Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Midterm Review for Book Creating Effective Group

Interdependence: each part relies on one another Synergy: sum of the parts is greater than the whole 2. Mutual influence: implies cause and effect are interchangeable. 3. Adaptation: an individual will change or the group as a whole will adapt to situations presented such as behaviors differences, culture differences, situational differences, skill differences, etc. 4. Equiflnality: there are multiple ways to accomplish the same goal, not Just one right way. One person can go one way; one person can go another and meet at the same end. 00What does systems thinking entail?The idea that all the parts of a group or organization are ultimately connected to one nother and hat low leverage change can shift large structures within an organization. 00What are the three basic needs that Schutz suggests motivate individuals to become members of a group, and what does each need entail? Inclusion: feel accepted into the group Control: feel some influence on the outcome Affection: feel needed and appreciated in the group 00What are the four phases of Fisher's model of group development, and what does each phase entail? . Orientation: getting to know one another, primary tension stage 2. Conflict: differences of opinion come up, secondary tension stage 3. Emergence: Focus on shared understandings, come to some agreements, establish yourself as a group 4. Reinforcement: make your decisions and implement them development theorizes, and what does each track entail? 1. Task Track: Where somebody does a task that further develops them as a unit 2. Relational track: building the relationships 3.Topic track: what are we trying to do in the first place? *Does not go in a linear fashion. 00What does the multiple sequence model of group development suggest about how group development happens? Some groups invest more time on the task track than on the relational track and ice versa. It doesn't have to go in order either. They move back and forth all along the track. You can go ahead wi th the task before the relationship is developed whereas with Fisher's model you could not.Know, recognize the definition, and be able to apply or express the significance of the following terms and concepts: Dyad: 2 people System: collection of interdependent parts arrayed in such a way that a change in one of its components will effect changes in all other components Synergy: sum of the parts is greater than the whole Task Dimensions: writing and turning in reports like suggesting on better traffic flow or construction on school days Social Dimensions: building interpersonal relationships â€Å"Kay calling Ray a dumbass† tells us that they can Joke, greeting someone *Individual roles: putting own interests before matters of the group Norm: rules that regulate behavior, things you should or shouldn't do Implicit norms: Implied Explicit norms: written out Conformity: follow the norm Clarifying the norm: making sure you understand the rule Challenge the norm: offer alternative s to the norm, question the norm primary tension: getting to know one another, orientation secondary tension: differences of opinion coming up, conflict Chapter 2: 00What does openness to self-discovery entail, and why is it important for small group communication? To know yourself- your strengths as well as your weaknesses, your beauty as well as your ugliness- is helpful in getting to know others. To be open to yourself is the first step in being open to others. 00What does accepting yourself entail, and why is it important for small group communication?You are less likely to look for other group member's approval if you accept your own strengths and weaknesses. If you accept yourself, and are comfortable admitting our weaknesses, we are more likely to accept imperfections in others as well. communication? Silencing our Judgment, condemning our mind for a while and listening to others, even if their ideas are opposite of ours. It means we overlook differences and seek similarities . Without this, interactions in groups can be rigid, intolerant, and blaming. following terms and concepts: Old learning: any idea we have about ourselves and who we think we are. The majority of these ideas come from others. They can come from the media.They tell us what who we should be and what we should want. Decompression time: taking a break from the busy every day routine for a few minutes to be alone, catch your breath, and collect yourself, making you a cheerful person again. Chapter 3: OOIn what ways is communication a learned behavior? By the age of five, most of our adult language and basic communication patterns have been established. However, throughout the rest of life, people can learn new ways of speaking, listening, and interacting with others. 00What four principles of verbal communication does FuJishin suggest to keep in mind when working in groups? It is symbolic It is governed by rulesIt defines and limits It lets us create 00What five principles of nonverbal c ommunication does FuJishin suggest to keep in mind when working in groups? It is continuous It conveys emotions It is more universal than verbal communication It is multichanneled It is ambiguous OOHow do individuals' backgrounds influence the processes of encoding and decoding? The personal history, as well as personality, gender, race, age, knowledge, experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and emotions influence his/her communication experience. Culture changes how people communicate and respond. Receivers don't lways give feedback and the sender is okay with that whereas in our society when that happens we think people are ignoring us. 00What are the four levels of communication, and what does each level entail?Surface talk – small talk Reporting Facts – not getting too personal, verifying facts; â€Å"things that Just are. † Giving Sharing feelings- Really opening up 00What does Tannen suggest about men's and women's conversational strategies in her book You Just Don't Understand? Women speak and hear a language of connection and intimacy, while men speak and hear a language of status and independence. ollowing terms and concepts: Controller- takes control of everyone Blamer- blames everyone else when something goes wrong Pleaser- pleases everyone Distractor- Joking around Ghost- doesn't do anything Communication: transactional process in which communicators attempt to influence and are influenced by others

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