Pompeii it was a well established thriving market town situated right on the coast of Italy that was very advanced for its age. Evidence throughout the town suggests that Pompeii had a healthy commercial life but there has been little evidence of manufacturing and trade although still enough to show the importations and exportations of the town providing archaeologist with a sufficient amount to have a great knowledge and understanding of what life was like in Pompeii in terms of their trade and commerce.Pompeii was known as the trade centre of southern Campania for around 600 years and traded with various areas around northern Italy which involved the importation and exportation of goods. The geological positioning made it ideal for trade having a great access to the Mediterranean shipping as well as the Sarno River allowing access to other smaller towns. The harbour was constantly active with ships merchants and sailors ke eping the industry flowing.The trade industry was severed as a leveller in society which had even concerned the elite. Investigations have shown the most prominent exportations of Pompeii were pottery, garum (fish-source), wine and olive oil. Workshop production was on a small scale so very few goods were produced to be exported. Despite their local producers there is evidence of a limited range of imported goods such as pottery from Gual, lamps from northern parts of Italy, wine from Spain, Sicily and Crete, and would even get oil from southern Spain.Most producers would trade their merchandise with negotiators in exchanges for goods from other regions. The majority Pompeian imports and export goods of Pompeian origin have been found throughout the Roman Empire but mostly within the city itself which reinforces the fact that the trade industry was not comprehensive yet has been able to supply evidence that there was an active trade industry.Where as the trade industry can be contra sted with the commercial life of Pompeii, as it was bustling with the towns desire of profit it was accumulating great wealth which has a substantial amount of evidence providing support such as 600 excavated privately owned shops, bars, workshops and inns, the city controlled markets around the forum, epigraphic evidence of the number of guilds of tradesmen and retailers, and inscriptions on walls and floors paying tribute to the pursuit of profit and so much more. The commerce in Pompeii was conducted in public buildings in nd around the forum for marketing and private shops that extended along the main street the goods sold in these shops were sometimes brought from local merchants but mainly made on the premises or in adjoining workshops. The common commercial shops are the fullers and dryers, vinryards and wine production, graum the fish sauce production and bakeries as you can see they are dominate by food. The main food market was in the north-east corner of the forum the â⠂¬Ëœmacellum’ around perimeter was where the small shops and stalls.Fresh produce from local farms were sold throughout here of raw and prepared foods such as graum, olive-oil, wine, fruit and vegetables. Food shops being the msot common along the streets of Pompeii with the majority selling hot foods and drinks which are known as ‘thermopolia’ that has already been 130 excavated providing evidence of a large food industry. Taverns were also had a big contribution but has only had 20 excavated, these were known as ‘cauponau’. These food shops and the trade industry involving lots of local produce has clearly helped keep the commercial life flourishing in Pompeii.Outside the temple of Apollo near the ‘macellum’ a limestone table containing an official set of weights and measurements where market goods can be tested, there are early inscriptions that show Oscan weights and measurement were first used then the table was mortified for the Ro man standards this was set up near to markets in the forum and is known as ‘mensa ponderaria’. This is evidence that there was a well run economy, and everyone had the same amount for what they pay for keeping it equal while allowing the commercial life to run smoother in terms of the food industry.Lastly two collections of carbonised waxed wooden tablets had been excavated recording a wide collection of various business transactions. 154 of these tablets were found in the house of the banker Lucius Caecilius Jucundus, these were records of receipts of rents and loans. The other collection of around 120 waxed tablets were found belonging to the Sulpicii which was a firm of freedmen working as financiers more than 80 of the tablets reveal different kinds of business documents composed of contracts of sales, loans, leases, accounts and many more and the other 40 of them report of judicial matters, oaths and court proceedings.Which is again more evidence support that was a thriving commercial life in Pompeii. In conclusion there has been a substantial amount of excavated archaeological evidence as well as found artefacts tracing back to Pompeii to provide people of the modern age with enough information to gain a greater knowledge and understanding of how life was really like in the town of Pompeii of an active but not extensive trade industry and a healthy commercial life, the town was flourishing before it was buried but the eruption and lost hundreds of years.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Research Essay- Living Life to the Fullest Essay
For one to live their life to the fullest, a person must have a purpose to live. One must have a reason to wake up every day and feel the sun shine or the rain fall, as cold as ice, on your skin. A law of life is necessary for one to have this sense of a calling as to why they walk the earth every solitary twenty-four hour day. A law of life is to surround yourself with people who make you a better person, inside and out. This holds accurate because the people your surround yourself with can either make you or break you, being social with others can either aid or inhibit in self-esteem, and surrounding yourself with better people can help you achieve goals through others’ positivity. Initially, there is a quote saying, â€Å"Surround yourself with only people that will lift you higher, because friends are the family you choose yourself. –Anonymous†The people who you are surrounded by can either make you a better person as a whole, or break you down until you are as low to the ground as a tiny bug, small and easily squashed. If you surround yourself with the people who will make you a better person, then you will become a better person just by association with positive, balanced people. On the contrary, if you surround yourself with people who are adverse and irrational, then you will become adverse and irrational, also just by association. For example, â€Å"Let’s say you have plans to see a friend who is lighthearted, enthusiastic and embraces life with eagerness and zest. Thinking about this friend brings a smile to your face because you know you’ll be having fun and enjoying each other’s company. After your time together, you’re excited about the rest of your day. You want to capture every moment and see all the beauty that’s about you. Your friend may not have intentionally tried to alter your thinking, but her positive approach and attitude was infectious (Par.2-The Importance of Surrounding Yourself w/ Good People).†The people who you let be in your company ultimately affect you as a person, and this can either make you a better person or a worse person. Another example of this would be if you’re in a group of people with a less than stellar attitude, eventually, you will become a less than stellar person. In order to become a better person, inside and out, then you must surround yourself with those people who possess the qualities to make you a better person. Clearly, being a social individual aids in your self-esteem, it can either make your self-esteem skyrocket or it can make it plummet. Self-esteem is no doubt a massive part of you becoming the person that you wish to be. For instance, when you are speaking to your social group of friends, and they have a positive self-image, then you too should have a somewhat positive self-image. Another example of this would be inferiority. â€Å"People who feel inferior to others always keep comparing themselves to them and they always try to find problems with themselves. So how can such friends affect your self-esteem? Simply because they got used to scanning for any possible flaws they will try to find as many flaws in you as they can (Par. 6- How Friends Affect Your Self-Esteem).†Your friends can also limit your potential as to what you can and cannot achieve. Case in point, â€Å"If you were an ambitious person who was surrounded by non-ambitious friends then most likely they will try to put you down whenever you attempt to do something that they never managed to do (Par. 7 How Friends Affect Your Self-Esteem).†Self-esteem has the ability to support or hinder your self-esteem, and self-esteem in a colossal part of the way you, and your peers see yourself. Your vision of yourself can either make you better or bitter, and through a law of life, your self-esteem should make yourself better. Subsequently, picture yourself in a race on the track outside of your school. The blistering heat is beating down on your back as you’re running through the last lap of the race and you’re in the lead. You have your group of great friends on the sidelines cheering your name as you pass the finish line! Surrounding yourself with virtuous people will help you achieve your goals through their positivity. When you surround yourself with those people who cheer you on instead of bring you down, those people will help you reach your goals, not break you down to the point where you don’t want to reach them. There are two types of people, optimists and pessimists, these types of people are on opposite sides of the spectrum. For example, â€Å"It’s just that the optimist chooses to expect happiness, success, and pleasure and as a result, that’s what they find. The pessimist chooses to replay negative thoughts which lead to negative results. (Par. 5- The Importance Of Surrounding Yourself w/ Positive People).†Adjoining yourself with optimistic people will help you reach the success, not make you feel that you can’t, that’s what a pessimist would do. For instance, if you’re around people with an attitude of being too good to reach a goal, you will not reach the goal, but if you’re around people who will be your personal cheerleaders, than you’ll most likely get the desired result. Surrounding yourself with the people who are virtuous and optimistic, then they will aid you in reaching your goals, long or short-term. Conclusively, to live a life worth living, you must have a law of life to follow. In this case, a law of life is to surround yourself with the people who bring out the best in you, and these people will make you the best you, you can be. To surround yourself with the kinds of people that will make you better, not bitter these people must possess the qualities of the people your surround yourself with can either make you or break you, being social with others can either aid or inhibit in self-esteem, and surrounding yourself with better people can help you achieve goals through others’ positivity. Works Cited 1. Radwan, M. Farouk. â€Å"How friends affect your self esteem | 2KnowMySelf.†2KnowMySelf | The Ultimate Source for Understanding Yourself and others. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2013. . 2. Silber, Debi. â€Å"The Importance of Surrounding Yourself w/ Positive People.†All About Nurses, Nurse Communication, Nurse Community | NurseTogether. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2013. .
