Saturday, August 31, 2019

An Analysis of Movies Armageddon

Among the movies that were released and made it big at the box-office in 1998 were the Armageddon and Saving Private Ryan. Although the first is a science-fiction and the second is a war movie, making their presentation of the use of film technology different, both films are pictures of totally predictable elements – loud noises and frequent explosions. The two movies both presented battle scenes – against the asteroid in Armageddon while it is a battle among soldiers in Saving Private Ryan. Best remembered from the two films were the elements of sparks, noise, vibrations, shouting, running, screaming, fighting, fire, tremors, crashes and collisions. The difference in their cinematography and editing aspects depicted the use of their own film techniques and technology.Saving Private Ryan has Tom Hanks and Matt Damon as the main actors. The Steven Spielberg war film told about the character of James Ryan (Damon), who has parachuted into France during the Allied invasion of Europe, has just lost three brothers in combat. Government policy dictates that he should return home lest his family be deprived of its entire male offspring. A team of soldiers, led by Captain John Miller (Hanks) and fresh from the beaches of Normandy, is assembled to find and save Private Ryan.The use of film techniques was manifested with the way how Spielberg and his crew recreated the arrival of Allied forces at Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944, by using water-level and then ground-level handheld cameras during a 24-minute sequence of especially graphic carnage. McKenzie noted the use of seamless SFX and advanced film-making techniques, the terrors of battle massacre are splattered onscreen. The viewing public find themselves totally absorbed in the war horror, â€Å"with the dizzying and expert use of a variety of techniques, including hand-held cameras, the speeding up of the often unrelated images, frantic editing, and varying film stock. Spielberg's gifted Oscar-winning cin ematographer, Janusz Kaminski brought a compelling war-newsreel look to a lot of the images† (McKenzie, 2005).Another technique is when the film started off with the title Saving Private Ryan. It started off like this to show the title of the film and show what the film is going to be about. In some films they show a bit of the film and then show the title. But Spielberg didn't want to do this. This showed the film might be really exciting and interesting to watch. The Saving Private Ryan title was written in white lettering against a black background. The black background symbolizes the people who died in the war while the white lettering symbolizes those soldiers who fought in the war and emerged as winners.Cinematographer Kaminski employed many different techniques during filming to set the mood of a given scene. During the opening sequence, for example, the film is overexposed a bit to give a sense of a documentary-like feel to the scenes. The camera work is often hand hel d and jerky too, heightening the sense of realism during the scene. But the disc handles all this easily and is a testament to the work being done by the folks over at DreamWorks.Saving Private Ryan is nothing but a demonstration of cinematographic skills in a totally inappropriate context. Why does film documentary style, with a shoulder-held camera to capture the chaos, yet so formally stage the scenes and with bodies perfectly falling into full frame, dying perfect deaths? This is because everything onscreen told the audience what came first in the making of the movie: more than the war, its aesthetics possibilities.In Schlosser’s review, Spielberg and his skilled band of technicians studied the photo archives and documentaries very carefully. Then they carefully re-created the settings, the shootings, the sounds and furies. And on the seventh day, they decided to superimpose some silhouettes (Schlosser, 2000).The science-fiction film Armageddon, which top-billed Bruce Wil lis and directed by Michael Bay, started when the space shuttle is destroyed in outer space and NASA astronomers discovered that a meteor shower is pelting away at earth and that a huge asteroid, the size of Texas and capable of destroying the planet is headed for a direct hit with the planet. With all options too fantastic to implement before collision, NASA decides to recruit the world's best deep core drilling team (oil drillers) to land on the asteroid, drill a hole, drop a nuclear bomb into the hole, then take off and remotely detonate the bomb.For the drill team, they select Harry Stamper (Bruce Willis) and his crew that includes tough guy-softie Bear (Michael Clarke Duncan), brilliant smart-ass Rockhound (Steve Buschemi), A.J. (Ben Affleck) the overeager fiancà © of his independent daughter (Liv Tyler), and spacy Oscar (Owen Wilson). It's a race against time to get the drillers trained, land them on the asteroid and get the hole drilled before earth is destroyed.Aside from t he futuristic aspect of the movie, its other strong points are editing and cinematography. From sweeps around the NASA conference room to quick close-ups, from split-second backgrounds to the simulated, striking aerial view of the double launch, the camera work told the story with stylistic, often frenetic motion.The film’s use of advance technology saved the script which was the result of the well-shot but terribly clichà ©d montages, many showing Bay's vision of a type of classic America, people listening to news of the coming catastrophe, gathered in a Mayberry-like barber shop or sitting in vintage pickups, near American flags and farmhouses. Another technique evidence is the one shot of a group of boys who even runs past a clapboard store sporting a faded campaign mural of JFK.Bay directed this stuff with a sure hand and a lot of slow motion effects. His visuals are actually quite amazing, including the spectacular lift-off of the two shuttles. Side-by-side, the image i s from far away, as the spaceships race off, leaving a trail of smoke behind. Bay is a good director for color pictures, using oranges and yellows effectively. The cinematography is excellent, and the editing is fast-paced. The special effects are top-notch, blowing away anything seen in that other comet film. The opening sequence is one of the best moments in the film, and one shocking moment occurs when a meteor plows into a city and you see it completely wiped out from the top of Notre Dame.The work by Blue Sky|VIFX for the opening shot ARMAGEDDON is brilliant. In a single shot, asteroids pummel the earth, creating huge fireballs that envelop the camera, wiping on the film's main title graphic. The camera swoops by the earth, revealing the massive destruction of the meteor shower, allowing the audience to fully examine the effect of this disaster. Geological inaccuracies aside, the shot is quite memorable. Explosion elements seem in scale, and the slow camera movement is quite bo ld–all in all, an exciting prelude for things to come.The two films used the theme of human sacrifice. For Saving Private Ryan, it was the sacrifice of a team of soldiers for a single human being while Willis’ sacrifice in Armageddon was in order to save the world and all the people living in it. Although set in different societies – a community torn in war and a world face with asteroid, both showed the importance of having to sacrifice and even to be killed just to save either one person or mankind. Saving Private Ryan pictured that in a war-torn society, the soldiers are destined to sacrifice their lives notwithstanding if these are for the sake of only one or many people.Armageddon was also a manifestation of giving up a life but this time to save not only one single human but the whole mankind. The two movies told the lesson of a society of such human beings are worth sacrificing for and that it is only through the value of each and every human being that a society achieves value itself.The audience who liked these two films is assumed to be of giving value to human life. Although different in genres, the audiences were moved that the film gave credit not just to the technology and techniques used but more so of the theme and lesson behind the aesthetics of the films.ReferencesMcKenzie, Edward (2005). Saving Private Ryan (World War II Collection) (1998).Schlosser, Eric. (January 2000). On Saving Private Ryan. Bright Lights Film Journal, Issue 27. Retrieved January 11, 2008 from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Essay on the Holy Prophet

A prophet means a messenger of God to mankind. The mission of a prophet’s life is to spread the Word of God. The total number of such prophets is one lac and twenty four thousand. The Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him) was the last messenger of God to the whole world. The Holy Prophet was born in Arabia‘ in 571 A. D. He was named Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The Arabs were a race of wild tribes. They led a cruel life. They burried their newly-born daughters alive.They ill-treated women, orphans and slaves. They worshipped Idols. They were addicted to wine, adultery gambling, and bloody quarrels. The Holy Prophet was sent by God to set these bad people right. He hated their cruel ways. He worked hard to reform them. He changed their habits and manners by his own shinning example. He taught them to speak the truth, to showed, mercy to the poor and the sufferers to respect women and to be kind to children. At the age of forty, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) had revelations .By dint of this high character, nobility of mind, his truthfulness and broad humanity he gained some disciples. He began his great missionary work and started preaching the gospel of God. His followers grew from day to day. The Holy Prophet was called Sadiq (Truthful) and Ameen (Trustee) even by his enemies because of his honesty and straight-forwardness. The Prophet married a widow Khadija by name who embraced Islam and stood by the Holy Prophet throughout her life. The old idol-worshippers tried their best to harm and tease him.They wanted even to kill him. The Prophet fled to Madina in the company of Hazrat Abu Bakar, This day of exodus marks the dawn of the Islamic Hijra (Exodus). Madina became the centre of the Islamic activity of the Prophet. He gained many followers there. He mobilised them into a small army. He challenged several hundred of thousands of his enemies with the help of that small band and inflicted defeat after defeat upon them. At Iast the Holy Prophet entered Makkah as a victor. He showed grace and mercy to all the Makkans and proclaimed general amnesty.Thus he set a shining example of humanity and high mindedness before the world. The Prophet taught his followers a simple code of life. He wanted them to live peacefuly, serve others, speak the truth and help the needy. His life is a living source of inspirations to the world. Lives of great men all remind us. We can make our lives subime. And departing leave behind us. Footprints on the sands of time. No life – history of any man has such an inspiring record of the day-to-day events as the simple but stirring story of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Jit Application in Toyota Company

JIT Application in Toyota Company Toyota is one of very large company in automobile. In their production, Toyota Company has applied JIT (Just in Time) approach in their manufacturing. The advantages of using JIT approach is to reduce or minimize the waste of production, reduce hands-off, reduce re-work and any other delays on manufacturing process. One of characteristic in JIT approach is the flow of work. Parts or component of material will flow from one work center to many others with intermediate storage, and flow into work centers will also come from many work centers with intermediate storage.In the large company like Toyota, this approach is the most suitable to be applied. The derivative applications of JIT approach is karban system. Karban means â€Å"card† or â€Å"visible record† and refers to cards used to control the flow of production through a factory. Karban is useful system for company like Toyota that has many work centers. For example there are two wo rk centers with difference function, work center 1 is to producing component parts and work center 2 is to making assemblies. And there is an intermediate storage area for component parts.Let say Work Center 1 is producing component 101 and 102. After do production, that components will move to intermediate storage part and each component is labeled with kanban card 101 and 102 that contain component’s information. If Work Center 2 is need part 101 in assembly, the box 101 (labeled card 101) will moved to Work Center 2 and so on for box 102. Toyota uses a â€Å"two-card† kanban system. The first is transport or conveyance, card, which moves container of parts from one stock location to another. The second is a production card, which authorizes production.

Botticelli, Birth of Venus and Venus De Milo Essay

Botticelli, Birth of Venus and Venus De Milo - Essay Example The well-mixed primary colors resulted in clearly defined secondary colors. The colors provided an outstanding emphasis on the beauty’s milky skin color. Artists illustrate Venus as one of the most beautiful and chaste goddesses who remained as a symbol of coming spring. Painters designed her nudity to depict some significance in itself because all artworks of Renaissance history revolved around the theme of Christianity at that time. At the time, it was not easy to portray a woman as nude (Siapkas & Sjogren, 2013). Most aspects of Botticelli’s Birth of Venus manipulate in motion. For instance, a succinct observation of the orange tree leaves in her background as well as her hair shows that Zephyrs had blown them away. They are floating behind her, the cloaks and the waves gently breaking. Further, the breeze also blows and lifts her drapery of the figures. Representative/Objective The Venus de Milo statue had a carved right arm that lay across the torso with a rested right hand on the left knee that remained raised. Meanwhile, the left arm held up an apple at an eye level. The statute comprises two blocks of marble that sculptured on separate occasions, then joined at the hips (Judovitz & Duchamp, 2010). The sculptors used tendon joints to fashion the left arm and foot, though as different pieces. Venus de Milo had some of its parts broken during transportation including right hip and three other pieces.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

CSR strategy in the oil and gas industry Term Paper

CSR strategy in the oil and gas industry - Term Paper Example Presently, most of the oil drilling companies have set shop in hostile waters, deeper in the sea, which has resulted in numerous achievements over time in the industry. Petroleum is a crucial element to the economy with numerous applications across all industries, and it is, therefore, critical to maintain the supply to drive the global economy. Apart from driving the global economy, the industry provides employment opportunities to thousands of worker around the world. In the United States, the industry provides employment to about 9 million people, which accounts for 5% of the country’s total employment. In addition, oil and gas industry tops the list of revenue generation through taxation, and its contribution to the national economy was over $1 trillion in 2007, about 7.5% of the US gross domestic product (COGA, n.d.). Among the key players in the oil and gas industry in the US include Exxon Mobil Corporation, British Petroleum, Chevron Corporation, Total, and Royal Dutch Shell among others. This Corporation was formed in 1999 following a merger between Exxon and Mobil, to form the largest company in the world (Corporate Watch, n.d.). The merger was aimed at consolidating the economic position of both companies in the oil and gas industry, and enhances the company’s ability to remain an effective competitor in a highly volatile global economy. The Exxon Mobil Corporations net worth is over $264 billion, which makes it the largest in the oil and gas industry (BERA, 2010). Individual companies allied to the merger have been actively involved in heavy exploration and development around the world, with drilling expeditions in the Middle East, Gulf of Mexico, Asia and Africa. The company specializes in the extraction, manufacture and marketing of petroleum and other petroleum products. The corporation holds a sizeable deal of resources that aid in the refining and marketing of its products, with affiliated companies

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mice oxygen consumption rate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mice oxygen consumption rate - Essay Example Warm-blooded animals maintain thermal homeostasis via internal metabolic processes; hence, endotherms can remain active over a broad range of ambient temperature (Stanier 79). # 2 Define metabolic rate Metabolic rate refers to the amount of energy utilized in a set period. Metabolic rate represents the pace at which energy can be utilized by an organism and encompasses the integration of all catabolic energy transformations in the body, as well as the intensity and speed of life itself. The metabolic rate may be enhanced by several processes of considerable ecological significance including tissue synthesis, food processing, and physical activity. The metabolic rate remains closely related to the rate of ATP production measured by cellular respiration (oxygen consumption or carbon dioxide production. Metabolism represents the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations in the cells of living organisms. Metabolism also refers to all chemical reactions that manifest within living o rganisms including transport of substances (Cannon and Nedergaard 242). # 3 Factors that affect metabolic rate The metabolic rates can be essentially determined by relatively few factors, namely: temperature, phylogenetic affinities, and mass. The body temperature possesses pervasive impacts on biological processes via the influence of temperature on the activity of metabolically significant enzymes. The metabolic rates double or triple in the event that body temperature increases by 10 °C. The absolute levels of metabolism that the temperature levels establish may be subject to acclamatory or evolutionary changes through the alteration of enzyme structure or composition. In endotherms, the impacts of the core thermal dependence may be surpassed by the physiological regulation of body temperature, which is energetically expensive ((Navas and Jose? 13). One of the primary factors impacting on metabolic rate is boy size or body mass. The metabolic rate interspecifically relates with body mass. Individuals with greater body weight manifest a higher resting metabolism relative to smaller individual since their body would have to work â€Å"harder† to support and sustain the extra weight. This theory stipulates that, endothermic animals must metabolically generate enough body heat to balance the heat lost via their body surface if they were to maintain a constant body temperature. Phylogeny: The metabolic level differs among taxa, whereby the phylogenetic history of an animal determines the rate of energy expenditure (Navas and Jose? 15). Moreover, men usually possess less body fat and more muscles relative to women of the same weight and age, which leads to burning of more calories. As people get older, the size of the muscle tends to reduce, which in turn slows down calories burning. # 4 How metabolic rate is dependent on the ambient external temperature The temperature of an animal relies on the amount of heat contained within the animal’s body. Animals can absorb or lose heat from or to the environment via several processes such as convection, conduction, radiation, and evaporation. The amount of heat transferred into or out of an animal hinges on the surface area, heat

Monday, August 26, 2019

Managerial Economics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managerial Economics - Term Paper Example Annual reports by oil companies reveal that spending on the exploration and development activities enlarged by $18 billion (5% ) in 2013, whereas spending on the property acquisition continued to decrease by $17 billion. The total upstream spending was comparatively flat after the period of robust growth from 2000 to 2012. In the last three years, flat oil prices, as well as the rising costs, have added to the declining cash flow for these oil producing companies. The continued decrease in cash flow, especially in the face of the rising debt levels, could hinder future exploration and development. Nonetheless, lowered spending levels might be offset by production efficiency and the rising drilling as evidenced in a review of data from 42 lately published financial statements for the public oil companies. The reports, needed by the UK Securities and Exchange Commission, reveal that the small increase in spending was propelled by the expenditures to develop fields obtained in the previ ous years. The expenditures to purchase new property dropped in 2013, and the spending on production actions was flat.Companies’ expenditures link oil production activities in the three groups: property acquisition, production, and exploration and development, jointly referred to as the upstream. Today, property acquisition consists of costs incurred to buy proved and unproved reserves while exploration and development consist of expenditures associated with searching for and developing facilities.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

City Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

City Sustainability - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that environmental conservation is the key to a successful life. Effective environmental management leads to a sustainable future. The biophysical environment experiences degradation due to population pressure and change in technology. Conserving the environment is the responsibility of every individual in the society. Environmental conservation encompasses education, legislation, and ethics. In most cases, these factors play an important role in influencing personal-level environment, national-level environmental decisions, and behaviors. Environmental conservation emphasizes on waste management strategies, recycling of used materials, and avoiding pollution. Sustainability has been a controversial and challenging issue to the government and the society. Despite the measures taken to conserve the environment, cases of environmental pollution and degradation still exist in the society. Rapid population growth has posed a major challenge in the conservation of the environment. Urban centers have been the main sites of rapid population growth thus facing problems in conserving the places. Cities as industrial areas depict most cases of pollution whether air pollution, water pollution, or even land pollution. Strategies have been each passing day innovated and invented to reduce cases of environmental pollution. The city authorities have been given a hard task of managing the ever-growing city areas.... Overcrowding in cities leads to water shortages, air pollution, land pollution, and mismanagement of the available natural resources. This leads to epidemic diseases that turn out to be the government’s responsibility. As the major places for income sources, it becomes hard for the government to control immigration of people to the city centers. Different people have different perceptions of life and thus different views on environmental conservation. Some people view environmental conservation as burden given unto them rather than an added advantage on their health and safety (Hyyppa, 2010:139). Environmental conservation has led to a decline in the country’s economy as the government tries to reduces cases of environmental pollution and enhance sustainability. FACTORS THAT DETERMINE THE METHODS USED BY CITIES TO ADOPT SUSTAINABILITY Invention and innovation Through innovation and invention, the city council is able to improvise new machines that used in sustaining the city. Moreover, the technology used in a particular city determines the level of sustainability of the city. For efficient sustainability, the city ought to invent high technological machines that are environmental friendly rather than those that cause hazardous effects to the city. Responsibility Responsibility is a main factor of consideration when planning for environmental sustainability. In order to enhance a city’s sustainability, the residents should take it as responsibility. The sustainability of any city requires devotion and concern. Lack of consciousness in maintaining the city’s sustainability both for the present and future generation, it becomes hard and impossible to implement the measures required to make the city sustainable. Sustainability of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Microsoft Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Microsoft Company - Essay Example The company has made a significant impact on the state of the economy in the state of Washington. The company’ growth experiences have had an intense effect on the employment growth in Washington. For 18 years of the company’s existence, the growth rate of employment in Washington alone has expanded at an annual average rate of 1.7 %. Secondly, the company’s consumption rate of goods and other transactions has had a significant boost in the level of income in Washington (Eicher, 2010). Industry analysis/ Benchmark – Microsoft Corporation is the leading producer of computer software. However, its products are facing a stiff competition from products such as Linux, UNIX and Macintosh. The company also faces a strong rivalry from various companies such as the American Software, Apple, Google, Autodesk Inc. and others. Fortunately, Microsoft’s products have unshaken competitive advantage over other companies for the reason that their products are user friendly thus has a stronger market share. For instance, an industry analysis between Microsoft and American software based on net income for two years, 2012 and 2013, shows that Microsoft had a higher net income as compared to its rival. That is, ($ 21,863,000 in 2013; $ 16,978,000 in 2012 for Microsoft) and ($ 10,411,000 in 2013; $ 11,343,000 in 2012 for American Software) (SEC filings, n.d.). Holding period return – the company’s holding period returns as measured by the return on equity and return on investments are as follows: ROE (net income/Total equity), ROI (net profit/Total assets). In 2011, 2012 and 2013, the company’s ROE = (47.6 % in 2011; 27.69 % in 2013; 25.58 % in 2012). This single factor DuPont analysis shows the investors’ reward for the equity contribution. The return could be classified as sufficient and it increased in the year 2013. The ratio shows that the company is efficient. Secondly, the ROI = (25 % in 2011; 15.35 % in 2013; 14 % in 2013). Return on