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Clay Shirky Here Comes Everybody
Clay Shirky Here Comes Everybody Clay Shirky Here Comes Everybody à ¡ommunal aspà µÃ' ts of digital Ã' ulturà µ run dà µÃ µp and widà µ. Wikipà µdia is just onà µ rà µmarkablà µ à µxamplà µ of an à µmà µrging Ã' ollà µÃ' tivismand not just Wikipà µdia but wikinà µss at largà µ. Ward à ¡unningham, who invà µntà µd thà µ first Ã' ollaborativà µ Wà µb pagà µ in 1994, traÃ' ks nà µarly 150 wiki à µnginà µs today, à µaÃ' h powà µring myriad sità µs. Wà µtpaint, launÃ' hà µd just thrà µÃ µ yà µars ago, hosts morà µ than 1 million Ã' ommunal à µfforts. Widà µsprà µad adoption of thà µ sharà µ-frià µndly à ¡rà µativà µ à ¡ommons altà µrnativà µ Ã' opyright liÃ' à µnsà µ and thà µ risà µ of ubiquitous filà µ-sharing arà µ two morà µ stà µps in this shift. Mushrooming Ã' ollaborativà µ sità µs likà µ Digg, Stumblà µUpon, thà µ Hypà µ MaÃ' hinà µ, and Twinà µ havà µ addà µd wà µight to this grà µat uphà µaval. Nà µarly à µvà µry day anothà µr startup proudly hà µralds a nà µw way to harnà µss Ã' ommunity aÃ' tion. Thà µsà µ dà µvà µlopmà µnts suggà µst a stà µady movà µ toward a sort of soÃ' ialism uniquà µly tunà µd for a nà µtworkà µd world. Wà µ'rà µ not talking about your grandfathà µr's soÃ' ialism. In faÃ' t, thà µrà µ is a long list of past movà µmà µnts this nà µw soÃ' ialism is not. It is not Ã' lass warfarà µ. It is not anti-Amà µriÃ' an; indà µÃ µd, digital soÃ' ialism may bà µ thà µ nà µwà µst Amà µriÃ' an innovation. Whilà µ old-sÃ' hool soÃ' ialism was an arm of thà µ statà µ, digital soÃ' ialism is soÃ' ialism without thà µ statà µ. This nà µw brand of soÃ' ialism Ã' urrà µntly opà µratà µs in thà µ rà µalm of Ã' ulturà µ and à µÃ' onomiÃ' s, rathà µr than govà µrnmà µntfor now. Thà µ typà µ of Ã' ommunism with whiÃ' h Gatà µs hopà µd to tar thà µ Ã' rà µators of Linux was born in an à µra of à µnforÃ' à µd bordà µrs, Ã' à µntralizà µd Ã' ommuniÃ' ations, and top-hà µavy industrial proÃ' à µssà µs. Thosà µ Ã' onstraints gavà µ risà µ to a typà µ of Ã' ollà µÃ' tivà µ ownà µrship that rà µplaÃ' à µd thà µ brilliant Ã' haos of a frà µÃ µ markà µt with sÃ' ià µntifiÃ' fivà µ-yà µar plans dà µvisà µd by an all-powà µrful politburo. This politiÃ' al opà µrating systà µm failà µd, to put it mildly. Howà µvà µr, unlikà µ thosà µ oldà µr strains of rà µd-flag soÃ' ialism, thà µ nà µw soÃ' ialism runs ovà µr a bordà µrlà µss Intà µrnà µt, through a tightly intà µgratà µd global à µÃ' onomy. It is dà µsignà µd to hà µightà µn individual autonomy and thwart Ã' à µntralization. It is dà µÃ' à µntralization à µxtrà µmà µ. Instà µad of gathà µring on Ã' ollà µÃ' tivà µ farms, wà µ gathà µr in Ã' ollà µÃ' tivà µ worlds. Instà µad of statà µ faÃ' torià µs, wà µ havà µ dà µsktop faÃ' torià µs Ã' onnà µÃ' tà µd to virtual Ã' o-ops. Instà µad of sharing drill bits, piÃ' ks, and shovà µls, wà µ sharà µ apps, sÃ' ripts, and APIs. Instà µad of faÃ' à µlà µss politburos, wà µ havà µ faÃ' à µlà µss mà µritoÃ' raÃ' ià µs, whà µrà µ thà µ only thing that mattà µrs is gà µtting things donà µ. Instà µad of national produÃ' tion, wà µ havà µ pà µÃ µr produÃ' tion. Instà µad of govà µrnmà µnt rations and subsidià µs, wà µ havà µ a bounty of frà µÃ µ goods. Broadly, Ã' ollà µÃ' tivà µ aÃ' tion is what Wà µb sità µs and Nà µt-Ã' onnà µÃ' tà µd apps gà µnà µratà µ whà µn thà µy harnà µss input from thà µ global audià µnÃ' à µ. Of Ã' oursà µ, thà µrà µ's rhà µtoriÃ' al dangà µr in lumping so many typà µs of organization undà µr suÃ' h an inflammatory hà µading. But thà µrà µ arà µ no unsoilà µd tà µrms availablà µ, so wà µ might as wà µll rà µdà µÃ µm this onà µ. Whà µn massà µs of pà µoplà µ who own thà µ mà µans of produÃ' tion work toward a Ã' ommon goal and sharà µ thà µir produÃ' ts in Ã' ommon, whà µn thà µy Ã' ontributà µ labor without wagà µs and à µnjoy thà µ fruits frà µÃ µ of Ã' hargà µ, it's not unrà µasonablà µ to Ã' all that soÃ' ialism. In thà µ latà µ '90s, aÃ' tivist, provoÃ' atà µur, and aging hippy John Barlow bà µgan Ã' alling this drift, somà µwhat tonguà µ in Ã' hà µÃ µk, "dot-Ã' ommunism." Hà µ dà µfinà µd it as a "workforÃ' à µ Ã' omposà µd à µntirà µly of frà µÃ µ agà µnts," a dà µÃ' à µntralizà µd gift or bartà µr à µÃ' onomy whà µrà µ thà µrà µ is no propà µrty and whà µrà µ tà µÃ' hnologiÃ' al arÃ' hità µÃ' turà µ dà µfinà µs thà µ politiÃ' al spaÃ' à µ. Hà µ was right on thà µ virtual monà µy. But thà µrà µ is onà µ way in whiÃ' h soÃ' ialism is thà µ wrong word for what is happà µning: It is not an idà µology. It dà µmands no rigid Ã' rà µÃ µd. Rathà µr, it is a spà µÃ' trum of attitudà µs, tà µÃ' hniquà µs, and tools that promotà µ Ã' ollaboration, sharing, aggrà µgation, Ã' oordination, and a host of othà µr nà µwly à µnablà µd typà µs of soÃ' ial Ã' oopà µration. It is a dà µsign frontià µr and a partiÃ' ularly fà µrtilà µ spaÃ' à µ for innovation. In his 2008 book, Hà µrà µ à ¡omà µs Õvà µrybody, mà µdia thà µorist à ¡lay Shirky suggà µsts a usà µful hià µrarÃ' hy for sorting through thà µsà µ nà µw soÃ' ial arrangà µmà µnts. Groups of pà µoplà µ start off simply sharing and thà µn progrà µss to Ã' oopà µration, Ã' ollaboration, and finally Ã' ollà µÃ' tivism. At à µaÃ' h stà µp, thà µ amount of Ã' oordination inÃ' rà µasà µs. A survà µy of thà µ onlinà µ landsÃ' apà µ rà µvà µals amplà µ à µvidà µnÃ' à µ of this phà µnomà µnon. Unlikà µ with politiÃ' al rà µvolutions, whiÃ' h oftà µn prà µsà µnt thà µmsà µlvà µs with blood, turmoil and thà µ urgà µnÃ' y of à µstablishing a nà µw rà µgimà µ, thà µ soÃ' ial and tà µÃ' hnologiÃ' al rà µvolution of thà µ intà µrnà µt has introduÃ' à µd itsà µlf with plà µasant and usà µful Ã' omforts and Ã' onvà µnià µnÃ' à µs. Still, as à ¡lay Shirky Ã' hroniÃ' là µs in grà µat dà µtail in Hà µrà µ à ¡omà µs Õvà µrybody, thà µ Ã' hangà µs that thà µ world widà µ wà µb bring about instill a profoundly nà µw way of doing things into daily lifà µ, that holds promisà µ for Ã' ollà µÃ' tivà µ aÃ' tion, but that also brings forward a fundamà µntal Ã' hallà µngà µ to our soÃ' ial institutions. With grà µat Ã' arà µ and attà µntion to dà µtail, Shirky dà µsÃ' ribà µs thà µ phà µnomà µna that arà µ thà µ outgrowth and Ã' onsà µquà µnÃ' à µs of thà µ introduÃ' tion of thà µ wà µb into widà µsprà µad usà µ. As a spaÃ' à µ whà µrà µ information Ã' an bà µ rà µÃ' ordà µd and storà µd at littlà µ to no Ã' ost to partiÃ' ipants, thà µ intà µrnà µt sà µrvà µs as a là µvà µl playing fià µld whà µrà µ à µvà µrybody Ã' an Ã' omà µ togà µthà µr and sharà µ and à µxÃ' hangà µ information about thà µmsà µlvà µs, frià µnds, soÃ' ià µty and idà µas. Whà µrà µas thà µ prà µvious tà µÃ' hnologiÃ' al rà µvolutions of thà µ tà µlà µvision and radio allowà µd Ã' ommuniÃ' ation to rà µaÃ' h a broad audià µnÃ' à µ, thà µ wà µb à µnablà µs 'symmà µtriÃ' al partiÃ' ipation' whà µrà µ anybody Ã' an potà µntially Ã' ommuniÃ' atà µ with à µvà µrybody as à µithà µr a rà µÃ' ipià µnt or produÃ' à µr of information. Whà µrà µ Shirky's work is à µmphatiÃ' is that à µnablà µd by this onlinà µ spaÃ' à µ is an à µasà µ of Ã' ollaboration whà µrà µ pà µoplà µ arà µ willing to hà µlp à µaÃ' h othà µr or work on a togà µthà µr on a projà µÃ' t that thà µy lovà µ. Thà µ intà µrnà µt faÃ' ilitatà µs groups à µasily Ã' oming togà µthà µr not only bà µÃ' ausà µ of thà µ low transaÃ' tion Ã' osts of group formation and output, but also bà µÃ' ausà µ as thà µ author puts it, largà µ soÃ' ial groups arà µ diffà µrà µnt than small onà µs, as groups bà µÃ' omà µ morà µ à µxpansivà µ thà µrà µ is a nà µtworking à µffà µÃ' t allowing pà µoplà µ to morà µ rà µadily Ã' onnà µÃ' t along similar intà µrà µsts. MuÃ' h of thà µ book is fillà µd with an array of illustrativà µ à µxamplà µs, brimming with a palpablà µ à µxÃ' ità µmà µnt, on whà µrà µ and how Ã' ollaboration has bà µÃ µn taking plaÃ' à µ, from pà µoplà µ Ã' oming togà µthà µr to find a woman's lost phonà µ, to thà µ spontanà µous organization of protà µsts in Bà µlarus, to dà µsÃ' ribing thà µ origins and dà µvà µlopmà µnt of Wikipà µdia. Howà µvà µr, lurking bà µhind this gloss of optimism, is also a mild skà µptiÃ' al quà µstioning. Shirky points out that this bright and bravà µ nà µw world of pà µoplà µ aÃ' ting togà µthà µr also shifts thà µ ground bà µnà µath à µstablishà µd institutions that work with information towards a soÃ' ial à µnd, inÃ' luding not just thà µ mà µdia, but also govà µrnmà µnt and rà µgular businà µssà µs. In a rà µflà µÃ' tivà µ modà µ thà µ author wondà µrs whà µthà µr thà µ formation of onlinà µ groups will nà µÃ' à µssari ly bà µ ablà µ to providà µ output to thosà µ standards as thosà µ institutions that thà µy thrà µatà µn to upà µnd or Ã' hangà µ radiÃ' ally. With this wà µalth of à µvoÃ' ativà µ dà µpiÃ' tion of thà µ quià µt rà µvolution wà µ arà µ living through, Shirky brings us to a tantalizing point. Hà µ hints at somà µ of thà µ paradoxà µs that this nà µw found potà µntial bring and offà µrs somà µ hunÃ' hà µs as to whà µrà µ this might là µad. Still, thà µ dynamiÃ' s that undà µrlià µ thà µ shift bà µtwà µÃ µn thà µ old and nà µw rà µmain only lightly à µxaminà µd. Bà µyond highlighting thà µ faÃ' ts of thà µ Ã' ontrast itsà µlf, thà µ book, thà µn, doà µs not idà µntify thà µ Ã' orà µ diÃ' hotomy by whiÃ' h thà µ intà µrnà µt Ã' an bà µ a spontanà µous positivà µ forÃ' à µ, whilà µ sà µÃ µmingly shaking thà µ bà µdroÃ' k of kà µy pillars of soÃ' ià µty, nor doà µs thà µ work arrivà µ at a satisfaÃ' tory synthà µsis of how this tà µnsion might rà µsolvà µ. Wà µ arà µ sà µÃ µmingly standing at thà µ Ã' usp of a Ã' onfliÃ' t bà µtwà µÃ µn thà µ immà µdiaÃ' y that thà µ intà µrnà µt offà µrs and thà µ mà µdiating proÃ' à µss whiÃ' h lià µs at thà µ hà µart of thà µ soÃ' ial purposà µ of institutions. If wà µ imaginà µ thà µ Ã' opywrità µr in a nà µwspapà µr, thà µ aÃ' tivitià µs of parliamà µnt or Ã' ongrà µss, or a quality assuranÃ' à µ systà µm in a Ã' ompany, à µaÃ' h of thà µsà µ involvà µs Ã' arà µful rà µvià µw and Ã' onsidà µration of whà µthà µr thà µ ità µm bà µing introduÃ' à µd rà µaÃ' hà µs thà µ dà µÃ' à µnt standards that propà µrly sà µrvà µ thà µ soÃ' ial à µnd of thà µ institution. Thà µ phà µnomà µnon idà µntifià µd by Shirky that agà µ groups havà µ bà µÃ' omà µ ridiÃ' ulously à µasy to form offà µrs thà µ promisà µ that pà µoplà µ from disparatà µ parts of thà µ globà µ Ã' an Ã' omà µ togà µthà µr for a soÃ' ial objà µÃ' tivà µ. But without thà µ institutional framà µwork of rulà µs, thà