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Report - Essay Example This myth or common assumption in the field of marketing has largely contributed to low focus on the market segment of the over 50s in terms of personalized products, services, and marketing campaigns. By overlooking this particular market segment, it means that most companies are unable to diversify, increase their market share, and overall revenues because they are not tapping the opportunity presented by this market segment. This present paper is a briefing paper prepared from the standpoint of the Marketing Director of Nestle breakfast cereal division for the United Kingdom. This briefing paper will outline the key elements of a marketing strategy that is designed to target the market segment of the over 50s. The outline will entail the market opportunities, product strategy, and the next steps that should be undertaken before drawing up a formal marketing plan. Market opportunities To begin with, the report presented by Shaw (2008) on behalf RIAS insurance company, noted that st atistics from the Office for National Statistics reveal that the population for the over 50s is bound to increase in the coming in years and in particular they are bound to reach 27.2 million by the year 2031. According to the writings by Morgan and Levy (2002), this statistics reflect a market segment that will record increased demand over time and therefore, companies focusing on this particular segment will be able to record a continued growth in terms of revenue from the sales arising from this expanding market segment. Therefore, based on the estimated population growth for the over 50s, the Nestle breakfast cereal division for the UK will record continued increase in demand and subsequent revenue arising from the breakfast cereal that is specially prepared for the over 50s population. Another factor that demonstrates the true potential of the market segment for the over 50s is the fact that both Shaw’s (2008) report and the report by Kellogg’s indicated that the over 50’s are wealthier and have high disposable income or high spending power as compared to the other generations. Under the RIAS’ report, Shaw (2008) noted that the over 50s have substantial financial assets. In particular, their personal wealth has risen by 45.6% over the past 5 years to surpass the ?5 trillion mark, secondly, they account for 75% of UK’s total wealth and on average the persons above the age of 65 years has a life savings of ?11,660.85. The report by Kellogg’s noted that persons above the age of 65 years are wealthier and they make up 20% of cereal consumers. The findings from these two reports further validate the true potential of the over 50s market segment since it was noted that they have a high spending power which means that demand for Nestle’s breakfast cereals, which are specifically prepared for this market segment will experience high demand. According to Morgan and Levy (2002), a viable market segment that can gener ate high revenues for a business is usually made up of consumers with high spending power and therefore, by strategically focusing on creating breakfast cereals for the over 50s market segment, Nestle is bound to record increased revenue. In terms of food

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Understanding and Using Inclusive Essay Example for Free

Understanding and Using Inclusive Essay 1.1. Inclusive learning is about recognising that all your students have the right to be treated equally and fairly, have the same access to all products, services and have the opportunity to be involved and included. As a teacher you need to be aware that all students are not the same as they all do not learn in the same way, the ways in which a teacher can overcome this is using the Teaching and Learning Cycle, using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic materials (VAK) and agreeing on individual learning plans (ILPs). Other features could include self reflective exercises, quizzes and providing opportunities for students to reflect on their own experiences and consider how these experiences influence the way they learn. 1.2. There are a number of strengths and limitations of learning approaches when teaching. For example, a strength can include an activity and/or a demonstration in pairs or groups, a questionnaire and a power point presentation. The limitations could be when working in group sessions, a shy person can hide in a group, more confident people can take over and there could be a possible clash of personalities. Using all learning styles need to kept to a minimum as previously stated not all students learn the same, some students may ‘switch off’ at certain times and become less interested in the subject, this will hopefully ensure that all students can relate and keep concentration in the subject that is being taught. 1.3. Providing students with the functional skills within the chosen subject will be in ways which the students will be reading, speaking and listening as the demonstration I will be giving will be from power point but will also include listening to instructions and watching myself with a volunteer. The students will have only have a certain length of materials to use so they will need to calculate these when carrying out the activity themselves. To incorporate ICT, students will need to use their own mobile phones to download an app and at the end of the lesson. Once the students have completed the lesson, they can use all of the skills out of the classroom and into their everyday life. 2.1. Creating an inclusive learning environment benefits all students to enable effective learning to take place. The environment in which you are teaching the subject can sometimes be restricted but teaching can take place anywhere not necessarily just in a classroom, for example, colleges, learning centres, the workplace, prisons are to name just a few. When teaching you would need to consider the venue, rooms and resources but also your attitude and support as this can also have an impact on the students in which they will learn. 2.2. It is important to select a number of teaching and learning approaches as individuals can face a number of barriers causing them difficulty to learn. Maslows (1987) Hierarchy of Needs shows that if all five aspects of this theory are met, which are, self actualisation, self esteem recognition, safety/security and physiological it creates a healthy environment for learners to progress and achieve their goal. 2.3. Motivation is what causes us to act, it is either intrinsic (from within) which means to learn for your own fulfilment or extrinsic (from without) which means they may be an external factor motivating the learner. To help motivate learners you can set targets, be professional, create interesting and relevant tasks or activities, engage students and give them the opportunity to learn. 2.4. Ground rules can be set by having a group discussion. To have the ground rules mutually set between the teacher and the students it makes it more likely for these to be followed and adhered to. As a teacher certain ground rules need to apply to allow all students to be treated equally and fairly, for example, punctuality, respect for others, mobile phones off or on silent, no abusive language, no racism and no discussing politics. 3.1. See Micro Teach session plan 3.2. Using my selection of teaching methods covers the three learning styles  which people have (VAK). The power point presentation and demonstration covers the visual and auditory learning styles whereas the demonstration and group activity/task covers the kinaesthetic learning style. Handouts will also be given which are reflective tools; this will help the students to remember important information that is being delivered. 4.1. The teaching approaches that I am using helps the students engage by connecting the subject to real life, it will teach self monitoring skills and information will be presented in multiple formats. As all three learning styles are being covered this will also help keep the students motivated and interested. 4.2. Communication is a key point in all aspects in life, communication with students is essential for them to ascertain progress and identify where improvements could be made. For communication to be effective teachers need to speak slowly and clearly and by only using words in which the students should be able to understand, however communication is a two way process, the teacher could ask questions to ensure the students have understood. 4.3. There are a number of ways to give constructive feedback to your students, when giving feedback to students, teachers need to be positive, open and honest, be clear and specific, be balanced, be motivating and also invite self assessment. Gray and Smith (2000) pointed out that students want consistent, genuine feedback because they do not want to ‘carry on doing it wrong’. References

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Essay Example for Free

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Essay This is the story of Okonkwo, a renowned warrior and wrestler, who lives in the Ibo village of Umuofia in Nigeria, Africa. Respected by the elders of his clan, he hopes to become an elder himself someday. Due to his relationship with his father, Okonkwo has a hardened heart and thus, his actions throughout the novel are governed by anger and fear. Okonkwo, (per African tradition), has three wives and many children. He is prosperous and successful at the beginning of the story, but his heart does not soften. As a result, he makes many mistakes and is eventually exiled from his clan for seven years. While Okonkwo is away from Umuofia, white missionaries settle in his clan’s village and begin to preach Christianity. The tribe begins to change, especially its younger members, and when Okonkwo returns from exile, he sees the changes and attempts to reverse them. He struggles against the new laws of the white man and relations between the clan and the whites deteriorate until things finally reach a crescendo. Okonkwo’s fear Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe, is a story of a man whose life is dominated by his fears. There are many subtle themes throughout this book. One theme that cries out over the rest is Okonkwo’s, the main character, fear of weakness as seen through his childhood, his oldest son, and eventually his death. Since his childhood, Okonkwo was ashamed of his father, â€Å"In his day he (Unoka) was lazy and improvident and was quite incapable of thinking about tomorrow†(p.4). By the standard of his clan, Unoka was a coward and squanderer. When he was a child, a boy called Okonkwo’s father an agbala. This word means â€Å"woman† as well as a man who has no title. His carelessness left numerous debts unpaid at his death. Ashamed of his father, Okonkwo worked hard and fought well to gain a reputation of high status and influence in his clan. He acquired three wives, one whom gave him his first son. Okonkwo’s first wife, whose name is never mentioned, gave birth to his first son, Nwoye. Okonkwo saw Nwoye weak and lazy from an early age. For this, Nwoye was beaten constantly. Okonkwo was highly demanding of his family because of his obsession not to be like his father. He mistook this behavior as masculinity. He wished his son were a promising, manly son like his friend Obierika’s son, Maduka, who was also a great fighter. One night the town of Umuofia was told that someone in Mbaino had killed one of their â€Å"daughters†. The woman was Ugbeufi Udo’s wife. The blood price for the murder was a virgin and young man to Umuofia. The virgin was given to Ugbeufi Udo as his wife. They did not know what to do with the young boy, Ikemefuna. Okonkwo was asked on behalf of the clan to take care of the boy. Secretly, Okonkwo grew fond of Ikemefuna, â€Å"Even Okonkwo himself became very fond of the boy-inwardly of course. Okonkwo never showed any emotion openly, unless it be the emotion of anger†(p.28). Ikemefuna lived with Okonkwo and his family for three years until the time came when the Oracle said that Ikemefuna had to be killed. Okonkwo was warned not to have any part in killing the boy who called him father. He ignored this and upon returning sank into a deep depression which kindled the affliction inside of him. Not only the death of Ikemefuna, but also the accidental killing of Ogbeufi Ezeudu’s son, which gets Okonkwo and his family exiled for seven years, aides in his depression. To atone for the killing of his clansmen’s son, Okonkwo and his family were cast out of Umuofia and were forced to go live with his mother’s clan in Mbanta. In their second year a group of six missionaries traveled to Mbanta and tried to persuade the people from their false gods of wood and stone to the one true God. They captured Nwoye and he later joined their congregation. When Okonkwo was informed of the news he strangled Nwoye in anger. He questioned how he could have fathered such a weak son. At the end of the seven-year exile, Okonkwo was able to return home. However, the church had taken over Umuofia also. Nothing was the same. Okonkwo refused to integrate with the new visitors. He thought that the clan’s failure to remove them was â€Å"womanly†. Almost happy again, Okonkwo began to accept the new Umuofia. Then the leaders of the clan, including Okonkwo, were taken for ransom by the church. Deeply angered by what was happening, Okonkwo killed one of the leaders at a meeting. The pacification of Okonkwo’s clan is what depressed him. He knew his clan would not go to war. This desire to act violently all goes back to his father’s lack of desire. In the end the violence settled on Okonkwo, when he hung himself. In conclusion, all these aspects: his childhood, his first son and Ikemefuna, and his death contribute in explaining Okonkwo’s fear of weakness. Okonkwo’s life was controlled by his fears. He valued the success of his family and the community with his own success. If Nwoye was weak it was because he had failed as a father. The pacification of the town was a reflection of Okonkwo’s failures, he thought. Not being able to control those events, Okonkwo, out of desperation or either out of the pride in his manhood or perhaps both, killed himself. In spite of Okonkwo’s beginnings in poverty and misfortune, he has risen as one of the most respected elders of the clan. Yet others remark on how harshly he deals with men less successful than himself. For example, at a meeting to discuss the next ancestral feast, Osugo—a man without titles—contradicts Okonkwo, who in turn insults Osugo by declaring the meeting are â€Å"for men.† When others at the meeting side with Osugo, Okonkwo apologizes. Okonkwo’s hard-earned success is evident because the clan chooses Okonkwo to carry the war ultimatum to their enemy, the enemy treats him with great respect in the negotiations, and the elders select Okonkwo to care for Ikemefuna until they decide what to do with him. Once the young man is entrusted to Okonkwo’s care, the rest of the clan forgets him for three years. At first, Ikemefuna is very unhappy—he misses his mother and sister, he tries to run away, and he won’t eat. After Okonkwo threatens to beat him, Ikemefuna finally eats, but then vomits and becomes ill for twelve days. As he recovers, he seems to lose his fear and sadness. Ikemefuna has become very popular in Okonkwo’s house, especially with Nwoye and the other children. To them, he seems to know everything and can make useful things like flutes, rodent traps, and bows. Even Okonkwo has inwardly become fond of Ikemefuna, but he does not show affection—a womanly sign of weakness. He treats Ikemefuna with a heavy hand, as he does other members of his family, although he allows Ikemefuna to accompany him like a son to meetings and feasts, carrying his stool and his bag. Ikemefuna calls Okonkwo â€Å"father.† During the annual Week of Peace just before planting time, tradition permits no one in the village to speak a harsh word to another person. One day during this week, Okonkwo’s youngest wife, Ojiugo, goes to a friend’s house to braid her hair, and she forgets to prepare Okonkwo’s afternoon meal and feed her children. When Ojiugo returns, Okonkwo beats her severely. Even when he is reminded of the ban on violence, he doesn’t stop the beating. Because Okonkwo’s violation of peace can jeopardize the whole village’s crops, the priest of the earth goddess orders Okonkwo to make offerings at his shrine. Although Okonkwo inwardly regrets his â€Å"great evil,† he never admits to an error. His offensive breaking of the peace and the priest’s mild punishment are talked about in the village. After the sacred week, the farmers of the village begin to plant their harvest. Okonkwo allows Ikemefuna and Nwoye to help him collect, count, and prepare the seed-yams for planting, though he continually finds fault with their efforts. He believes that he is simply helping them learn the difficult and manly art of seed-yam preparation. Soon, the rainy season begins and the planting takes place, followed by the intense period of care for the young plants. During the resting time between planting and harvest, the friendship between Ikemefuna and Nwoye grows even stronger. Reference * Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Music value chain