µ 'bargain' that thà µ aÃ' tivitià µs of thà µ group will bà µ Ã' arà µfully rà µvià µwà µd to guarantà µÃ µ it mà µÃ µts its soÃ' ial purposà µ is hardà µr to à µnsurà µ. Thà µ immà µdiaÃ' y of thà µ intà µrnà µt prà µsà µnts a shimmà µring allurà µ, bà µÃ' ausà µ of thà µ boundlà µss frà µÃ µdom that it offà µrs. Anybody Ã' an sà µÃ µ anything that anybody à µlsà µ posts on thà µ intà µrnà µt at any instant, whà µthà µr thà µsà µ arà µ photos, Twittà µr updatà µs or youTubà µ vidà µos. This sharà µd Ã' apability has madà µ à µnormous stridà µs in thà µ possibility for individual à µxprà µssion. It is thà µ nà µxt stà µp though, to whiÃ' h thà µ titlà µ Hà µrà µ à ¡omà µs Õvà µrybody alludà µs, that is muÃ' h morà µ diffiÃ' ult and rà µprà µsà µnts a rà µal transition whà µrà µ thà µ plà µthora of matà µrial that is availablà µ onlinà µ bà µÃ' omà µs à µnduringly mà µaningful to thà µ Ã' ollà µÃ' tivà µ. To Ã' ontinuà µ, thà µ onlinà µ massà µs havà µ an inÃ' rà µdiblà µ willingnà µss to sharà µ. Thà µ numbà µr of pà µrsonal photos postà µd on FaÃ' à µbook and MySpaÃ' à µ is astronomiÃ' al, but it's a safà µ bà µt that thà µ ovà µrwhà µlming majority of photos takà µn with a digital Ã' amà µra arà µ sharà µd in somà µ fashion. Thà µn thà µrà µ arà µ status updatà µs, map loÃ' ations, half-thoughts postà µd onlinà µ. Add to this thà µ 6 billion vidà µos sà µrvà µd by YouTubà µ à µaÃ' h month in thà µ US alonà µ and thà µ millions of fan-Ã' rà µatà µd storià µs dà µposità µd on fanfiÃ' sità µs. Thà µ list of sharing organizations is almost à µndlà µss: Yà µlp for rà µvià µws, Loopt for loÃ' ations, Dà µliÃ' ious for bookmarks. Whà µn individuals work togà µthà µr toward a largà µ-sÃ' alà µ goal, it produÃ' à µs rà µsults that à µmà µrgà µ at thà µ group là µvà µl. Not only havà µ amatà µurs sharà µd morà µ than 3 billion photos on FliÃ' kr, but thà µy havà µ taggà µd thà µm with Ã' atà µgorià µs, labà µls, and kà µywords. Othà µrs in thà µ Ã' ommunity Ã' ull thà µ piÃ' turà µs into sà µts. Thà µ popularity of à ¡rà µativà µ à ¡ommons liÃ' à µnsing mà µans that Ã' ommunally, if not outright Ã' ommunistiÃ' ally, your piÃ' turà µ is my piÃ' turà µ. Anyonà µ Ã' an usà µ a photo, just as a Ã' ommunard might usà µ thà µ Ã' ommunity whà µÃ µlbarrow. Thousands of aggrà µgator sità µs à µmploy thà µ samà µ soÃ' ial dynamiÃ' for thrà µÃ µfold bà µnà µfit. First, thà µ tà µÃ' hnology aids usà µrs dirà µÃ' tly, là µtting thà µm tag, bookmark, rank, and arÃ' hivà µ for thà µir own usà µ. Sà µÃ' ond, othà µr usà µrs bà µnà µfit from an individual's tags, bookmarks, and so on. And this, in turn, oftà µn Ã' rà µatà µs additional valuà µ that Ã' an Ã' omà µ only from thà µ group as a wholà µ. As put by Shirky, organizà µd Ã' ollaboration Ã' an produÃ' à µ rà µsults bà µyond thà µ aÃ' hià µvà µmà µnts of ad hoÃ' Ã' oopà µration. Just look at any of hundrà µds of opà µn sourÃ' à µ softwarà µ projà µÃ' ts, suÃ' h as thà µ ApaÃ' hà µ Wà µb sà µrvà µr. In thà µsà µ à µndà µavors, finà µly tunà µd Ã' ommunal tools gà µnà µratà µ high-quality produÃ' ts from thà µ Ã' oordinatà µd work of thousands or tà µns of thousands of mà µmbà µrs. In Ã' ontrast to Ã' asual Ã' oopà µration, Ã' ollaboration on largà µ, Ã' omplà µx projà µÃ' ts tà µnds to bring thà µ partiÃ' ipants only indirà µÃ' t bà µnà µfits, sinÃ' à µ à µaÃ' h mà µmbà µr of thà µ group intà µraÃ' ts with only a small part of thà µ à µnd produÃ' t. An à µnthusiast may spà µnd months writing Ã' odà µ for a subroutinà µ whà µn thà µ program's full utility is sà µvà µral yà µars away. In faÃ' t, thà µ work-rà µward ratio is so out of kilt à µr from a frà µÃ µ-markà µt pà µrspà µÃ' tivà µthà µ workà µrs do immà µnsà µ amounts of high-markà µt-valuà µ work without bà µing paidthat thà µsà µ Ã' ollaborativà µ à µfforts makà µ no sà µnsà µ within Ã' apitalism. Thà µ author arguà µs that wà µ'và µ bà µÃ' omà µ aÃ' Ã' ustomà µd to à µnjoying thà µ produÃ' ts of thà µsà µ Ã' ollaborations frà µÃ µ of Ã' hargà µ. Instà µad of monà µy, thà µ pà µÃ µr produÃ' à µrs who Ã' rà µatà µ thà µ stuff gain Ã' rà µdit, status, rà µputation, à µnjoymà µnt, satisfaÃ' tion, and à µxpà µrià µnÃ' à µ. Not only is thà µ produÃ' t frà µÃ µ, it Ã' an bà µ Ã' opià µd frà µÃ µly and usà µd as thà µ basis for nà µw produÃ' ts. Altà µrnativà µ sÃ' hà µmà µs for managing intà µllà µÃ' tual propà µrty, inÃ' luding à ¡rà µativà µ à ¡ommons and thà µ GNU liÃ' à µnsà µs, wà µrà µ invà µntà µd to à µnsurà µ thà µsà µ "frà µÃ µs." Of Ã' oursà µ, thà µrà µ's nothing partiÃ' ularly soÃ' ialistiÃ' about Ã' ollaboration pà µr sà µ. But thà µ tools of onlinà µ Ã' ollaboration support a Ã' ommunal stylà µ of produÃ' tion that shuns Ã' apitalistiÃ' invà µstors and kà µÃ µps ownà µrship in thà µ hands of thà µ workà µrs, and to somà µ à µxtà µnt thosà µ of thà µ Ã' onsuming massà µs Whilà µ Ã' oopà µration Ã' an writà µ an à µnÃ' yÃ' lopà µdia, no onà µ is hà µld rà µsponsiblà µ if thà µ Ã' ommunity fails to rà µaÃ' h Ã' onsà µnsus, and laÃ' k of agrà µÃ µmà µnt doà µsn't à µndangà µr thà µ à µntà µrprisà µ as a wholà µ. Thà µ aim of a Ã' ollà µÃ' tivà µ, howà µvà µr, is to à µnginà µÃ µr a systà µm whà µrà µ sà µlf-dirà µÃ' tà µd pà µÃ µrs takà µ rà µsponsibility for Ã' ritiÃ' al proÃ' à µssà µs and whà µrà µ diffiÃ' ult dà µÃ' isions, suÃ' h as sorting out prioritià µs, arà µ dà µÃ' idà µd by all partiÃ' ipants. Throughout history, hundrà µds of small-sÃ' alà µ Ã' ollà µÃ' tivist groups havà µ trià µd this opà µrating systà µm. Thà µ rà µsults havà µ not bà µÃ µn à µnÃ' ouraging, à µvà µn sà µtting asidà µ Jim Jonà µs and thà µ Manson family. Indà µÃ µd, a Ã' losà µ à µxamination of thà µ govà µrning kà µrnà µl of, say, Wikipà µdia, Linux, or Opà µnOffiÃ' à µ shows that thà µsà µ à µfforts arà µ furthà µr from thà µ Ã' ollà µÃ' tivist idà µal than appà µars from thà µ outsidà µ. Whilà µ millions of writà µrs Ã' ontributà µ to Wikipà µdia, a smallà µr numbà µr of à µditors (around 1,500) arà µ rà µsponsiblà µ for thà µ majority of thà µ à µditing. Platforms likà µ thà µ Intà µrnà µt and FaÃ' à µbook, or dà µmoÃ' raÃ' ywhiÃ' h arà µ intà µndà µd to sà µrvà µ as a substratà µ for produÃ' ing goods and dà µlivà µring sà µrviÃ' à µsbà µnà µfit from bà µing as nonhià µrarÃ' hiÃ' al as possiblà µ, minimizing barrià µrs to à µntry and distributing rights and rà µsponsibilitià µs à µqually. Whà µn powà µrful aÃ' tors appà µar, thà µ à µntirà µ fabriÃ' suffà µrs. On thà µ othà µr hand, organizations built to Ã' rà µatà µ produÃ' ts oftà µn nà µÃ µd strong là µadà µrs and hià µrarÃ' hià µs arrangà µd around timà µ sÃ' alà µs: Onà µ là µvà µl foÃ' usà µs on hourly nà µÃ µds, anothà µr on thà µ nà µxt fivà µ yà µars. In thà µ past, Ã' onstruÃ' ting an organization that à µxploità µd hià µrarÃ' hy yà µt maximizà µd Ã' ollà µÃ' tivism was nà µarly impossiblà µ. Now digital nà µtworking providà µs thà µ nà µÃ' à µssary infrastruÃ' turà µ. Thà µ Nà µt à µmpowà µrs produÃ' t-foÃ' usà µd organizations to funÃ' tion Ã' ollà µÃ' tivà µly whilà µ kà µÃ µping thà µ hià µrarÃ' hy from fully taking ovà µr. Thà µ organization bà µhind MySQL, an opà µn sourÃ' à µ databasà µ, is not romantiÃ' ally nonhià µrarÃ' hiÃ' al, but it is far morà µ Ã' ollà µÃ' tivist than OraÃ' là µ. Likà µwisà µ, Wikipà µdia is not a bastion of à µquality, but it is vastly morà µ Ã' ollà µÃ' tivist than thà µ ÕnÃ' yÃ' lopdia BritanniÃ' a. Thà µ à µlità µ Ã' orà µ wà µ find at thà µ hà µart of onlinà µ Ã' ollà µÃ' tivà µs is aÃ' tually a sign that statà µlà µss soÃ' ialism Ã' an work on a grand sÃ' alà µ. Most pà µoplà µ in thà µ Wà µst wà µrà µ indoÃ' trinatà µd with thà µ notion that à µxtà µnding thà µ powà µr of individuals nà µÃ' à µssarily diminishà µs thà µ powà µr of thà µ statà µ, and viÃ' à µ và µrsa. In praÃ' tiÃ' à µ, though, most politià µs soÃ' ializà µ somà µ rà µsourÃ' à µs and individualizà µ othà µrs. Most frà µÃ µ-markà µt à µÃ' onomià µs havà µ soÃ' ializà µd à µduÃ' ation, and à µvà µn à µxtrà µmà µly soÃ' ializà µd soÃ' ià µtià µs allow somà µ privatà µ propà µrty. Rathà µr than vià µwing tà µÃ' hnologiÃ' al soÃ' ialism as onà µ sidà µ of a zà µro-sum tradà µ-off bà µtwà µÃ µn frà µÃ µ-markà µt individualism and Ã' à µntralizà µd authority, it Ã' an bà µ sà µÃ µn as a Ã' ultural OS that à µlà µvatà µs both thà µ individual and thà µ group at onÃ' à µ. Thà µ largà µly unartiÃ' ulatà µd but intuitivà µly undà µrstood goal of Ã' ommunitarian tà µÃ' hnology is this: to maximizà µ both individual autonomy and thà µ powà µr of pà µoplà µ working togà µthà µr. Thus, digital soÃ' ialism Ã' an bà µ vià µwà µd as a third way that rà µndà µrs irrà µlà µvant thà µ old dà µbatà µs. Thà µ notion of a third way is à µÃ' hoà µd by YoÃ' hai Bà µnklà µr, author of Thà µ Wà µalth of Nà µtworks, who has probably thought morà µ than anyonà µ à µlsà µ about thà µ politiÃ' s of nà µtworks. Thà µ nà µw OS is nà µithà µr thà µ Ã' lassiÃ' Ã' ommunism of Ã' à µntralizà µd planning without privatà µ propà µrty nor thà µ undilutà µd Ã' haos of a frà µÃ µ markà µt. Instà µad, it is an à µmà µrging dà µsign spaÃ' à µ in whiÃ' h dà µÃ' à µntralizà µd publiÃ' Ã' oordination Ã' an solvà µ problà µms and Ã' rà µatà µ things that nà µithà µr purà µ Ã' ommunism nor purà µ Ã' apitalism Ã' an. Hybrid systà µms that blà µnd markà µt and nonmarkà µt mà µÃ' hanisms arà µ not nà µw. For dà µÃ' adà µs, rà µsà µarÃ' hà µrs havà µ studià µd thà µ dà µÃ' à µntralizà µd, soÃ' ializà µd produÃ' tion mà µthods of northà µrn Italian and Basquà µ industrial Ã' o-ops, in whiÃ' h à µmployà µÃ µs arà µ ownà µrs, sà µlà µÃ' ting managà µmà µnt and limiting profit distribution, indà µpà µndà µnt of statà µ Ã' ontrol. At nà µarly à µvà µry turn, thà µ powà µr of sharing, Ã' oopà µration, Ã' ollaboration, opà µnnà µss, frà µÃ µ priÃ' ing, and transparà µnÃ' y has provà µn to bà µ morà µ praÃ' tiÃ' al than wà µ Ã' apitalists thought possiblà µ. ÕaÃ' h timà µ wà µ try it, wà µ find that thà µ powà µr of thà µ nà µw soÃ' ialism is biggà µr than wà µ imaginà µd.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Movie
Imagine all the interesting battles this film could have featured: "Britney vs. Christina," "Bush vs. Gore," "Bin Laden vs. Castro." Nonetheless, New Line Studios has attempted to rejuvenate two of its horror â€Å"stars†in the form of a crimson plagued WWE wrestling match. "Freddy vs. Jason" pairs up two fading horror superstars and then pits them against each other in the hope that the combined fan bases of each will mean a box office smash. Hollywood defies all logic, regarding the storylines, relating to the history of these box office flops. Acting and Dialogue is thrown out the window as neither provides anything to further the animosity and climax leading toward the final battle between Freddy and Jason. Jason and Freddy provide little substance with the killings and the battle due to the fact every type of killing has been done between the twenty sequels produced already. Hollywood sequels have been made for decades and in ninety percent of the cases the sequel never delivers the hype of the first movie. Most of the time, however, the follow-up provides a continuing storyline which offers some logic to the sequel, but â€Å"Freddy vs. Jason†defies the norm once again. If you have been a devoted Freddy fan you would know Freddy kills in nightmares. If this is the case then all the razor-fingered freak has to do is wait until Jason goes to sleep and then proceed to murder him. One other major blunder is that for a film that claims that neither Jason nor Freddy have been around for a number of years, they've obviously forgotten Jason went to space in â€Å"Jason X.†The prime example of â€Å"clever†script-writing is when Freddy discovers that Jason is afraid of water and then subsequently delivers an icy shower that shrinks Jason from his mammoth stature to a less threatening stature. Jason goes from being a demonic killer to a t hree year old scared of the water. This may be one reason director Ronny Yu has only directed one othe... Free Essays on Movie Free Essays on Movie Imagine all the interesting battles this film could have featured: "Britney vs. Christina," "Bush vs. Gore," "Bin Laden vs. Castro." Nonetheless, New Line Studios has attempted to rejuvenate two of its horror â€Å"stars†in the form of a crimson plagued WWE wrestling match. "Freddy vs. Jason" pairs up two fading horror superstars and then pits them against each other in the hope that the combined fan bases of each will mean a box office smash. Hollywood defies all logic, regarding the storylines, relating to the history of these box office flops. Acting and Dialogue is thrown out the window as neither provides anything to further the animosity and climax leading toward the final battle between Freddy and Jason. Jason and Freddy provide little substance with the killings and the battle due to the fact every type of killing has been done between the twenty sequels produced already. Hollywood sequels have been made for decades and in ninety percent of the cases the sequel never delivers the hype of the first movie. Most of the time, however, the follow-up provides a continuing storyline which offers some logic to the sequel, but â€Å"Freddy vs. Jason†defies the norm once again. If you have been a devoted Freddy fan you would know Freddy kills in nightmares. If this is the case then all the razor-fingered freak has to do is wait until Jason goes to sleep and then proceed to murder him. One other major blunder is that for a film that claims that neither Jason nor Freddy have been around for a number of years, they've obviously forgotten Jason went to space in â€Å"Jason X.†The prime example of â€Å"clever†script-writing is when Freddy discovers that Jason is afraid of water and then subsequently delivers an icy shower that shrinks Jason from his mammoth stature to a less threatening stature. Jason goes from being a demonic killer to a t hree year old scared of the water. This may be one reason director Ronny Yu has only directed one othe...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Experiment to See How Much Sugar Is in a Soda
Experiment to See How Much Sugar Is in a Soda You know regular soft drinks supposedly contain a lot of sugar. Most of the sugar takes the form of sucrose (table sugar) or fructose. You can read the side of a can or bottle and see how many grams there are, but do you have any sense of how much that is? How much sugar do you think is in a soft drink? Heres a simple science experiment to see how much sugar there is and ​​learn about density. Materials Not to ruin the experiment for you, but your data will be more interesting if you compare different types of soft drinks rather than different brands of the same thing (e.g., three types of cola). This is because the formulations from one brand to another vary only slightly. Just because a drink tastes sweet might not mean it contains the most sugar. Lets find out. Heres what you need: 3 soft drinks (e.g., cola, citrus, other fruit like orange or grape)SugarWaterGraduated cylinder or measuring cup for small volumesSmall cups or beakers Form a Hypothesis Its an experiment, so use the scientific method. You already have background research into sodas. You know how they taste and may even have a sense of which tastes like it contains more sugar than another. So, make a prediction. How much sugar do you think is in a soft drink?Do you think colas, citrus drinks, or other soft drinks contain the most sugar?Out of a group of soft drinks, which one do you think contains the most sugar? the least? Experimental Procedure Taste the soft drinks. Write down how sweet they taste, compared with each other. Ideally, you want flat (uncarbonated) soda, so you can either let the soda sit out on the counter or stir it up to force most of the bubbles out of solution.Read the label for each soda. It will give the mass of sugar, in grams, and the volume of the soda, in milliliters. Calculate the density of the soda but dividing the mass of sugar by the volume of soda. Record the values.Weigh six small beakers. Record the mass of each beaker. You will use the first 3 beakers to make pure sugar solutions and the other 3 beakers to test the sodas. If you are using a different number of soda samples, adjust the number of beakers accordingly.In one of the small beakers, add 5 ml (milliliters) of sugar. Add water to get 50 ml of total volume. Stir to dissolve the sugar.Weigh the beaker with sugar and water. Subtract the weight of the beaker by itself. Record this measurement. It is the combined mass of the sugar and wa ter. Determine the density of your sugar-water solution: (density calculations)density mass / volumedensity (your calculated mass) / 50 mlRecord the density for this amount of sugar in water (grams per milliliter).Repeat steps 4-7 for 10 ml of sugar with water added to make 50 ml solution (about 40 ml) and again using 15 ml of sugar and water to make 50 ml (about 35 ml of water).Make a graph showing ​the density of the solution versus the amount of sugar.Label each of the remaining beakers with the name of the soda to be tested. Add 50 ml of flat soda to the labeled beaker.Weigh the beaker and subtract the dry weight from step 3 to get the mass of the soda.Calculate the density of each soda by dividing the mass of soda by the 50 ml volume.Use the graph you drew to figure out how much sugar is in each soda. Review Your Results The numbers you recorded were your data. The graph represents the results of your experiment. Compare the results in the graph with your predictions about which soft drink had the most sugar. Were you surprised? Questions To Consider How many sodas do you drink in a day? How much sugar is that?In what way, if any, do you think the results would have been different if you had used a freshly opened soda, with lots of carbonation?Would the results have been different if you dissolved the sugar in the first three beakers in carbonated water rather than regular water?A sugar cube weighs about 4 grams. How many sugar cubes would it take, for each soda, to reach the mass of sugar stated on the container?
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Pestle analysis for hybrid cars in US Coursework
Pestle analysis for hybrid cars in US - Coursework Example Politicians, in as early as 1990, have put emphasis on better environment; and thy showed concern for environmental pollution. The Clean Air Act was revised in 1990 and became tougher on emission norms (Wilson and Dilulio, 2008 p.561). Today, fuel is not only related to environmental issues, but also a concern for national security. In 2007 president Bush showed concern on America’s dependence on foreign petroleum. The present president, President Obama too is concerned. He wants to reduce the America’s ‘Addiction to foreign oil’. In 2009 Obama revised climatic policies and forced car makers to build more fuel efficient and pollution free cars (Tan et al, 2012, p.3). Presently the government provides tax benefits to the buyers of hybrid cars (Boone and Kurtz, 2013, p 75). From the above facts it is clear that political opinions and activities in the USA are very favourable for Hybrid cars. Tougher policy on vehicle emission means increased opportunities for zero or minimum emitting vehicles like hybrid cars. Economic Factors: There are some economic factors that can influence the hybrid car industry in the USA. America is largely dependent upon other countries for petroleum. If domestic fuel consumption is reduced US’s oil import will reduce. This will surely lessen US’s trade deficit (Tan et al, 2012, p.4). ... As hybrid cars are more fuel efficient people can save money on fuel (Miller and Stafford, 2020, p.38). However, a hybrid car costs more than a conventional car. Therefore, the initial high purchasing cost might discourage potential buyers of hybrid cars (Miller and Stafford, 2020, p.38). The government has made special budgetary allocations for new generation vehicles. This money is being spent on development of fuel-efficient and low-emission vehicles. This fact is an excellent encouragement for hybrid car industry (Tan et al, 2012, p.4). Therefore, it is clear that most of the economic factors can positively influence the US hybrid car industry. However, high price of hybrid cars might be a deterrent. Social Factors: The hybrid car industry could be influenced by several social factors. The environmental pollution is linked with social issues like health. Conventional cars that emit more harmful gases cause more damage to human health. Hybrid cars emit a negligible amount of these gases. Therefore they are seen as more human health-friendly. Moreover, hybrid cars are silent. Noise has negative impact on health. In this aspect too, hybrid cars promote better health (Tan et al, 2012, pp.4-5). Hybrid cars are now linked with social status. Reports show that US consumers buy greener products to improve social status. Consumers are even ready to ‘sacrifice luxury and performance to benefit from the perceived social status that comes from buying a product with a reduced environmental impact’ (Vaughan, 29 March, 2010). As hybrid cars are greener, owning a hybrid car will improve the owner’s social status (Vaughan, 29 March, 2010). Another social fact worth mentioning here is: women prefer electric cars.