Music value chain 1. Introduction The music industry has been facing radical changes during the last few decades due to the introduction of IS technologies which have reshaped it in depth. More particularly the music value chain has been experiencing an intensive change and evolution in many aspects: the distribution to consumer is more direct, intermediating parties are reducing and prices are constantly changing. The internet, an open information system, legally and illegally paves the way to the creation of a fresh music product, offering more choices to consumers. Consumers are now able to listen to music in electronic forms: MP3s and ringtones are procured in a large scale through internet. The IS delivery vehicle has undoubtly added value to the consumers. But what about the â€Å"Big 4† music companies?[1] How have they accepted this major shift in their business industry? Have they tried to resist or more essentially are they able to resist and is that kind of reaction to their best interest? The industry that celebrated its success in the Nineties now has to restate its position. The numbers are alerting: â€Å"Die Welt† newspaper reports a 16% dropping turnover for sound storage media. Nonetheless the music industry story has not yet ended. It is rather being written from the beginning. Since the old business model does not function at all under the shade of the IS, companies have to use the new technologies and cope with the fast pacing development. In my opinion what is most of the times considered as danger could be proved a great opportunity. The music industry is not perishing; it is just reforming. People will always need music and music companies will continue to exist as long as they decide to adapt to the new IS reality. We are referring to a reformation of something that could be an entirely innovative business opportunity. Apple with the first online music store, i-Tunes, paves the way to a new era and steals a big piece of the music market pie. 2. The music industry: A continuously reshaping industry The music industry history is mainly a story of innovation that goes back to the 18th century. Music creation is as old as human existence but the effort to market and commercialize music counts only a few centuries; In the mid 18th century composers like Amadeus Mozart started searching ways to sell their music and performances to the general public. In the 19th century sheet music, a hand-written or printed form of musical notation, was the core product sold by the music industry but it conveyed an important limitation: it was addressed to a particular audience, people who could read music notation. In the 20th century the sheet industry was replaced by the â€Å"record industry†. The source that led to this reshaped environment was technological innovation. The label corporations commonly known as the â€Å"Big 6†: BMG, EMI, MCA, PolyGram, Sony and WEA, dominated the music industry. Today the â€Å"Big 6† have transformed into the â€Å"Big 4† after Sony merged with BMG. The following graph depicts each labels share[2]. The most important stages in music industrys evolution in the 20th century were: The introduction of cassettes (around 1960). The introduction of walkman: The era of transportable music begins (around 1980s). The introduction of CDs: CDs opened a window of wide capabilities for music consumers. (1990). At this point the music industry boomed: the market growth was huge and mark ups were fairly large. Nevertheless the CD fairy tale would soon come to an end: After 1995 the market started inevitably shrinking. The increasing internet penetration along with the large price decline of hardware and software enhanced the IT industry development. The music industry was not unaffected by the emerging transmission possibilities of digital information, which could take the form of music information as well. It was time for digital distribution and digital production to take the lead. The technological improvements created a safe ground for entrepreneurs to step in: They had the tools and it was about time to put them together and create the opportunity. Further on we will refer to two successful business models that give us a good idea of what the future music industry will be all about: Napster and Apples i-tunes. 3. Recent trends and challenges emerging from the use of IT and IS in the music industry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As stated the music industry has been experiencing a variety of challenges because of the fast pacing technological development. New forms of competition have entered the business game antagonising the â€Å"Big 4† and deeply transforming the music value chain. All major stakeholders in the business -artists, consumers and companies- have been affected in numerous ways. The music companies are on the side of the losers: They have tried to resist and have won some battles but they knew from the start that eventually the war would be lost. The technological development cannot be stopped as the earth will not stop revolving around the sun. a. Digital technologies. Which where the core technological developments that have led to the reformation of the music industry? According to Nguyen-Khac T. Q.[3], the parallel evolution of the following four technologies has created an amazingly new business environment: Software development has enabled a fast exchange of data through internet. Compression technology and encryption solutions are only some of the tools currently used by consumers. Additionally, the use of user friendly operation systems (like Windows in contrast to MS-Dos) has enabled people of different backgrounds, ages and abilities to take advantage of all benefits offered by a PC. Hardware development. Personal PC was not always a massive product due to its high cost. Throughout the years prices declined thanks to the decreasing costs that led to massive production (economies of scale). Transportation technology development and more essentially the appearance of internet. The innovation of P2P and network technology. The impact of the above development has been severe for the music industry. A demonstrative example concerning the way P2P affected the music industry was Napster. The illegal download platform Napster was a file sharing service which took advantage of the P2P file sharing technology. The way P2P works is depicted below.[4] Napster became popular in college campuses. The main idea was that each person connected to the network had to share a portion of his private music library in exchange to download everything anyone else had made available. The transaction costs were limited to the connection fee. The result was that all of a sudden an enormous library of music, of all kinds, was created. RIIA brought Napster to court and Napster eventually lost the trial however its pattern has been the source of inspiration for other similar concepts. Although Napster was shut down the decline of the â€Å"Big 4† revenues did not stop. In contrast it was enhanced by the negative publicity emerging by the law sue against Napster. In addition to Napster and P2P networks, the general hardware and software development has enabled consumers copy and save digital music data for private use on their computers. This phenomenon was called piracy but some consumers have considered it as a fair game since the music companies have gained millions for decades now by imposing prices with high profit margins taking advantage of the oligopoly they have created. Moreover consumers in the past were obliged to buy songs in the form of â€Å"album batches†, paying an entire album even though they were truly interested to obtain 2 or 3 songs which were worth spending money for. The use of new technologies enables consumers to resist to this type of constraints, imposed by the music companies. The music companies have iteratively launched campaigns against piracy nevertheless they cannot bend the existing consumer behavior which is based on the perception that exchanging music is a non harmful procedure containing no ethic al dilemmas. b. New technologies leading a new business model: The traditional model versus the new e-value chain model. Under the shade of IS and IT the music value chain has been transformed to an â€Å"e-chain†. In the traditional model there was a tangible product the CD but in the new model the product is intangible; it is the information itself. In the Australian Conference on Information Systems the following conceptual model was presented.[5] As depicted, in the new model, the MP3 file -now considered as the product- is distributed to consumers through online music stores, mobile content providers or artist websites. Moreover music can now be recorded in home studios instead of professional recording studios and be distributed in the already described ways instead of being sold in the form of CDs, through retail stores. The benefits acquired by this new model concerns mainly consumers but also the â€Å"music product† suppliers. First of all the cost of production is substantially reduced and the manufacturing costs are completely eliminated. Also intermediaries, mainly distributors are kicked out of the supply chain since they are not needed. All these changes have as a result a minimum cost for the music provider, easy and fast access to the product for the consumer who also has the chance to pick products (music tracks) in an appealing price and according to his preferences. This dynamic and flexible structure will eventually lead to the proliferation in the number of people involved in the supply chain. Additionally the role of the consumer and artist is now more essential. It is not anymore a game of four since there are no barriers (high production cost, competitive advantage due to full vertical integration) to enter this reformed music industry. c. Current market trends: The financial impact of IT and IS on the ‘Big 4 As previously analyzed the â€Å"Big 4† have developed an aggressive strategy against the new business environment emerging from the development of IS and IT. Even though they managed to shut down Napster practically they are unable to stop the creation of similar models. Even worse they insist on retaining the traditional model and hesitate to take the next step. Agility seems to be one of their least considerations and thats why it is no surprise each year their revenues are dramatically declining. Even if the music market is facing a shrinking trend, the digital sales piece of the pie is getting larger. According to IFPI revenues for cassettes, CDs and vinyl in the world dropped 25%, from $38.6 billion in 1999 to $29 billion in 2007.[6] Analysts at Forrester Research state that â€Å"music sales in the US will decline to $9.2 billion in 2013, from $10.1 billion in 2008†[7]. 4. The future While the music companies remained oblivious to the technological changes the music economy was reshaping and a company unrelated to music made the decisive step to create an innovative business model based on online legal distribution taking advantage of the benefits provided by mp3 files. This company was Apple who literally took the bread out of the mouth of the music companies. In 2003 it officially launched the first online music store: i-Tunes. The price model used was very attractive to consumer: each download cost 0.99 cent. Apple managed to offer a one stop shop to customers by exploiting the internet and digital distribution options. This awe inspiring impetus in the music industry panicked the music companies. They tried to defend their market share against digital distribution through law sues and merges instead of being flexible and adoptive to the increasingly transforming environment and making use of the new tools offered by the development of IT and IS. That enabled Apple to made the check mat move. The core competencies of Apples platform are speed, usability and cost effectiveness. Apples success was remarkable; in its first two online weeks it sold over two million songs[8]. This fact was largely due to the highly integrated system used. The music companies, now more than ever, have to create their own business model of an online music supply pattern. The use of IT in music industry can be considered an order winner for Apple whereas for the â€Å"Big 4† an emerging necessity to keep them in business. Current trends show that the use of IT will become an order qualifier. While executives of the music companies like John Rose, a former executive of EMI appear reluctant, believing that nothing ensures â€Å"that digital economics can make up for the drop in physical†[9] Atlantic, a unit of Warner Music Group claims that half of its sales come from digital music product sales. The future belongs to the digital music business and even if the core product music tracks in the form of mp3- does not make up for the losses from CD sales there are many supportive products such as: ringtones, ringbangs, subscription services that can compensate. 5. Conclusion As analyzed the use of IT and IS has brought a revolution in the music industry: Customers attain more bargaining power since the monopoly of â€Å"The Big 4† converted into a world of many â€Å"dot† choices. The exploitation of the benefits created by the recent developments has proved profitable; i-Tunes and Atlantic are the most prominent examples. Hence, there is a great opportunity ahead, if innovation is perceived to generate revenues and if more direct distribution options are used to cut off costs. The music companies have a negative perception about the use of open information systems in selling music and tried ineffectively to fight back. Instead they should have tried to respond to the challenge and reform their business model in order to survive in the music market. Being reluctant to adopt the new technology only gives way to companies such as Apple to take the lead along with their business share. 6. Bibliography Arango T., November 26 2008. â€Å"Digital Sales Surpass CDs at Atlantic† New York Times. Emerson G. M., 2007. â€Å"The Apple iTunes Music Store: How Apple Got it Right†, Advertizing and marketing report. (Glen Emerson Morris has been a senior consultant for Yahoo!, Ariba, WebMD, Inktomi, Apple, and Adobe.) Moloney, Belinda; Cybulski, Jacob; and Nguyen, Lemai, â€Å"Value Perception in Music Information Systems† (2008). ACIS 2008 Proceedings. Paper 73 Nguyen-Khac T. Q., 2003. The music industry in a dilemma (research paper for the ITS conference Helsinki, August 2003. Sony BMG, Universal, Warner, EMI World music market sales shares, according to IFPI (2005) from Nguyen-Khac T. Q., 2003. The music industry in a dilemma (research paper for the ITS conference Helsinki, August 2003 Nguyen-Khac T. Q., 2003. The music industry in a dilemma (research paper for the ITS conference Helsinki, August 2003. Moloney, Belinda; Cybulski, Jacob; and Nguyen, Lemai, â€Å"Value Perception in Music Information Systems† (2008). ACIS 2008 Proceedings. Paper 73 Arango T., November 26 2008. â€Å"Digital Sales Surpass CDs at Atlantic† New York Times. Emerson G. M., 2007. â€Å"The Apple iTunes Music Store: How Apple Got it Right†, Advertizing and marketing report. Glen Emerson Morris has been a senior consultant for Yahoo!, Ariba, WebMD, Inktomi, Apple, and Adobe. Arango T., November 26 2008. â€Å"Digital Sales Surpass CDs at Atlantic† New York Times.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Protestantism vs. Catholicism in XVII Century England :: Religion Essays

Protestantism vs. Catholicism in XVII Century England â€Å"The English nation grew increasingly more Protestant during the XVII century, while the monarchy moved ever closer to Rome.† The keen train spotter—spotting trains of thought rather than locomotives—will certainly spot a good deal of redundancy in this unequivocal statement, for it is, beyond doubt, a proclamation framed by the historian rather than the philosopher. The Stuarts—certainly some more than others—were Catholics not in the manner that Henry VIII took his mid-life faith, but rather in the manner that Elizabeth was always a Protestant. Similarly, the general population of the land viewed their faith as they viewed their nation: with pride. We should perhaps initially note that religion was, to those of the 17th century, something cognate to sex to the present day paramour, charity to the philanthropist, money to the niggard: it was a serious business. In the seventeenth century, Protestantism in England was as safe as houses: secure with a firm chronological and doctrinal and popular foundation. Within the larger European context, however, the established National religion was exposed to the rigours of Catholic tempest and seemed far from fixed. It is in this respect that we might tackle the monarchical populous split. The English Restoration was no minor re-establishment of monarchy: it was rather a restatement of the national character. Regicide was abhorrent to most—we need only peruse the emotive power of Macbeth or Hamlet to gain some understanding of the general sentiment—and the execution of Charles I was an extreme act of an extreme sub-minority. The arrival of Charles II, therefore, was not only a restoration of the natural and Godly order, but, in effect, an appeasement of the national conscience; a way to bury the crisis of revolution once and for all. With so much at stake, it was no simple task to recreate the circumstances of the revolution, but this is precisely what Charles II and James II managed. It is certainly an oversimplification to suggest that this came about solely from religious discord, but similarly it is erroneous to suggest that this was not—if we might resort to religious terminology—the â€Å"prime mover.† Charles II had spent mu ch of his life upon the continent, and was, therefore, more a continental than an Englishman. In terms of religion, particularly, his views were consummately European: cosmopolitan and decidedly Catholic.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Physics of the Compound Bow :: physics weapon bow archery