The Gamble House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
The Gamble House - Essay Example Gamble House mood and symmetries tend to be different from other spacious contemporary buildings that were done in the 1900s. It has a casual mood that matches its localized symmetry. A very good example of the localization of symmetry in the masterpiece is the symmetrical organization of forms and spaces in relations to one another. In the three floors, the ceiling heights are different. The first-floor ceiling was the lowest while the den ceiling was the highest. Throughout the building, the scales and the forms shift constantly as one move from the interior towards the front and rear areas. The inclusion of the Gamble family attic in the third floor helped in making it a billiard room. A family crest, trailing rose and a crane were artistically integrated into many locations. Gamble House outdoor also symbolizes the historical building plans used in America during the 1990s. Outside the second-floor bedrooms are exterior porches that could be used for entertainment or for sleeping. The main terrace of the building was strategically designed and built to be privately beyond the back of the residence. Clinker boulders garden walls were also included to decorate the rear facade. The paths in the compound were made from stones forming a running brook across the lawns. The landscape and the garden elements were integrated into the required proportions and details. The Asian and Japanese influence on the structure can also be seen in the leaded glasses and the pine motif on the front door.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Cybercrime Prevention Guide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Cybercrime Prevention Guide - Essay Example Thus, any unlawful activity where a computer is used as a tool or a target or both comes under the definition of the cyber crime. Cyber Crimes can be categorized in the followings, according to Potts (2002): A crime where a computer or different computers are targeted over the network, for example, spreading of viruses etc. The computer may also be used to commit the traditional crimes, as widely used and easy access; for example, illegal gambling, money frauds etc. The computer may also be used as a file cabinet to store illegal information. For instance, drug trafficker using the computer to store the data of his sources, inventory etc. There seems to be not much between conventional crimes and the cyber crimes, but still if we dig deep then as per the above mentioned definitions a cyber crime is any crime where the computer is used. Laws are introduced and enforced in most of the countries to counter the cyber crime because there used to be a time when this was not unlawful as per the laws of most the countries and provisions are being made in order to cater this. With the growth in computer technology, new ways are being devised by the criminals in order to perform the illegal activities; the same is being done in order to cater against these (Brenner, 2010). ... code induced into the software of an application or the operating system of an organization that is triggered on a specific time period or by some triggering action of it. The nature of Logic Bombs is basically malicious, and they act same as a virus or a Trojan horse when activated by the triggering action. All those viruses that are to be released at some triggering action also fall into the category of a logic bomb (Parsons, Oja and Low, 1999). An organization applications and database are always vulnerable to such attacks. As the data represent the most critical factor for any organization, most of the applications that are being used are there to perform the operations and keep the data in an organized manner (Venkatraman, 2003). When such an attack is planted on data, nobody knows to what extent it may damage the organization because such an attack may not only destroy the data on the hard disks of the individual user, but may be planted to destroy the data kept in the servers. It may be planted to cover some financial frauds by some individual or a group of individuals, because when records are destroyed, they cannot be held responsible for anything. It may be planted on the application program by some cranky that runs the production unit. That may change the recipe, and the mixing of the raw materials to generate the final project; that is also financially not suitable for the organization. It will clearly mean that the end product made by this is a waste and it will hit the company badly because it will increase the wasted products amount (Brenner, 2010). Signs of Logic Bomb Attack Parsons, Oja and Low (1999) mentioned in their book that sometimes it is very easy to detect a logic bomb attack, especially if it is a virus attack on the network of an
Job related concerns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Job related concerns - Essay Example The top three causes of stress as indicated by police officers includes the murdering or injuring of people who are innocent, the injury or death of a fellow member of the police force and the third rank has been allotted to the death of a fellow police officer at the hands of citizens. Police officers experiences five stages while coping with different stressful incidents. In the first stage they deny or are not ready to accept that the incident has occurred, in the second stage the police officers end up experiencing anger as a result of their acceptance that the stressful incidence has really occurred and in the third stage they start bargaining and they end up giving up certain elements of job and may take up certain elements of job. Furthermore, they may even experience the mental state of being depressed and they may fail to sleep or eat properly. In the last stage, the police officer accepts the occurrence of the event with full acknowledgement and is ready to face the stressful event in order to counter it. The term deviant behavior is used to refer to those behaviors that are considered as anti-social in nature. In the case of police work, those police activities are considered as deviant that are against the rules, regulations as well as norms that have been created by the higher authorities and these norms are concerned with the micro as well as the macro level of policing. There are various behaviors that can be referred to as deviant in the context of police work. These behaviors include the act of corrupt practices, workplace deviance, crimes committed by police officers and inappropriate use of authority that is vested within the position of police officers. Researchers have even identified other forms of deviant behaviors such as taking bribes, stealing property and valuables from the crime scene, covering up for activities that are illegal in nature and sexual
Thursday, October 17, 2019
William Faulkner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
William Faulkner - Essay Example Faulkner was a multitalented individual even at a tender age; he was active in sports as he played for his high school football team. His interests in literature were depicted during his early years. Upon reaching puberty, this renowned author started writing poems. However, after his teens, Faulkner began loosing interest in formal studies and eventually decided to quit school. A few years later, Faulkner was to meet one of the most inspiring literary artists in his lifetime; Phil Stone. Additionally, Faulkner met the love of his life in those early years; she was known as Estelle Oldham. The later mentioned girl had a romantic relationship with Faulkner but never committed her life to him because she was betrothed to someone else. Stone- his literary mentor- had seen some of Faulkner's earlier poetic works and realized that he had great potential to make it in the world of literature. Faulkner's first job was a in New Haven where he worked briefly in an Arms Company. Thereafter, he tried joining the Army but his physical appearance did not allow him to progress. Afterward, he joined the Canadian Royal Air force. His life in the Air force did not last long since the world war ended just soon after he had joined them. In order to keep track of his experiences, Faulkner decided to purchase some Air force accolades. This experience in the Army was one of the most influential aspects in his literary works. One of his novels; Soldier's pay: which was published in '26 indicated some of his fictional experiences in the war. In the year 19919, Faulkner got a chance to join a university. He was able to accomplish this even despite the fact that he had dropped out of high schools. This future author was very active in his university forming clubs and other similar associations. (Amazon, 2006) However, Faulkner never completed his studies. Instead he opted for odd jobs. He worked as a postmaster, bookstore assistant and even as a Scoutmaster. All these jobs did not suite his outgoing personality and he was forced to resign or quite. Literary works In the early twenties, Faulkner began by writing some essays that formed part of the New Orleans collection. He then embarked on his first literary novel called Soldier's pay. After completing this novel, it was published by Live right. Thereafter, Faulkner decided to move to Italy and then Paris. These served as great influences in is second novel; Sanctuary. The second novel was published in the year 1926 and was entitled Mosquitoes. It mainly talked about some of the earlier influences in the army but this book was not one of his best productions. Failures in the latter novel resulted in improvements in his next pieces of work. He was advised to stay true to his roots and this is exactly what he did in his subsequent works. Faulkner realized that he could create greater influences if they depicted native aspects of his community. This third publication seemed very interesting to Faulkner but not to his publishers. His first publisher refused to wok with him and so did many other p ublishers. After a frantic search for a publisher, Faulkner finally got a willing one in the year 1926. However, the novel was only released after excessive editing and changes made to his title.
Gender&Global cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Gender&Global cinema - Essay Example Identifying the concepts of marginalization and gender definitions in global film shows how the boundaries of gender are defined in various regions of society. Two films which portray this theme are A Question of Silence by Marleen Gorris and The Housemaid by Im Sang – Soo. The discourse of feminist theory in A Question of Silence is one which shows several areas of boundaries and marginalization, as well as a question of gender identity. The portrayal of the three women are first depicted, all which take on a traditional identity in terms of gender. However, this is broken when they move from shoplifting different items to beating the male shopkeeper to death. This specific action sets the gender identity into motion, specifically because the action is one which is not expected in relation to the female gender identity. The shock which this leaves is one which creates a suspicion that the women are insane and that the actions which were warranted were because of mental instability. After finding that this is not true, there becomes a question of what the intent was of beating the male shopkeeper, specifically because of the associated anger that was taken with the actions (Gorris, 1). The feminist discourse which is associated with this film is based on the silence of the women as well as the stereotypes and immediate associations with gender identity which is portrayed. The silent association with the fight is one which is displayed through the actions which the women take as well as the shift in actions. The narrative is one which depicts silence after the action which is taken; however, the women are all known to fight the male domination in society through the action of beating the male shopkeeper to death. The metaphor of violence, as well as the following assumptions, all show the concept of feminist identity and the marginalization which the women are placed into. The violence becomes a way to speak about the male domination in society as
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
William Faulkner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
William Faulkner - Essay Example Faulkner was a multitalented individual even at a tender age; he was active in sports as he played for his high school football team. His interests in literature were depicted during his early years. Upon reaching puberty, this renowned author started writing poems. However, after his teens, Faulkner began loosing interest in formal studies and eventually decided to quit school. A few years later, Faulkner was to meet one of the most inspiring literary artists in his lifetime; Phil Stone. Additionally, Faulkner met the love of his life in those early years; she was known as Estelle Oldham. The later mentioned girl had a romantic relationship with Faulkner but never committed her life to him because she was betrothed to someone else. Stone- his literary mentor- had seen some of Faulkner's earlier poetic works and realized that he had great potential to make it in the world of literature. Faulkner's first job was a in New Haven where he worked briefly in an Arms Company. Thereafter, he tried joining the Army but his physical appearance did not allow him to progress. Afterward, he joined the Canadian Royal Air force. His life in the Air force did not last long since the world war ended just soon after he had joined them. In order to keep track of his experiences, Faulkner decided to purchase some Air force accolades. This experience in the Army was one of the most influential aspects in his literary works. One of his novels; Soldier's pay: which was published in '26 indicated some of his fictional experiences in the war. In the year 19919, Faulkner got a chance to join a university. He was able to accomplish this even despite the fact that he had dropped out of high schools. This future author was very active in his university forming clubs and other similar associations. (Amazon, 2006) However, Faulkner never completed his studies. Instead he opted for odd jobs. He worked as a postmaster, bookstore assistant and even as a Scoutmaster. All these jobs did not suite his outgoing personality and he was forced to resign or quite. Literary works In the early twenties, Faulkner began by writing some essays that formed part of the New Orleans collection. He then embarked on his first literary novel called Soldier's pay. After completing this novel, it was published by Live right. Thereafter, Faulkner decided to move to Italy and then Paris. These served as great influences in is second novel; Sanctuary. The second novel was published in the year 1926 and was entitled Mosquitoes. It mainly talked about some of the earlier influences in the army but this book was not one of his best productions. Failures in the latter novel resulted in improvements in his next pieces of work. He was advised to stay true to his roots and this is exactly what he did in his subsequent works. Faulkner realized that he could create greater influences if they depicted native aspects of his community. This third publication seemed very interesting to Faulkner but not to his publishers. His first publisher refused to wok with him and so did many other p ublishers. After a frantic search for a publisher, Faulkner finally got a willing one in the year 1926. However, the novel was only released after excessive editing and changes made to his title.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 20
Homework - Essay Example The employees of a business should be handled with the utmost esteem and terms of their contracts should be met without compromise. These values are absolute, and one must take them seriously enough to dominate human rationale, weakness, ego, or individual faults. Incase of failure one looks back at core values for guidance as there is always disagreement about what values should reign supreme (Dunfee & Nagayasu, 1993). In business, the ones values are the values of the employer, the freedom to choose own ethical values is somewhat limited, but due to corporate scandals, the thought of following the corporation’s values is a problem (Shaw, 2011). The real test of values and communication in business comes from resulting action. Good ethics and communication principles should be noticed at the top levels of management. In addition to that, a corporate values and ethics initiative should be sold throughout the company and customers. A company should practice its ethics and communication values. Training must be provided to everyone So that its principles are known to everyone in the business (Jennings, 2012). The ethics and communication principles should extend to the next generation employees. This is because, the longer it lasts, the more established the principles will be. Conclusively, this article illustrates the importance of business ethics in a business. It gives an insight of how business ethics aids the development of a business and gives the social, political and environmental impact of communication or business ethics in a business
Monday, October 14, 2019
Style of food Essay Example for Free
Style of food Essay Each country has its own unique style of food. Depending upon where you are, even food with the same ingredients will have a different taste. In a way, food has a unique charm in the sense it is able to reflect cultural and geographic differences. For example, in Asia almost all food is served with a bowl of rice, but in Western culture most of the time food in served with bread. When rice is served in America, it has a different taste different from what I was used to eating in Korea because it was grown in a different environment utilizing a different method. Keep in mind, however, each individual person has his or her own distinct classification system of judging whether specific food is good or not. This is why radical changes in food culture can occur. Nowadays, food in Asia is becoming westernized and items such hamburgers and pizzas are among Asian teenagers’ favorite foods. Now, my parents’ generation thinks food of this type is not healthy and believes they are terrible items as a diet staple. My father, for example, he needs to have a bowl of soup, at least four different kinds of dishes, and a bowl of rice for every meal including breakfast. For most my parents’ generation, this is the accepted classification system of eating a meal. Conversely, several American friends of mine think Korea’s most favorite food, â€Å"Kimchi†, literally stinks. This is ironic as when we are introduced to a new type of food, we first judge by smell, how it looks, its ingredients and, finally, by taste. Just as my friends are skeptical of trying new food, I still have trepidation towards food that I have never eaten before. My interest in food has also tied in with my interest in African Studies and I decided to eat at a restaurant called â€Å"MOYA†upon the recommendation of a Professor Lacy. Despite the fact that told me how authentic this place is, I assumed the food would not that much different from what I usually eat figuring the restaurant must be somewhat westernized in order to attract people’s tastes that are not familiar with Ethiopian food. However, my foregone conclusions were wiped away the moment I stepped into the restaurant, as there were a lot of subtle touches and I could feel the air of Ethiopian culture. Along with a strong smell of frankincense, an Ethiopian waitress came out to fit us with traditional Ethiopian clothes. My first impression of MOYA was that the restaurant had strong cultural and spiritual roots. All the tables were made out of wood with dark red color and the chairs were decorated with paintings of ancient African people. In the middle of the restaurant, there were decoration of actual bowls and pots made out of dark red clay that were used for cooking. In fact, all the colors in the restaurants were close to nature. While not fancy, the place was rather cozy. My friends and I ordered three dishes but when the food was served, I automatically thought it was an appetizer because it consisted of one big dish that was put in the middle of the table and only a few bread balls were in it. Soon after, three clay bowls were brought out and the waitress started to pour some soup out of each bowl. She told us to start eating, but there were no spoons or folks. We figured out the dishes we ordered were stew-like food, so we straightened the bread balls and dipped them into the soup in order to eat. We also realized that we had to eat with our fingers as well. The food was unexpectedly delicious and taste was surprisingly not that different from Korean food. In fact, one dish tasted just like curry. The bread balls that were served with the soup were called injera and they particularly made the Ethiopian food taste different. The meal was a departure from the norm for me since we were eating with our fingers, we were not able to take a big bite of the bread so this automatically slowed down our speed of eating and we were allowed to have a conversation while eating, which is very unusual in Korean culture. Korean people always in a hurry at the dining table because there are too many sub-dishes conversation is kept to a minimum. So, the Ethiopian dinner was another good way to unite with a group of friends and have a fun evening with a casual dinner. Since a young age, I learned how to use chopsticks and was taught as eating with your fingers is uncivilized. Therefore, it was shocking to me when I had to use my fingers to eat as it was taboo in my classification system. However, I realized that it contradicts my own ideas because I often use my fingers to eat such as when eating hamburgers, pizza, chicken wings and chicken tenders. It just appeared to be more offensive because I never had Ethiopian food before and I never knew how to eat that type of food before in my entire life. The experience at the MOYA meant a lot to me as it gave me the chance to be more mature as an anthropologist in the way it provided a vehicle for learning and understanding a different culture. Many times, the ability to learn about new cultures is rooted in investing time in new experiences. If a person spends too much time surrounded by the same environment, then there will be a tendency to look at the world through a very narrow vision or, worse, develop a mindset full of preconceived notions or stereotypes. While eating in a new restaurant may seem like a minor affair, the reality is that it can open up a huge window of the mind in terms of becoming more accepting of new people and new cultures.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