A Brief History of the Bow * Arrowheads have been found in Africa that date back as far as 25,000 to 50,000 B.C. * Throughout the next few tens of thousands of years, humans had PLENTY of time to refine their techniques. Fire-hardening arrow heads, fletching arrow shafts to improve their flight characteristics, "tillering" bows so that the upper and lower limbs had the same bend radius, etc. All of these improvements helped increase the efficiency and accuracy of the bow and arrow, and helped humans to survive and advance throughout the ages. * One major advance was the creation of composite bows. Around 2,800 B.C. people began blending different materials together to create better bows. The Egyptians of these times had long composite bows capable of shooting an arrow up to 400 yards! * As you can see, the bow has been around a long while. It wasn't until recently, however, that the actual design of the bow itself was changed. In fact, this ingenious modification happened about forty years ago... The Compound Bow * On December 30th, 1969, Holless Wilbur Allen was granted the patent that would change archery forever. * The invention of the compound bow was just the beginning. As with the invention of the original bow and arrow, time and ingenuity would take the basic concept to new heights. However, the modern understanding of physics, coupled with advanced materials and construction techniques, has greatly increased the pace at which advances are made. * Using cams on one or both limbs of a bow allowed for an increased draw weight in the middle of the draw and a reduced weight at full draw. Archers firing traditional recurve bows encounter the highest resistance and draw weight at full draw. This means less time sighting in on a target before fatigue sets in, due to the strain of holding the bow at full draw. Compound bows, on the other hand, use a cam system which places the most resistance about 2/3 of the way through the drawstroke. At full draw, the compound bow reduces the tension in the bowstring by as much as 75-80%, allowing an archer to remain in position and more carefully sight in on a target.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Flea Essay -- English Literature Essays

The Flea Donne's poem â€Å"The Flea† appears to be a love poem, a dedication from a male suitor to his lady of honor, who repudiates to yield to his lustful desires. In this poem, the speaker tries to seduce a young woman by comparing the consequences of their lovemaking with those of an insignificant fleabite. He uses the flea as an argument to exemplify that the physical relationship he desires is not in itself a momentous event, because a similar unification has already taken place within the flea. In the stanza 1, the speaker creates likeness between the fleabite and lovemaking. I interpreted the first two lines, â€Å"Mark but this flea, and mark in this, How little that, which thou deny’st me, is;† to mean that the woman doesn’t reject the flea entrà ©e to her body, yet she denies the advancements of the speaker. Then the speaker shows the similarities between their lovemaking and the mingling of their blood within the flea. â€Å"It sucked me first, and now sucks thee, And in this flea our two bloods mingled be.† This argument shows the woman that the same physical exchange, which takes place between her and a flea, is the same type of union that he has in mind. In lines 5-6 of stanza 1 the speaker persuades the woman that their act could not be considered a sin because a fleabite isn’t considered one. This act could not be considered a loss of innocence because it is so common that if it were to be true, nearly everyone would have lost h is or her innocence. Therefore this lady... The Flea Essay -- English Literature Essays The Flea Donne's poem â€Å"The Flea† appears to be a love poem, a dedication from a male suitor to his lady of honor, who repudiates to yield to his lustful desires. In this poem, the speaker tries to seduce a young woman by comparing the consequences of their lovemaking with those of an insignificant fleabite. He uses the flea as an argument to exemplify that the physical relationship he desires is not in itself a momentous event, because a similar unification has already taken place within the flea. In the stanza 1, the speaker creates likeness between the fleabite and lovemaking. I interpreted the first two lines, â€Å"Mark but this flea, and mark in this, How little that, which thou deny’st me, is;† to mean that the woman doesn’t reject the flea entrà ©e to her body, yet she denies the advancements of the speaker. Then the speaker shows the similarities between their lovemaking and the mingling of their blood within the flea. â€Å"It sucked me first, and now sucks thee, And in this flea our two bloods mingled be.† This argument shows the woman that the same physical exchange, which takes place between her and a flea, is the same type of union that he has in mind. In lines 5-6 of stanza 1 the speaker persuades the woman that their act could not be considered a sin because a fleabite isn’t considered one. This act could not be considered a loss of innocence because it is so common that if it were to be true, nearly everyone would have lost h is or her innocence. Therefore this lady...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Making a Job Offer

Making a Job Offer Klaudia Barsi ORG 522 – Managing Performance for Results Colorado State University – Global Campus Dr. Danielle J. Camacho April 20, 2013 1. Recommend whether Jane should receive a best shot, competitive or lowball offer? Why? Clean Car Care (3Cs) should make the best-shot offer to Jane. She is a high-quality finalist, and her current employer is a strong competitor regarding the benefits she receives. Jane is an excellent employee of her current employer.She is also up for a promotion and soon receiving 2 weeks of vacation a year. Jane’s employer will most likely make a counteroffer, if Clean Car Care extends the offer to her as the manager. Therefore; Clean Car Care should make the best-shot offer to her with strong incentives that could make her leave her current employer. The best-shot offer also needed to compensate her for the job's requirement for working on the weekends. Clean Car Care needs to go present the best overall offer to be ab le to employ Jane.Unfortunately, the low ball offer would be uncompetitive with Jane’s current employment situation. She is an excellent employee who is also up for promotion, making a competitive salary with benefits including health insurance with no co-pay. She is only willing to change jobs if the terms are right. Additionally, the competitive offer would still be unlikely to make Jane leave her current job and to accept the job offer from 3Cs. Especially, that she prefers not to work on the weekends and Clean Car Care requires her to work both Saturday and Sundays.A competitive offer could potentially match Jane’s current employment terms in salary and benefits; however, she is likely to be promoted shortly; which would make 3Cs â€Å"competitive† job offer pretty much a lowball offer. 2. Recommend other inducements beyond salary, health insurance, vacation and hours schedule that might be addressed in the job offer and why. There are different inducements that could be offered to Jane and convince her to leave her current employer. I would recommend Clean Car Care to offer Jane a one-time hiring bonus and relocation assistance.I would leave out offering the hot skill premiums. The one-time hiring bonus would be helpful for Jane and it would only be a one-time expense to Clean Car Care. In this scenario, Jane is willing to move and work for Clean Car Care if the terms are right. Since she is willing to move, the relocation assistance, such as paying for moving expenses and providing house hunting services should be included in her offer letter. This would help the transition from Jane’s existing work and home to her new work and home.OFFER LETTER Clean Car Care (3Cs) Company April 20, 2013 Ms. Jane Roberts 2423 Fenton Parkway Tucson, AZ 87658 Dear Jane: On behalf of Clean Car Care (3Cs) company, I am pleased to offer you the position of manager at 3Cs’ Northside facility. You will directly report to Arlan Autospritz, Pre sident, Clean Car Care. This is an exempt position with an initial annual salary of $33,500, which equates to $1,288. 46 per bi-weekly pay period. Annual merit increases can be earned based on your job performance.We have established Tuesday, June 4, 2013 as your first date of employment. Please report to our main office located at 4356 Northside Dr. , Tucson, AZ 23456 at 8:30 am. Your benefits go into effect as of your date of hire. Your benefits include, health insurance, flexible work schedule, and vacation time. Clean Car Care would be happy to assist you in the relocation process by providing $1,500 for house/apartment hunting and $5,000 for normal and reasonable moving expenses.Additionally, we would like to provide you with $2,000 of signing bonus. This offer is contingent upon the successful completion of a background check; a drug screening test; signing this offer letter; and any attached documents and returning those signed documents to our Human Resources department. Aga in, Jane we look forward to your joining Clean Car Care (3Cs) Company and wish you a prosperous career here. Please indicate your acceptance of this offer below no later than April 22, 2013.Please keep a copy of this offer for your personal records. If you have any questions regarding this offer, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Arlan Autospritz President Clean Car Care I accept the offer as stated above. I understand and acknowledge that this offer does not guarantee me employment for any period of time and that the employment relationship between Clean Car Care and me will be â€Å"at will†, which means that either the Company or I may terminate the relationship at any time.However, we will request that you provide at least two weeks notice of your intent to terminate your employment with us. /// I also understand and acknowledge that the Company may change the terms and conditions of my employment at any time. Signature: __________________________________________ ______________________ Jane Roberts Date References Heneman, H. G. & Judge, T. A. (2012). Staffing organizations (7th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Wiz Khalifa Bibliography