A Comparison of My Last Duchess and Ulysses :: comparison compare contrast essays
Comparing My Last Duchess and Ulysses  Both of the poems, ‘My Last Duchess’ by Robert Browning and ‘Ulysses’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson, are examples of dramatic monologues, in that they solely consist of the speech of the protagonist. As a result, they have few or, in the case of ‘My Last Duchess’, only one stanza. Many enjambed lines and many irregularities in the basic form of iambic pentameter also hide the rhyming couplets in this poem. ‘My Last Duchess’ is set in Renaissance Italy and is the Duke of Ferrara talking to a servant of his prospective father-in-law, about a painting of his former wife. The narrator of ‘Ulysses’ is the man in the title, an Ancient Greek hero, talking about his loathing of his regal position and his wish to travel again before his impending death. Although they are both powerful men talking about their pasts, there are noticeable differences between the two poems, both in the protagonists themselves and the poetic devices used t o present them. One of the clearest differences between Ferrara and Ulysses is the source of their power, and the kind of power that they wield. Ferrara’s power comes from his ‘nine-hundred-years-old-name’, that is, his position as the ruler of one of the many city states that make up the present-day nation of Italy. This was a position he was born into-not one which he earned. He obviously puts great value on his inherited status, as he refers to it as a ‘gift’ and objected when his wife did not consider it more precious than the gifts that other people gave to her. He considers himself to have been very generous by making her his Duchess, and he thinks that his wife should have ranked this generosity than that of others. He gives examples of other gifts which she thought of as equal in worth, such as: ‘The white mule She rode with round the terrace’ ‘The dropping of daylight in the west.' The Duke does not think that such things, which are trivial to him, should bring her the same amount of joy as the presents he bestows on her. He is also mildly jealous of the way that other things can make his wife happy. He thinks that she should love him and him alone. This is particularly shown when he refers to someone else. ‘The bough of cherries some officious fool
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Birth Of A Nation And Greed :: essays research papers
The progress of the film industry was remarkably fast in the first quarter of this century. I have chosen two films namely The Birth of a Nation (1915) and Greed (1924) for comparison and contrast to show how much the industry had evolved within the short span of nine years. These two films are chosen for the short time span between them. This short time span will enable us to evaluate the development of the film industry in terms of the psychological build-up of the plot and the characters, cinematic qualities and the gradual acceptance of ironies in the films on the part of the American audience.D.W Griffith's The Birth of a Nation and Erich Von Stroheim's Greed are both films adapted from novels written by Thomas Dixon and Frank Norris respectively. However one of the differences between these two films lies in the human characters portrayed. In The Birth of a Nation, the characters are portrayed as either wholly good or evil. One could easily distinguish between the heroes and villains in the film. For example, the hero in the film, Ben Stoneman is portrayed as courageous, loving and righteous as opposed to the villains Lynch (the false reformer) and Gus (the black soldier), who are portrayed as scheming and lustful. This lopsided depiction of human nature is not realistic, as humans cannot be either wholly good or wholly evil. This is an example of idealism with clear influences from Pollyanna stories, which was well accepted by the audience then. Thus a realistic depiction of humans should be that of portraying their strengths and weaknesses. The characters in Von Stroheim's Greed, on the other hand, possess this practical depiction of humans. In this film the characters are a real portrayal of real human beings with imperfections and weaknesses. McTeague for instance, is portrayed as kind and gentle towards animals yet violent by nature. Marcus, McTeague's friend and later his foe, is portrayed as a humorous, witty but at the same time scheming and harbors grudges against McTeague. Comparing these characters to the ones in The Birth of a Nation, clearly the characters in Greed are much more realistic, painting a true picture of the complexity of human nature. It is also a break from the then prevailing norm in Hollywood's films of showing only one-sided nature of the characters, which is either wholly good or wholly bad.In addition to that, Von Stroheim also showed the psychological development of his characters.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Online Harassment & and Cyber Mobs Essay
Cyberbullying, we have all heard of it and most of us have even experienced it in some way or another. There is no doubt, that being deliberately harassed in hostile manners on the Internet can have fatal consequences for the victims. And fatal consequences were exactly what the 15-year-old Amanda Todd suffered. After various sorts of cyberbullying, Amanda Todd was broken down to her cores and on October 10 2012 she committed suicide. Amanda Todd became world famous for a YouTube video, where she exposed all of the different kinds of online harassment that she had been through. More or less the same thing happened to Anita Sarkeesian. Anita launched an online fundraising campaign, to create awareness of how female characters are portrayed as sexual stereotypes in videogames. Unfortunately, Anita did not only launch a campaign, but also the beginning of a time with harsh online harassment against herself, from people who disagreed with her project. Anita is now a major voice when it c omes to stopping the harassment of women on the Internet, which she proved in a speech at the TEDxWomen event in 2012. It is indisputable that Anita Sarkeesian has been through many negatively affected emotions when she was harassed on the Internet, and she is not afraid to let the audience know how it was like. She is of course using pathos to awaken the audience’s feelings, in order for her to get them on her side. Already in the beginning of the speech, she reaches for the audience’s emotions: â€Å"All of my social media were flooded with treats of rape, violence, sexual assaults, death – And you’ll notice that these treats and comments were all specifically targeting me gender.†1 As the quotation shows, the words that she has chosen are very powerful. Words like rape, violence and death are all words that have an immediate shock effect on the audience, which is truly in her favor. Another way that she communicates is with the use of humor. Multiple times throughout her speech she uses humorous words and phrases, which optimizes the relationship between her and the receivers. In addition to the way that she engages the audience in her speech, Anita Sarkeesian also masters explicit speech techniques that help her persuade the audience. One example is a rhetorical question: â€Å"The idea being that if you were interested in the project, you could donate, and if you weren’t interested, you could choose not to donate. It’s pretty straight forward, right? I mean what could possibly go wrong? Yeah.†2 In other words, she is fully aware of that the audience knows that something will go wrong with the project; she just asks the question in order to benefit from the audience’s participation. It is small little tricks or techniques like these that help her persuade the audience. As I pointed out earlier, Anita practices pathos in her speech. This is withal not the only form of appeal that she practices. Anita also attempts to make herself a more trustworthy person and she does that by making herself appear as a strong character: â€Å"Do you wanna know what happened to my fundraiser after all that? Well first, the cyber mob failed to silence me, as is evidence of me being here today.†3 So even though cyber mobs tried to silence her, she remained strong and rose above the influence. And that definitely makes her a person to believe. But how is the issue of online harassment actually looked upon? Well, in Singapore located in Asia online harassment is looked upon with the same disgust as in America. They have likewise experienced suicidal female victims, and they are therefore ready to pass new laws against harassment on the Internet: â€Å"Victims of harassment suffer from insufficient protection and face an unclear path when seeking recourse, especially when harassment occurs or spills over to daily life. Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law, Mr K. Shanmugam, has indicated that new laws on harassment will be tabled next year.†4 Hence this quotation, it is safe to say that online harassment is not just some local coincidence, but actually a global problem. Otherwise it is no secret to anybody, that the Internet is the fastest way to spread and share ideas, so if online harassment is not yet a problem on a worldwide scale, then it is only a matter time before it is. On the other hand, there is always another side of the case, and online harassment is no exception. Just as easy as it is to receive emails with harassing matter or even Facebook messages and tweets, just as easy is it to delete it again. Some do for that reason, and other arguments as well, share the belief that online harassment is overrated and not an actual problem like physical bullying: â€Å"Cyber bullying is overrated, there, I said it. It is not a popular viewpoint to hold, but this is how I feel about cyber bullying issues (†¦) Emails can easily be filtered, forum insults can be reported and text messages can be filtered, blocked or used to trace back to the sender. Outside of the tracing part which can be left to the parent to handle, a child can be taught how to do the rest easily.†5 Although the quotation from above is just from an online blogger and not another expert in this particular field, it is still a suitable example of how online harassment is looked upon differently. Without saying that either stance is right or wrong, Anita Sarkeesian is a living proof of online harassment of women, which is enough reason for this topic to be discussed and perhaps dealt with. Anita Sarkeesian may be a decent speaker with good persuasive techniques, but that does not change the fact that her story is true. Luckily, she had the courage and strength to overcome the online harassment that she was put through, but many girls like Amanda Todd don’t have the same fortitude. However, it is also true that emails and other online communications systems are very easy to handle, thus it is possible with the right technical knowhow to secure oneself from online harassment and even cyber mobs. Despite the different views on this topic, online harassment is an ongoing thing and it definitely deserves attention.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Chapter Ii: Review of Related Literature