Kylee Jade Whitaker. (: Mr. Knight’s language arts Second hour Wiz Khalifa Most of you probably know him from his songs â€Å"Black and yellow† or â€Å"no sleep†. Here is a look into the life of Cameron Jibril Thomaz or better known as his stage name Wiz Khalifa. Khalifa was born on September 8, 1987 in Minot, North Dakota, to a mother and a father serving in the military. His parents divorced when he was about three years old. His parents' military service caused him to move regularly: Khalifa Over the next thirteen years, he would move between Pittsburgh and South Carolina, Georgia, Oklahoma, Germany, Japan, and England as his parents were reassigned to different posts. In October of 1990, Wiz was separated from his mother, who left him in the hands of her sister while she served in Operation Desert Storm. During his travels, Wiz was forced to mature quicker than his peers did. He was constantly faced with new surroundings, new schools, and new sets of friends, and he found it difficult to become attached to anyone outside his family roots. This nomadic life gave Wiz an opportunity, though, to broaden his mind and offered him many experiences from which to draw inspiration. He began to perceive the world differently than most kids, and he would write his thoughts down every day. These thoughts would become the foundation for his future recordings. He ended up settling in Pittsburgh where he went to Taylor Allderdice High School. His stage name is taken from khalifa, an Arabic word meaning â€Å"successor†, and wisdom, which was shortened to Wiz when Khalifa was fifteen. Khalifa stated to spinner. om that the name also came from being called â€Å"young Wiz 'cause I was good at everything I did, and my granddad is Muslim, so he gave me that name; he felt like that's what I was doing with my music. † He got his stage name tattooed on his 17th birthday. He says Camp Lo, The Notorious B. I. G. and Bone Thugs-n-Harmony are some of his influences. Khalifa released his first mix tape, Prince of the City: Welcome to Pistolvania, in 2005. The mix tape led to his first full-length album entitled Show and Prove in 2006. Khalifa was declared an â€Å"artist to watch† that year in Rolling Stone magazine. This year, XXLmag. com ran a feature on Wiz stating that â€Å"his buzz has officially started to outgrow the streets. † After rave reviews from his first debut single â€Å"Youngin On His Grind,† Wiz premiered his follow up â€Å"Say Yeah† on AllHipHop. com. According to yahoo. com, He was just eight years old when he decided he wanted to become a rapper, and has been on his current career path since he was just 15. He describes his music, as well as the music of Pittsburgh, as being a â€Å"worldwide sound†. This is due in part to his own travels and the fact Pittsburgh is made up of a diverse set of people and thus tastes. The same could be said of his own musical tastes, as he likes more than just rap music. The popular song Black and Yellow was written about the Pittsburgh Steelers and is now the anthem for the Super Bowl bound football team. Black and yellow are the Steelers' colors. Music isn’t the only thing the breakthrough MC is not just working to build upon. He also is working on covering his whole body in tattoos. He turned down a chance to open up for Drake on tour before he was signed by a record label. Wiz doesn’t like subway and his favorite color is green. : He has some quotes and some of my favorites are: 3 things I want in a relationship: Eyes that wont cry, lips than won’t lie, and love that won’t die. Girls fall in love with what they hear. Boys fall in love with what they see. That's why girls wear make-up; and boys lie. Some people make your life better by walking into it. But some people make your life better by simply walking out. Taylor gang or die. H ated by many wanted by plenty disliked by some confronted by none. Sometimes we waste too much time thinking about those who don’t think about us for a second. I love everything you hate about yourself. Why do we ignore those who adore us, adore those who ignore us, love the ones who hurt us and hurt the ones who love us? â€Å"Don't date the most beautiful person in the world. Date the person that makes your world the most beautiful† – Wiz Khalifa  ¦ ? Works Cited http://www. spinner. com/2010/03/12/wiz-khalifa-interview-sxsw-2010/ http://www. xxlmag. com/old-freshmen-2010/2010/03/wiz-khalifa-most-charismatic/ http://allhiphop. com/2011/12/12/the-2011-playback-allhiphop-coms-top-50-hottest-songs-of-2011-50-to-26/ http://voices. yahoo. com/fun-facts-wiz-khalifa-7759700. html

“On Being Sane in Insane Places” Essay

It was very interesting to read about Rosenhan’s study and how psychiatrists, who go through big coursework and training, could wrongly classify a patient. It surprised me how some psychiatrists couldn’t say they don’t know what’s wrong with patients instead they could possibly diagnose someone as insane. Though reading this chapter I found the strange things from Rosenhan’s study that was hard to believe. Slater states, â€Å"The strange thing was, the other patients seemed to know Rosenhan was normal, even while the doctors did not.† (69). I believe patients can know that better than doctors because they are in that situation already and some doctors don’t analyze their patients carefully to know what’s actually happening with them. For example, if someone studies about one culture doesn’t mean that person knows way better that person who actually lives with that culture. Both chapters I found interesting because it relates to my life very well. I found out Elliot Aronson, Darley and Latane all kind of try to show that people needs to find reason for their actions. I believe each person as a human have to help everyone no matter what. Darley and Latane’s mention is about how to help someone in an emergency that relates with Catherine Genovse murder. Slater says, â€Å"You must interpret the event as one in which help is needed† (95). We read about Catherine’s murder and saw that after she had asked for help, someone yelled, leave that girl alone, instead of helping, and the only thing that happened was that the killer ran away (95). I agree with Darley and Latane’s that we need to know which help is needed and what help is not. The person may have helped with getting the killer away, but Catherine needed the help the most, so she wouldn’t die. I been in so many situations that someone needed my help and I helped as much as I could, but knowing what helped was needed help me a lot. Leon Festinger talked about how people really pay attention to what is going on in their life and around them. I think some people just pay attention to what they want. Its true most of the people like to listen to people who agree with them and ignore who doesn’t. The chapter also discussed how people can believe in something they can’t prove such as God working through  a person. I think even for believing a god it has many prove to make a person to believe it. I believe for believing on something need to have something as prove. This section is a really great one however I didn’t prefer how the experiments were described. I additionally didn’t’ prefer the experiments and there result. Harlow was a fascinating man and I preferred how the author discusses the experimenter and how they grew up on the grounds that it permits me to understand their conclusions about their examinations and why they are imperative to them. I thought it was interesting that the monkeys adored the cover yet when they were displayed a face they might be scared and yell or cry about it. What I establish fascinating was that when they were babies they existed like a typical life however when they got older they went insane. A percentage of the monkeys were introducing a mental imbalance, gnawing them, and one of the monkeys bit off his hands. This discovering was entertaining since Harlow was supporting the surrogate moms and this wound up going terrible for him. I wish the author might stick more to the investigations and less to her editorializing. I can’t agree with what Zola-Morgan does say â€Å"our human lives are intrinsically more valuable; monkey studies yield information that helps those lives† (153). Of course humans are more valuable than the monkeys, but still monkeys are animals and I think it’s so cruel to hurts them only because to do the experiment. If that kind of research saved the life of loved then I will be okay with that. I still feel awful with doing that type of experiment on poor animals that didn’t do nothing wrong.   This is another important finding because it just shows that psychiatrists may not have any idea about what they are doing, but no one questions them because of their authority. Of course after whom goes through big coursework and training, don’t expect someone to tell them they are wrong but from Rosenhan’s study they may be wrong too.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

African Americans Status in 1890 Essay

There were many problems that African Americans faced in the 1890’s some of which still exist in today’s society. African Americans have come a long way and earned many rights but still live with the hardships that they had in the 1890’s. The status of African Americans at this time in United States history was not good. Blacks had a very hard time living especially in the south. The problems that blacks dealt with were primarily found in the south where they were not accepted. Segregation became huge across the entire south after the Supreme Court ruled that â€Å"Separate but equal† was legal in the Plessy v. Ferguson case. Everything was separate but it was almost never equal. Whites always had things better than African Americans did. Blacks could not ride in the same train cars as whites. The national government gave blacks the right to vote but southern state governments took away that right through the use of poll taxes and literacy tests. A big problem that blacks faced was trying to stay alive. Many blacks were killed for no reason during this period of time. Jim Crow laws were set up to keep blacks from enjoying the same rights and privileges that whites enjoyed everyday. The Ku Klux Klan was set up by whites who had hatred for blacks. Blacks in the south feared for their lives and their families’ lives everyday. It was certain that African Americans would be confronted by racism each and everyday in the south. Relationships between blacks and whites have greatly improved in the last century but things still are not perfect and it is unlikely that they ever will be. The greatest changes were made during the civil rights movement in the 1950’s and 1960’s when blacks stood up for themselves and gained their rights as American citizens. Laws were finally passed that made literacy tests and poll taxes illegal. Segregation came to an end after Brown v. Board of Education turned over the ruling made in Plessy v. Ferguson. There was no longer â€Å"Separate but equal†, it was now just equal. Although many big steps have been taken to stopping racism and segregation it still exists in our lives today. African Americans still see racism everyday even though they are now doing many things with whites. Blacks and whites have been able to peacefully interact with each other for decades but you still see newspapers talking about segregation and racism. The overall improvement has been very significant. Comparing today’s society to the 1890’s show a lot of good change yet there are still problems in our society with race relations.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Performance Management Essay