Chapter II: Review of Related Literature History of School Papers In the public high schools in the City of Manila, school newspapers were published as early as 1930, although records show that The Coconut, a mimeographed copy and edited by Carlos P. Romulo came out in the school year 1911-1912. For several years some big schools in the public schools in Manila had one newspaper, the first three pages of which were devoted to English and the remaining pages to Filipino. It was only in 1960 when some big schools published separate issues in English and in Filipino.In 1952, formal instructions in high school journalism began. That was the time when Mrs. Sarah England, an American teacher of Mapa High School, experimented on the teaching of journalism. The experiment proved so successful that other four existing high schools followed suit. These schools formally offered journalism as a vocational subject holding classes on a daily double period throughout the school year. Since then, jo urnalism has been under the supervision of English supervisors, but grades were considered as vocational subjects. History of School Newspapers in the PhilippinesAccording to Jesus Valenzuela in the History of Journalism in the Philippine Islands (1933) and John Lent in the Philippine Mass Communication (1964), the history of campus journalism in the Philippines started when the University of Santo Tomas published El Liliputiense in 1890. However, Oscar Manalo, NarcisoMatienzo, and VirgilioMonteloyola in AngPamahayagan (1985) argued that the history of campus journalism in the country started when the University of the Philippines published The College Folio, now The Philippine Collegian, in 1910.They also added that The Torch of the Philippine Normal University, The Guidon of the Ateneo de Manila University, and The Varsitarian of the University of Santo Tomas were also published two years later. Whatever came first, Carlos Romulo y Pena edited The Coconut, the official student pub lication of the Manila High School, now the Araullo High School. It was published in 1912 and it is now considered the first and oldest high school newspaper in the country. In 1923, La Union High School in the Ilocos Region published The La Union Tab, the first printed and regularly issued high school newspaper in the country.Since then, high school newspapers came out one after the other. Among these high school newspapers were The Pampangan, Pampanga High School, 1925; The Leytean, Leyte High School, 1925; The Rizalian, Rizal High School, 1926; The Coconut, Tayabas High School, 1927; The Volcano, Batangas High School, 1927; The Toil, La Union Trade School, 1928; The Samarinian, Samar High School, 1928; The Melting Pot, Tarlac High School, 1929; The Granary, Nueva Ecija High School, 1929; The Torres Torch, Torres High School, 1930; and The Cagayan Student Chronicle, Cagayan High School, 1931.In 1931, 30 out of 106 high schools in the country had campus newspapers registered at the Bureau of Public Schools. In 1950, this number increased to 169; by 1954, to 253; by 1975, to 500; and by 1986, to more than 900 newspapers in English and in Filipino (Escote, A. 2008). Functions of School Papers Journalism is an academic discourse guaranteed by Republic Act No. 7079, also known as the Campus Journalism Act of 1991, which protects freedom of the press at the campus level and promotes the growth and development of campus journalism as a means of developing moral character, encouraging critical thinking, and strengthening ethical values.Journalism, the art and science of writing for newspapers, periodicals, radio, television, and online publications, enfolds timely and factual reports of unusual or unexpected events, opinions, or situations that affect man and his environment. These reports are gathered, evaluated, and published, broadcasted, or posted on the Web to inform, to entertain, or to influence a large number of readers. The School Paper Advisers According t o Binoya (1999), a school paper adviser has his own mission.The effective and efficient management of a school paper is measured not solely or the merit of a written master plan that predetermines a course of action to be pursued for optimum results. It should likewise place a high premium on how the adviser assumes the role as a mentor to budding journalists. Mentoring is a challenging endeavor that is truly regarding to both the teacher and the student. The mentor finds fulfillment in discovery and development an eager learner and potential champion.A disgruntled and inept adviser is the primary source of disenchantment among young workers. Campus journalist to succeed in their craft need to find an adviser who is determined to make jobs to make his work a happy growing experience. School paper advising is a real challenge where problems encountered every adviser must be handed systematically, various local studies were presented such as Tanodra(1992) revealed in her study that th e greatest number of high school paper advisers in Metro Manila ere not adequately prepared and trained in information disseminating work.She further revealed that because of their paper advisers’ encountered problems with their students’ staff, their fellow teachers and school administrator or principal. Binoya (1999) indicates that the adviser’s number one mission is to inspire young writers to give the school publication their best effort. These could be realized by pursuing these goals. 1. Make school paper advising a more challenging task and perform the job at high level of excellence. 2. Don’t make our staff for granted. Recognize that work achievement. 3. Consider the staff as a team. Show our concern.Don’t hide the fact that we are as human as the young people we work with. Roles and Responsibilities The following are the duties and responsibilities of the school paper adviser as listed by Binoya (1999): 1. Organize at the beginning of the school year and handle journalism classes with above average intelligence and inclination to writing. 2. Organize the school paper tasks. 3. Undertake the structuring, cleanliness maintenance of the staff room. 4. Administer division test in journalism, correct and report of such tests. 5. Read memoranda, bulletins, circulars, information, etc. or the implementation and dissemination of pertinent ones in the school paper. 6. Attend journalism in-service meetings, seminar-workshops demonstration, lessons, city-wide and regional contests. 7. Prepare daily lesson plans. 8. Prepare journalism exercises and instructional aids materials. 9. Evaluate and record pupil performance in the journalism aids and materials. 10. Train contestants for decision, regional, and national contest in journalism. 11. Set up timetable for the production and distribution of the school paper. 12. Copy read article for the publications. 13.Type corrected articles submitted by the staff members. 14. Work with the staff and layout of the school paper. 15. Submit articles and pictures with the corresponding picture to the printer. 16. Proof-read typeset materials and follow up production of school paper at the press until its completed. 17. Take picture of significant activities in the school and in the community. 18. Accompany the staff members in the survey of the school and community resources and activities in joining journalism contests and conferences, and in going to and from the press and in awarding ceremonies. 9. Prepare with the staff the dummy and headlines of the school paper. 20. Prepare pictures for the publication, cropping, caption writing, indicating printers’ directions. 21. Verify through research and interview facts reported in articles submitted by the staffers. 22. Prepare financial reports on expenditures from paper subscription funds after every issue. 23. Keep and update school morgue and file of exchanges. 24. Prepare financial reports on expenditures from paper subscription funds after every issue. 25.Take charge of and be responsible for all books, property and equipment issued for the use of journalism classes. 26. Keep and update school paper morgue and file exchanges. 27. Execute and submit a clearance form issued by the Journalism and School Paper services at the end of the school year and upon going maternity leave, sabbatical leave, study leave, resignation, retirement, and transfer to other office, school, division or change of assignment. 28. Submit file copies of every issue of the school paper to the office of the Journalism and School Paper Services 29.Executive and submit performance rating together with the worksheet. 30. Exert all effort and implement all possible means to improve instruction, develop right values, and accelerate performance. 31. Any change in assignment, all books and other staff property should be turned over to this new advisers and critic. Incompetence of Newspapers Advisers Pan (1990) has listed down the major characteristics of teacher, Advisers such as: credibility, trustworthiness, and expertise among those that affect the teachers of journalism and advising of school paper.She also mentioned administrative support, lack of facilities and equipment, in teaching load as some of the problems encountered by the teacher adviser. Oliva (1999) mentioned that campus journalism should be included in the public secondary curriculum. He also suggested that school administrators should give their full support in promoting campus journalism because it is where our future writers will get motivated. He also suggested that school paper advisers should start to educate students abut consequence of media and students should realize the importance of responsible journalism.The lack and the needs to have better (trained) advisers Consequently, Roque (1972) stated that the task of putting out a school publication requires not only the ability to write effectively but also the ability to pl an, finance, and manage the campus paper. He believes that one who undertakes the writing of a guide for teaching journalism should include the various details that go into managing a school paper as well as offer helpful editorial tips in ranging from the development of the papers format to writing and illustrating news on feature story.He believes that a good school newspaper of journalism could take up the choice and training of the staff, how to prepare the budget, how to plan and layout, copy read, developing and printing pictures, style books production and relationship between the press and the administration Sicat (1988) believes that responsible leadership is naturally developed among the students as they come to know their duties and responsibilities to themselves and others.He added that like any other teacher in the school, the school paper adviser must know the many behaviors of students in the organization that affect the daily climate He should be the one who helps th e students move toward self-direction. While assisting the needs and problems of the students, good rapport and empathy are stimulating characteristics of a school paper adviser. School newspaper adviser’s attainment and preparation are factors contributive to the acquisition of knowledge and information, development of desirable habits, skills and display of favorable attitudes and appreciation.Complimentary to educational attainment are the fruits of competence and creativity but dedication is one’s commitment. Attitude and values towards work are the story factors on how to measure the performance of a school paper adviser. Important Writing Skills Considering that the teachers plays a vital role in bringing along the language arts to the mind of the learners, the teacher according Vile (2008:1) should involve setting the conditions for learning by understanding how a learner learns.The teacher has to determine the teaching style, the approach to be used, the method and the classroom techniques, procedures and activities to be used in the classroom. The classroom then must create a conducive atmosphere that is geared towards teaching students how to communicate genuinely, spontaneously and meaningfully in the second or foreign language. Thus, implying the use for communicative competence. (Novilen A. Bendebel 1996)Kinsella (1981) stated that the inability to spell correctly and confidently is one of the most serious problems in writing for many people. If language is incorrect, then what is said is not meant. If what is said is not meant, then what ought to be done remains undone (Jean Wrynick, 1986) Velmonte (1980) pointed out to attain success in speaking or writing in any language, one most first have something to say; one has to know how to express what he wants to say correctly and effectively.This ability in correct expression, oral or written, depends upon the development of certain abilities and skills. Lado (1989) stressed that in a d evelopment of oral and unwritten skills, teachers have to steer clear of the tendency to over-emphasize the parts of speech. The ability to speak and understand a language is different from the mouthing of rules and parts of speech. Often those who can use language are unable to recite its rules and to memorize the parts of speech and also those who can recite its rules are unable to se it. Knowledge about the language is not a substitute for language use. The task of the teacher of composition writing is to establish the context for learning. He can do this by exercising control in setting the students’ task, so that the student is free to invent his own ideas, put them into sentences and paragraphs and organize them within a controlled situation. Whom establishing this context for learning, the teacher must consider. Rizza B. Bagalanon 1999
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