1. Summarize the seven (7) components of the framework for coaching and performances management, and identify which ones you require development in and why. The seven components of the frame work for coaching and performance management are the coaching relationship, insight, motivation, capabilities, real-world practice, accountability, and organizational context. The first and most important step in the performance management process is to communicate what is expected. The should also be identifications of any job related learning needs and possible ways to address these needs. There also needs to be a performance review periodically to make sure that job expectations are relevant and appropriate and revise them if needed. Managers are encouraged to do this jointly with their employees which observing and documenting their performance. Throughout the performance management cycle, you should observe your employees’ performance and identify instances of both good and poor performance. Specific events and details are important for employees to clearly understand the impact, results, and consequences of their performance. Thorough documentation will enable you to recognize good performance and help you to correct poor performance. Provide feedback you should provide frequent feedback and coaching to your employees regarding performance throughout the year. This is especially important for the employee who is performing poorly. To be effective, feedback needs to be immediate, specific, and expressed in relation to a particular outcome and expectation. Deal With Performance That Does Not Meet Expectations. You may wish to enlist the support of your manager. He/she can give you the benefit of his or her experience and provide input and support before proceeding. Also, you can use the services of your Human Resources or Labor Relations Components especially if you are contemplating disciplinary action. They will provide the procedural and regulatory guidance as well as assistance in looking at alternatives and providing resources, intervention strategies, and other support.† (Public service commission) 2. Evaluate the validity of each of the reasons provided for failure in performance management. The reasons provided for failure in performance management versus performance appraisal discipline gap, accountability, measurement scarcity or overload, lack of balance and failure to assess impact. â€Å"There are two primary purposes of performance appraisal: evaluative and developmental. The evaluative purpose is intended to inform people of their performance standing. The collected performance data are frequently used to reward high performance and to punish poor performance.† (Smither, 2009) The developmental purpose is intended to identify problems in employees performing the assigned task. The collected performance data are used to provide necessary skill training or professional development. â€Å"The purpose of performance appraisal must be clearly communicated both to raters and rates, because their reactions to the appraisal process are significantly different depending on the intended purpose. Failure to inform about the purpose or misleading information about the purpose may result in inaccurate and biased appraisal reports.† (Cascio, 1998) 3. Identify two (2) of the barriers of success that are evident in preventing successful execution of performance management in a company you know well and recommend a solution to the problems. If you have not worked with or for a company that evaluates employee performance through performance management, imagine what the problems would be based on your knowledge of the company. Be sure to provide your rationale. Future scenarios allow organizations to explore multiple potential futures and generate robust strategies and early warning signs to understand how the future is unfolding. Where a vision articulates a â€Å"preferred future,† future scenarios describe how an organization might achieve its mission in different circumstances or environments. Organizations identify a focal issue or major decision the organization faces and the critical uncertainties in the macro environment, such as social, economic, political, environmental, and technical forces. Scenarios are developed based on combinations of these forces and robust strategies are identified to address multiple futures. Finally, indicators are identified to help understand how the future is affecting the organization’s decisions. In-order to fully understand the rationale past, present, and future analysis would have to be done on different work environments in-order to generally process the full computation of how and HR performance management society would work to stay in constant communication with the employee’s skill set.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Emotion and Reason Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Emotion and Reason - Essay Example For instance, if a person is happy and he writes a poem about her state it will motivate the readers to respond to the same state though they were not before. Following this, emotions may only perpetuate if logic and reason do not exist. The emotions may build up too much and one may not understand the need of these emotions. With this in mind, Plato concludes that even destructive emotions can be positive if one employs reason and logic to enhance a deeper understanding along with truth. This is summed up by the three components of human mind, which are desire, emotive, and reasoning parts. In his model, Aristotle believed that emotions are in split module but centred by ethical standards that result to desirable emotions. In this context, the right emotions are established from the principle of living a moral life. While people with desirable morals have right emotions those with undesirable life are vice versa. Aristotle believes that morals must harmonise with emotions and when t hey are combined dictates the human functioning. In his view, when one has a pure reasoning, the more one has the right emotions briefed in three components spirit, appetite, and spirit. Lastly, Stoics' conceptions of the good life regard that for one to achieve a true well-being one may require virtues, which are not inborn but inherited. The stoic account constructs the concept that human beings are born with an awareness of themselves and environmental factors dictate the state of well-being. According to Stoic, virtues are the sole foundation of happiness and all beings are capable of achieving these virtue. Failure of comprehending what is good leads to desirable emotions such s grief and anger (Haidt & Baron, 1996). In my opinion, Plato concept makes the most sense in that he recognizes that emotions can be constructed. In great thoughts, he highlights how poets construct emotions to readers despite lacking the stated emotions. Indeed, destructive emotions can be positive if o ne employs reason and logic to create a deeper understanding. For instance, a murder may desire to undesirable act out of self-gain but through logic and reason on what he would benefit may be a token it would create desirable emotions to him. This is what Plato defines as constructing emotions. Basically, the problematic aspect of Aristotle and the Stoics argument can be outlined on their concept that the more one has a pure life the more one has right emotions and the fact that environmental factors determines the state of being. In reality, Pluto proves that even destructive emotions can be positive if one use reason and logic to augments truth. Question 2 Master-slave analogy has been one of the recurrent metaphors to describe the relationship between reason and emotion. For various eminent thinkers including Plato, Stoics and Kant, reason is ought to be the master of emotions or passions. Do you think that this analogy righty captures the relationship between reason and emotion ? Why, why not? Discuss by using the relevant readings In my opinion, Master-Slave fails to capture the relationship between emotion and reason as it highlights two propositions. First, it suggests that emotion and reason are separate entities and secondly, reason should rule emotions since it is the greater one. Before highlighting the approach of reason and emotion, we will briefly explore the concepts of different ancient

Monday, August 12, 2019

Week3-3dq3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Week3-3dq3 - Essay Example For the purpose of this paper, it will concentrate on the logical view. As its name suggests, everything should follow what the approach feels is logical, without much deviation. It normally followed the Booch Method; an object oriented language, although Booch has mostly been overtaken by Unified Modeling Language (UML). However, Booch is still being taught at most universities, normally called Rational Booch after the company Grady Booch was working at when he developed the method. Rational has since been acquired by IBM. Salehie points out that the logical view should be used first in the process, during the documentation phase (Ibid 2004). The primary documented approach of the logical view is concerned how the end system interacts or reacts with its stakeholders and what service it would exactly provide. IBM has a software tool called â€Å"Rational Rose† which uses UML. Something like biology, the logical view with Rational Booch uses â€Å"classes† to identify certain architecturally significant items and the classes are further broken down into class diagrams (groups of related classes) and class templates (each template is only concerned with one specific class). Meanwhile, items common to all of the classes are referred to as class utilities. As Kruchten says (1995), â€Å"the numerous adornments are not very useful† during the logical view, referring to a confusing array of symbols. So various standardized symbols are used for simplicity’s sake. Even the lines have a certain significance and the key should explain what each means. As an example, he used the example of a modest PBX telephone system versus the blueprint of a complicated national air traffic control system. Using different symbols, Kruchten was able to document both blueprints using a single one for each (he had many years of experience in both industries). If there is a keyword for the technology of this era, it is

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Statistical techniques for investment, finance or economic problems Essay

Statistical techniques for investment, finance or economic problems - Essay Example Five years later, defaults began kicking in as more homeowners were unable to refinance their loans or sell their depreciating homes, gradually snowballing into hedge fund suspensions and massive write-downs. The following year the snowball accelerated into an avalanche, effecting the closure or sell-out of financial stalwarts Bear Stearns, IndyMac Bancorp, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers. The two largest mortgage finance companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, needed a bail-out by the Bush administration; not long after insurance giant American International Group (AIG) followed suit. With the advent of the new administration, one of President Obama’s first official acts was to sign into law a $700 billion bailout in what is called the Troubled Assets Recovery Program (TARP) (Amadeo, 2009). The crisis spawned a credit crunch, prompting a substantial infusion of capital into the global financial markets by the United States Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, and the European Central Bank (Elliott, 2008). Financial institutions and intermediaries throughout the United States and Europe were thus severely affected in the contagion. On the other hand, the Asian financial markets have exhibited remarkable resilience to the crisis that has engulfed the US and Europe. China can count on its over US$ 100 billion inflows from 2003 to 2007 (Rodman, 2009). India may be somewhat more affected, with some expected possible impact on credit availability. (Rediff India Abroad, 2008) However, there is still a chance that China and India may succumb, albeit belatedly and less severely, to the effects of the financial debacle. These countries were the largest contributors to reductions in global poverty in the last two decades, as confirmed by several academic studies. However, they are now in danger of reduced economic growth, with a slowdown or even reversal in the poverty alleviation efforts. (Bajoria, 2008) With this

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Assignment-using restraints and seclusion in treatment Research Paper

Ethical Dilemma Assignment-using restraints and seclusion in treatment facilities - Research Paper Example According to a study, both psychiatric and emergency nurses hold the belief that these experiences of assault from patient is part of their profession and cannot be prevented (Haddad, 2004). This is quite a disturbing finding for those involved in providing mental health care. The Ethical Dilemma of Using Restraints in Treatment Facilities A patient receiving mental care behaves unpredictably. In some cases, they seem fine but suddenly perform violent acts—throwing objects, screaming or shouting angrily, and even posing as a threat to himself or to others. For clinical nurse practitioners in the psychiatric unit, this is the new dilemma they are facing: to use restriction or not. What is the ethical dilemma here? Nurses are expected to understand their role in patients’ lives. When it comes to the psychiatric care, one particular role stands out above all else—the nurse as an advocate for their patients (Park, 2009). It may be quite difficult to fight for the pat ients’ rights when faced with factors such as self-harming behavior, aggression targeted towards health care professionals, and the call as to whether restrictions should be used. It is often confusing where nurses should lie now—will it be in their role in advocating patient right to life, personal freedom, safety and preservation of dignity or will the nurse follow hospital protocols and use seclusion or restriction measures to avoid in any occurrence of harm to anyone? Most often, the latter is the case not because it was the appropriate response but because it is the instinctive human response to feel anger or fear (Haddad, 2004). What guide must a nurse use in correctly addressing the situation and what is the solution to this ethical dilemma? To make a nurse qualified for their roles in the hospital, ethical theories and principles have been established. Instructions have been specified to make the right choices. To start, ethical theories aim toward the achievem ent of an aggregate of objectives—beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy and justice--called ethical principles. Beneficence is concerned with â€Å"do[ing] good† and is pertinent to the principle of utility where one aims to do the highest possible proportion of good over evil (Penslar, 1995). The next objective, least harm, is quite similar to the first principle. However, this is used when any decision made will have a malicious outcome. Respect for autonomy requires an ethical theory to result in patient’s complete dominance over their lives having the privilege to control the decisions which ultimately leads to the first principle of beneficence (Ridley, 1998; Ethical Principles, 2010). In relation to that, there are various perceptions of the connection between the two. Beneficence is given first concern rather than the autonomy of a person when viewing it paternalistically or the opposite in a libertarian view. Moreover, an ethical theory must acco mplish justice where fair actions are needed to resolve and is characterized by reasonable basis to (Ethical Principles, 2010). Moreover, nonmalificence differs from the least harm principle in that this aims to cause no harm at all and is considered to be of the greatest importance even if all principles are of the same significance in theory (Kitchener, 1984; Rosenbaum, 1982; Stadler, 1986). According to Rainbow’